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What fish do you just not get?


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10 hours ago, CT_ said:

Male bettas and most of the distorted gold fish.


I see why people like betta but to me the long fins are almost repulsive.  It must be some weird phobia I have or something.  Now the female bettas , those are excellent looking fish imo.

Do you like male plakats because they have the shorter fins?

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When I see the Bettas lined up on shelves like a vending machine at the LFS, I have to wonder why you would want a fish that can't stand to be around it's own kind. 

I can understand why people like the colors and variations, but I haven't seen one yet that looked good in those baseball sized prisons.

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I find it's strangely hard to get myself psyched for angelfish.

Maybe it's their color ways of white, black, silver, silver and black, silver with more black, slightly bluish or greenish silver with black, oh, this one has some orange but only if you feed it tons of orange food.

Maybe it's their red eyes and scowly faces, or their bony finger feeler things, or their aggression with other tank mates, or all their special needs due to their height, or the feeling like, sooner or later, everyone gets at least one angelfish, but I'm still not feeling it.

I mean, I'll probably get one one day and love it, but I'm happy to put it off for awhile.

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Snails... I just don’t get snails 😅 but also most discus variants, I think wild discus are so beautiful but some of the ornamental variants just look like plastic toy fish. And it amuses me when people spend all their time making the most natural looking tanks and then fill it with the most unnatural looking fish. Each to their own, as long as you’re enjoying in do whatever you want! 

I also don’t really get people that keep set ups that are so complex and so high maintenance that you never get time to just enjoy the thing. But again whatever floats your boat... you do you ☺️

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51 minutes ago, Lee626 said:

Snails... I just don’t get snails 😅 but also most discus variants, I think wild discus are so beautiful but some of the ornamental variants just look like plastic toy fish. And it amuses me when people spend all their time making the most natural looking tanks and then fill it with the most unnatural looking fish. Each to their own, as long as you’re enjoying in do whatever you want! 

I also don’t really get people that keep set ups that are so complex and so high maintenance that you never get time to just enjoy the thing. But again whatever floats your boat... you do you ☺️

Wild caught discus are defentley one of my favorites I also really Pigeon Blood Discus, but thats about it.

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On 2/13/2021 at 6:25 PM, James Black said:

Lets be honest, we all have that one fish in our minds that you have never understood why one may keep one. It doesn't necesarilly mean that you are against keeping that fish but that you just couldn't see your self keeping that fish and being enjoyed. Not every fish is for every aquarist.

I would say Rice Fish for me are a fish that I just don't get

I absolutely hate gold fish they to me are the ugliest fish out there and they aren’t very fun to keep

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Super fatty goldfish varieties or the ones with these huge head growths (forgot the name). Orandas? To me they just seem to struggle monumentally to even swim properly. Cory's own back when he had the 800g tank goldfish were so slow and derpy, they seemed to be dying, so much that he had to constantly explain that's just how they are. I prefer the body type of comets. 

Edited by HenryC
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16 hours ago, CT_ said:

I hadn't heard of the plakat before now.  They definitely look better 🙂

Here is my new plakat betta, Cosmo. I guess they're coming info popularity for people who prefer the shorter fins. He's in a 10 gallon tank by himself, and loving every gallon so far. I read that plakats are more active and aggressive, which makes sense when you see how fast they can swim. I've also read that the koi plakats can change color dramatically, so while I adore his current coloration, I won't be surprised if it changes. 




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1 hour ago, Angelfishlover said:

Why don’t you like discus or angels I’ve never understood why people don’t like them as I am a discus and angel fish keeper mainly 

No worries! I love discus and angelfish, but different strokes for different folks, right?

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3 hours ago, Hobbit said:

Honestly... I just don’t like the look of guppies. 🙈 I can’t really explain it. But I fully support everyone who keeps them and I promise to be excited about your excitement!

There really is a fish out there for everyone.

That's it. We can't be friends anymore. 

Lol, I think guppies look weird and bloated sometimes. They aren't a svelte streamlined torpedo for sure. It bugs my BF I think, and I kinda see why. But mixing and matching colors is so gratifying that they become addictive.

I actually feel meh about a lot of fish initially. They grow on you somehow. 

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4 hours ago, Hobbit said:

Honestly... I just don’t like the look of guppies. 🙈 I can’t really explain it. But I fully support everyone who keeps them and I promise to be excited about your excitement!

There really is a fish out there for everyone.

I am not a huge fan of guppies either, especially the leapord tales. My favorite are Panada Guppies and Koi Tuxedo, those are really the only guppies that I have seen and really liked.

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1 hour ago, Brandy said:

I actually feel meh about a lot of fish initially. They grow on you somehow.

This is definitely true! I’m sure someone could give me any fish at all, and just by seeing it every day I would come to like it.

Especially if I wasn’t responsible for the water changes. 😇

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5 hours ago, Angelfishlover said:

Why don’t you like discus or angels I’ve never understood why people don’t like them as I am a discus and angel fish keeper mainly 

I think they look cool, but I think they are a bit boring for a big fish plus I am not a fan of keeping fish that need water that warm. I tend to like smaller fish. I don't really keep cichlids anymore. Nice to look at but I don't want to deal with them.

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