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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2021 in all areas

  1. There be babies here! I know it’s just endlers but it’s my first ever fry and I’m really excited. Years of fish keeping in the past and now again in the past two years since I started up again I never expected fry as my water is just terrible.
    10 points
  2. I took some nice pics of the big guy!
    7 points
  3. This baby shrimp is less than half a grain of rice long!!
    5 points
  4. Before unfolding this recommendation, just for context: we are running about 17 tanks presently. Most of them are dedicated breeding tanks, which have virtually nothing to do with the substance of this post. When you're focussed on breeding fish, your purpose is quite different from keeping elegantly designed tanks. Additionally, many fish keepers find deep satisfaction from keeping "Wet pets." We typically give names to such fish, and build environments for them that are less aesthetic in value but more personal . . . fun . . . memorable . . . etc. Beautiful balance is not your main goal with such tanks. Having a cool place to interact with that adorable Betta or your pet Oscar is. Furthermore, a pure-blood aquascaper is already grooving on artistic delights that will make the following suggestions feel too elementary. And conversely, the contrarian fish keeper who loves to troll the fish nerd world by keeping a ghost knife fish, a goldfish, a school of mosquito fish, and a piraña in a 10 gal tall . . . should move along now. This thread is not for you. SO setting breeding tanks aside, as well as "wet pet" tanks, aquascaped masterpieces, and odd-ball internet-breaking nonconformists . . . that leaves us still with many people seeking recommendations for good setups. Every week, on this forum, posts are made . . . "how should I set up this tank" . . . "what would you stock in this tank?" . . . "what's your favorite community fish tank combinations?" . . . "name your favorite plants" . . . etc. To all of these and the like, I propose the following suggestions: (1) Think of your setup in three groups: Hardscape, Plants, Fish (2) For each of the three groups, firmly establish [a] a homogenous group [b] a major feature [b] a minor feature (3) As an example, for Hardscape: [a] substrate can be your homogenous group . . . or a bunch of small stones, pebbles, etc. [b] a large rock or stone outcropping can be your major feature . . . or an elegant piece of wood [c] just a couple smaller rocks, or smaller wood pieces can serve as your minor feature -- typically balanced a bit apart from the major feature. (4) As another example, for Plants: [a] a carpeting plant makes for a nice homogenous group . . . or, as Cory mentioned recently, a massive grouping of crypt can provide this feature . . . we've used rotalla indica before . . . and trimmed hygrophilia . . . even a lot of valisneria, though tall, can provide a "homogenous plant grouping" . . . even a bunch of hornwort can work . . . or floating water lettuce, frog bit, etc [b] a major feature plant might be a sword, a large lily, a huge java fern, an Anubis, etc. The key is that it stand out by its size, placement, difference, etc. [c] minor feature plants might be Buce, nana petit, etc. smaller, not as stunning, but beautiful nonetheless. Choices are infinite, but again, the suggestion here is: choose a grouping plant, a major standout plant, and a minor plant. (5) Finally, for Fish: [a] a schooling fish is so satisfying as a homogenous group. Your favorite tetras . . . or shiners . . . even livebearers . . . maybe angelfish . . . corydoras . . . something that, together, forms a large group [b] a major centerpiece fish, pair of fish, or small group that stands out by its size, behavior, color, etc. Of course it must be compatible with all other fish. [c] And then some minor feature fish -- often bottom dwellers, plecos, etc. "quieter" fish that you appreciate more for their special secrecy than for their flamboyance. I suggest that any tank set up with these three levels attended to with hardscape, plants, and fish stocking will be a life-long delight to enjoy.
    5 points
  5. I took a trip to Aquarium Coop Wednesday and came home with a bunch of plants! Java Fern, Anubias Nana, Tiger Lotus, Pearl Weed, hydrocotyle japan, Bacopa Carolina. From another LFS I bought: Ludwigia, Rotala H’ra, Alternanthera R and Mayoca.
    4 points
  6. I was really happy when i took the effort to raise my baby angels. They look so funky as kids compare to adults:
    4 points
  7. This is great, @CorydorasEthan! I do want to add that I think this project is much bigger than NERM day—it’s something that will take a lot of time and thought, and is quite possibly something we want to keep doing for a long time. So don’t feel constrained by the holiday. If some article or articles come out that week, that’s great, but let the project take the space it needs. 👍
    4 points
  8. I'm not sure I feel experienced enough to write an article, but I'd be happy to offer proof-reading services for anyone who wanted them 🙂 It's something I enjoy as another hobby.
