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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. welcome to this wonderful forum, your tanks look great!
  2. in reality i end up using these all the time (for various reasons)(sorry about the mess):
  3. lets see here, according the the internet: platies can be fed standard flake food male platies do not bother each other at all According to my experience: platies should be fed foods with good vegetable content male platies will harmlessly spar with each other, or chase each other around.
  4. not java fern, but despite what the internet claims, ive had success with anubias in the ground, i just dont bury the rhizome.
  5. @The endler guy Im really hoping this is a joke, because think about whats in your aquarium water: nitrogenous compounds Bacteria Fish Urine Mulm various microorganisms FISH Fish Meds Parasites Other Bacteria So NO do not consume aquarium water, unless you've boiled it to disinfect it.
  6. All right, this will probably be a photo drop day. BBS still going strong: Baby Cories as well various plants in my tank: Platies in the project tanks: @jwcarlsonmy current reading project: the other books i want to read are An Aquarist's Journey by Rosario Lacorte, and The Tub Pond Handbook by Dr.Ted Colleti. (i dont think my local library has either, so ill need to buy them,and with the tub pond book, having it on hand whenever i need it will be very helpful.)
  7. i agree with this, i mean platies will eat ANYTHING.
  8. i think this algorithm might be a little too accelerated. you also have to make sure you dont end up destroying all the eggs, and you are very diligent removing bad eggs, and assuming your eggs hatch. a month or two later another few months later, assuming somebody wants to buy them assuming you get at least a pair of an egg laying speicies, (excluding sprem holding livebearers). like 1betta wont give you more eggs, 20white clouds probably will. you missed a step as well: after each step: Sit back and enjoy your mini ramshorn snails. I am probably taking this WAY to technically, so i apologize @Cinnebuns
  9. hmmm... Giant Gouarmi. 😄 unrelated but i met a guy at my LFS who has a bunch of monster tanks, he had like giant puffers, and oscars, and one of these fish.
  10. @iwanttostayanonymous 92074 what are the ingredients in the flake food?
  11. well, we'll have to see what happens to the eggs. hoepfully some fry.
  12. @iwanttostayanonymous 92074are you feeding any blue foods? ive found that my platies poop red when fed red foods, so blue foods could make their poop blue.
  13. youd be suprised how fast they grow in a week.
  14. if it happens with platies, ive never seen it. I also have never kept guppies.
  15. ive never heard they could do this, that is interesting. @BF McUmberif you were to get a male, get another female with it to prevent any extreme harassment on the female
  16. maybe put a net over them or something to protect them?
  17. @CJs Aquatics check out these 2 journals. myself and @TheSwissAquarist are having a small competition on this topic:
  18. have you considered some sort of excersize mirror? just a mirror the betta can flare at for a few minutes everyday, oh wait, zaggi is a female betta...
  19. @BF McUmber chances are the amanos are not hurting the fry, and neither is the mother. There is a chance with the age she was when the males died that she is not pregnant. My other tip is look VERY carefully, its good that you provided hiding spots, and guppy fry are VERY good at hiding, you might have some you dont know about, or it could just be my first idea. @xXInkedPhoenixX@Guppysnail
  20. @zpayne10 i am nowhere near an expert on this, and know almost nothing on saltwater, i am just making a guess that most of the base parameters are the same, considering if you ignore the salt, they are basically the same hobby. (saltwater kits might be calibrated for high PHs but it still shouldnt be much of an issue).
  21. @zpayne10 i imagine that most parameters for saltwater, will test similar to freshwater. people deal with PH in saltwater people deal with nitrogenous compounds in saltwater. @Biotope Biologistyou are a marine biologist, can you confirm this^
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