    4 points
  9. A forum highlights reel by @Daniel (I saw you’ve already started so I’m assuming you’re committed enough for me to write your name down 😄) I have started collecting forum history!
    4 points
  10. More likely the bio load from the snails is so tiny that any no2/no3 generated from their waste is quickly absorbed by the plants in the tank. You're probably good to add a fish or two, but I'd test every second day and feed lightly for a week to let things catch up to the stark increase in bio load.
    4 points
  11. Ever check out your fish at night? Thought I'd share a few nighttime shots from our tanks, in no particular order. Jump in and photo yours if you like.
    3 points
  12. Here is my Ammannia Gracilis x3, from the COOP. looking good, really cool plant.
    3 points
  13. I am so excited by how much progress has already been made! To streamline communication and planning @Anita has graciously volunteered to coordinate with @CorydorasEthan's assistance. I look forward to seeing how this unfolds!
    3 points
  14. Hey welcome to the forum! Also nice to have more newbies! "Albino Catfish" is an extremely generic term. It could mean anywhere from an albino cory to an albino walking catfish (look it up its a real fish). But thankfully the pictures show enough for me to identify it. This is almost certainly a member of the family Callichthyidae, which includes Corydoras catfish. I would say it is an albino variant of the species Megalechis thoracata, also known as the hoplo catfish. It is a great fit for your 55 gallon, growing to 5 inches max. They are peaceful community fish and will do fine with tetras, rasboras, barbs, dwarf cichlids, livebearers, angelfish, plecos, and more. I would say get it a few friends of its type, but if you can't find any more, go for Corydoras catfish as well. I hope this helps, and good luck!
    3 points
  15. Or on the other end of the spectrum, how about an aquarium version of "Where's Waldo?"
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. @CorydorasEthanCheck your inbox for a PM. Thanks! 😎
    3 points
  18. @StephenP2003 The Fluval 3.0 stilettos have been upgraded. A clip was added to the top to hold it in place, and it is sturdy strudy. The one shown is 2" above the top of the tank rim. \
    3 points
  19. I just got a computer that is able to run CAD. this is one of my first projects, I'm pretty happy with how they came out. I uploaded the file to thingiverse if any one else wants to print them. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4821731
    2 points
  20. This forum went public on Bastille Day, 2020. I think it has been an amazing home for planted tank enthusiasts during a very difficult time. We should do something special to celebrate this community on 2021.07.14.
    2 points
  21. For the Photo Contest I was thinking we could have multiple topics to enter in. Something Like... Prettiest Betta (because it seems that most people have one) Best Scape Best Looking Invertibrate Prettiest Fish (this way no matter what everyone can join in) What do you think?
    2 points
  22. I will get the nerite snail when more algae forms on the glass. And the corydoras are curerently eating hikari sinking wafers for bottom dwellers, and they went crazy for it!
    2 points
  23. Love the term. My whales are my favorites. As they get older (they're about 2) and have more fry, their tails seem heavier and heavier, but they're huge and colorful, and I brought in some smaller tailed mails to try to take the pressure off the next generation!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I'm so glad I went! Thanks to everyone who recommended, of course. The FW building blew away the SW building; it's not even close. Here's some pics.
    2 points
  26. looks nice now. going to really look good once those plants take off.
    2 points
  27. @Catfish_Lover_Jane I encourage you to start a thread in the Photos, Videos, and Journals Topic about your betta tank. I would, and I'm sure lots of other members would love to see your progess in this tank.
    2 points
  28. First Wabler of the year. Found a pair of Yellow Throated Warblers here in Ohio. We've had some yellow rumped but I have not had luck spotting them.
    2 points
  29. Congrats! Have a virtual cigar...
    2 points
  30. @CorydorasEthan If it would help, I would be happy to tackle the Articles project. I am a freelance writer/editor (see "About" in my member profile), so I have done this sort of thing. Or if you prefer to be in charge, I could support whatever you need. 🤓
    2 points
  31. Day 2 50% change done yesterday and nitrites appear to be down to about 3. Everybody still alive and kicking. Yay! Do I need to be adding more bacteria when I do these water changes?
    2 points
  32. I just saw this aquarium decoration at Petco and I couldn’t help but wanna post it.
    2 points
  33. . 🤣 She drives a used Nissan right now... I'm guessing that won't fly in VT? Also, do we need to get some patagonia? Is that part of the dress code?
    2 points
  34. I’ve enjoyed seeing all these planted tanks. I definitely want to start another aquarium. Here’s my 29 gallon.
    2 points
  35. So I finally got something worthy posting on this thread, after several years of faithful service my old API Filstar L canister filter kicked the canister today, the motor just didn't want to motor any longer. Early morning panic but there was still a little bit of flow coming out of it. So after a quick inventory I took the sponges out the API Filstar L, and transferred them to a quickly set up Aquaclear 70 that had been sitting in my garage for a while, I left the Sera Siporax, and the Eheim pre-filter running on the API Filstar L. After a short search of what's out there and available I settled on a Fluval 407 of which only one was available in the larger area at a Petsmart 21 miles away in the next town, so after prepping for the tank overhaul I got in the car and picked it up, they even had the spray bar kit in case I wanted more flow, I got both but I'll see how the flow turns out without the spray bar first. First time ever I actually had one of their $25 coupons of any purchase over $100 when I could use it, and it also happened to be on closeout and reduced by $87, woohoo, jackpot.Transferred the sponge from the Aquaclear 70 to the Fluval 407, and the Siporax from the API Filstar L, then began the fun with the Fluval hoses, after I figured it out it really was no big deal. The Eheim pre-filter needed a tubing piece from an even older Rena Filstar to be a connector to fit. 53 years of fishkeeping have taught me to hang on to miscellaneous tubing, and parts, so one trip to the garage, the Fluval tube shortened with a plastic tube cutter , and the 407 was souped up to my liking. Priming went faster than any other canister, and oh horror, I had looked at the page and overlooked that in and out flow were opposite of what the API Filstar L had been, so unhook the hoses again, drain the filter again, switch the hoses around, in and out flow reversed, airstone, Surface skimmer, heater, and CO2 diffuser moved around, filter primed again and working, tank refilled, plastic pieces on the lids re-cut, and we're back in business. I'm glad I had kept the Aquaclear 70, and miscellaneous parts from my Aquarist pack rat collection special edition, and that I build my substrate bio-filter with plenty of crushed lava rock, also glad I chose to do my jungle and not an Iwagumi. Water quality is same as before, and it seems disaster was averted and my bestest beneficial bacteria buddies in my filter, my fish, and plants were saved by quick, and exhausting action. However, tomorrow will be another water test, and I will keep checking for the next week. For tonight I need a hot tub soak to relieve the knee pain from crawling around on the floor while fixing hoses. Little souvenir from my time working for Uncle Sam.
    2 points
  36. cut caffeine earlier in the day.
    2 points
  37. Yes thats is a ghost shrimp or glass shrimp, I have a 10 gallon of them breeding, if you look extremely closely on the antenna I there's an colored band, yours have a orangeish band that identifies it, I believe as a Eastern North American Glass shrimp, same as mine, if they're more reddish I think they're a western North American variety, (but they have exoskeletons that's built with all the food they eat and stuff in the water and that does affect how their exo looks ). they shed this regularly as they grow, I believe the discolorations you are seeing are imperfections or excess / deficiencies in the exoskeleton of your shrimp, keep watching it and it should molt eventually and then recheck it after it molts, if there is some kind of mineral deficiency of some kind you'll see it but, if it comes out looking like a normal ghost shrimp then it was just an imperfection in the exo from previous conditions, and not all glass/ghost shrimp are going to be clear, they're all going to have some kind of discoloration to a point but because they're called ghost/glass shrimp it does mean they should be at least mostly clear, but take my advice with a grain of salt I'm still learning myself but It appears we have the same shrimp, and I've had them come in and look just like that, they molt and there just fine, if you do see any issues after a molt add a Wonder shell then just repeat the whole wait and check process again, but I don't see anything wrong with that one, looks just fine to me
    2 points
  38. @Fish Folk Thank you! I love these ideas! That’s really what I had in mind all along, (more neon’s and a couple more cory’s) but my family thinks I’m nuts and told me not to buy any more fish or plants 😅 Little do they know I have big plans for their bedrooms when they head off to college, I’m hooked 🤣 I’ve been all over water changes! At least once a week ~20-30%, with some touch up extra gravel vacs once in a while if things look grimy (why did I pick white sand?!). And water parameters have been pretty solid all along, except an ammonia spike after I added the planting substrate etc. a little while ago. It’s so difficult to find the black(/dalmatian?) Molly’s if they are above the current level of the plants, so I’m definitely planning on putting in some tall grass type plants along the back wall!
    2 points
  39. I have three suggestions that probably do not quite fit neatly on a "forum suggestion box" thread, but I hope someone will find these helpful, and at least give it a think. (1) As has been mulled over (Cory mentioned on a recent stream) . . . it would be fun to see a BAP and HAP program organized. We submit all of our BAP fry via video journals to PVAS (our local fish club), many of which we have copied onto the forum already. (2) It would be very helpful to organize a way for people to buy and sell fish and plants via the forum -- especially if BAP and HAP programs are set up. I understand that this poses problems of competition, etc. Would there be a profitable way for Aqua Huna or Aquarium Co Op to buy BAP / HAP livestock at wholesale costs, given certain parameters, and then resell? Or . . . would there be a way to set up a "trading floor" where the Forum provides a quasi "aquabid-like" context for members . . . or established breeders to operate from? It just seems like there's room for something . . . (3) And, tangentially related, I think that it would be interesting to develop a fry system that hangs on the outside of a standard tank that has features similar to Dean's fry system -- air, matten, gentle inflow from tank and outflow, possible other items . . . heater? small light? I could get really prescriptive here . . . but I'm thinking of a system where, say, an Anabantid bubbliest could be scooped up and dropped in to hatch fry . . . where an ornament with Cichlid Eggs should be dropped in to hatch fry . . . where a female livebearer could be moved in to drop fry . . . something that could hang on the outside of a tank, provide enough volume, but a shallower depth . . . we use hang-in specimen containers for a lot of things, have tried breeder nets, and have created DIY air-powered inflow / outflow extender tanks. I think there's room in the market for a dedicated EZ Fry System.
    2 points
  40. Here’s where they are today
    2 points
  41. Well, there’s drama already. The new honey gourami passed away this morning. It had been acting really odd the last few days. It went from frantic glass surfing to hardly swimming at all, just floating at the top of the water among the salvinia, its feelers spread, taking a gulp of air every few seconds. I have a sponge filter in the 10 gallon so I can’t imagine the oxygen was low. I never did convince it to eat pellets, but the second day it ate frozen baby brine. Yesterday it didn’t even eat that. It was like it didn’t even see them. I thought it might be depressed since it had come from a tank with lots of other tank mates. At one point it was chasing and poking the amano shrimp—it seemed pretty desperate. I brought over one of my giant tetras from the 55, but the honey never seemed to see her or be interested in saying hi. No external sign of disease, so I thought another possibility was maybe it had internal parasites. Last night I did the first dose of paracleanse. I probably should have started that sooner. It’s weird, because at the LFS it was in a tank with REALLY high flow, so it and its tank mates were swimming really hard against the current. It couldn’t have been too unhealthy then. I called the place where I got it just to see if they had seen any issues, and of course they hadn’t. They’d already sold all the other honeys and no one else had called in with problems. They offered me a store credit, but I explained I was two states away, so don’t worry about it. 😅 I’m bummed, but I’m more confused. I like to know the “why” of things. Near the end it almost seemed like the fish was blind, the way it was swimming with its feelers outstretched all the time. But we don’t always get to know the why, do we? 😝 Now the poor tetra gets to hang out in that tank for two weeks while I wait and see if she caught whatever the honey had! In happier news, I got a co-op order today and I’m really excited to have the test strips! And the stingray sticker, even though Cory doesn’t like stingrays. 😁
    2 points
  42. Been busy/distracted the last few days with some personal stuff, but here's a quick vid of Igor working on a heavy duty excavation project. I'm going to have to move that sad little anubias she's burying.
    2 points
  43. I wouldn’t have thought of my tank as heavily planted until the hornwort grew into a canopy. I am wondering when I should cut it back? My betta Rilian likes it!
    2 points
  44. Instead of resting the new tank on the bars of the stand, and then supporting the bars, I'd recommend just building a wood frame with plywood on top that would rest directly on the floor, then set the tank on it. Paint it black and it will blend in with the stand.
    2 points
  45. 75 Gallon Heavy plants, mostly bottom feeder loaches/ cory's and a few platy's and tetras with 5 guppies. CO2 injected and just added a powerhead to circulate the water better to get co2 and nutrients equally distributed
    2 points
  46. Some incredible aquariums here! Makes me want to start another aquarium! Haha Here is my 55 gallon, 29 gallon, 40 gallon breeder and 10 gallon.
    2 points
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