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On 6/7/2022 at 1:12 AM, Torrey said:

I did move it back from the fencing around the patio to reduce accidental butts. If I move it any further away, it won't get any natural sun at all and the fish and plants don't do as well.

Maybe you could put up a hail screen “trellis” to ahem, grow some vining plants. Then forget to add the vining plants.  Or add the vining plants as long as it wouldn’t be too much shade for your pond.  That would make it much more difficult to toss butts in your pond.

Edited by Odd Duck
Multi-post strangeness.
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Just did a feed for everyone. Now that I’m somewhat successful at some tetra and pleco breeding I have to build a new grow out area with a brine station.  Wasn’t really prepared for it to kick off like this but even my wife is excited and told me to get building a grow area in the other empty room we have. Ah ok! I’ll start with 4 , 20 talls and see where that gets me. Can’t wait to take some pics and share with you guys. 

I guess I should say the fish I’m going to start breeding are Columbian Terra’s , bueno Aires tetras, leopard danios and of course my super reds and browns plecos. 
i even have some really nice white clouds I’m thinking about. I’m excited.

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I got a few new angelfish from the breeder today to replace one DOA and 3 that got sick, plus a couple that had some underdeveloped operculums.  They’re a bit smaller than the others, but because one of the older ones had fin rot (now clear and fins regrowing), they will all be ready to come out of QT only a week apart, so unless something happens to convince me otherwise, I’ll hold the older ones and put them all in the big tank at once.

I swapped to new, bigger HOB’s on the 100 G, nanofish tank and moved those filters boxes to the 75 G.  I put new foam in the 100 G filters but kept the foam pre-filters with only light cleaning to seed the new foam.  Don’t worry, there are 2 double stacked, large, sponge filters in the tank, too, which I did not clean today.  I did replace the felt discs in the Ziss Air Stones running both of the double stacked sponges.

Transferred all the sponge in the old HOB’s from the 75 G directly into the transferred HOB boxes since the roots of the plants are hardcore imbedded in that old foam. Put used, but cleaned ACO foam pre-filters on both since the previous filters had finer foam (about 30 ppi foam) than I prefer for pre-filters.  I did a major clean up and about a 60% WC on the 75 and removed the rocks from that tank to give more bottom room for my big common plecos and make for easier cleaning.  The fish don’t seem to be moving the pots around too much so I don’t think the rocks are needed. Pulled the pots out that used to have Vals that didn’t survive the plecos and Jacks.  I’ll be planting a couple more Crinum calamistratum in a couple pots and putting back in.  The Crinum are currently floating in my kitchen sink (with the S. repens, Buces, and Anubias, 😆) but my spine ran out of minutes today.

I pulled a few Staurogyne repens from my 29 G that have been growing in a sponge caddy - those will go into the 100 G angelfish tank tomorrow to fill in gaps in the current planting of S. repens, but I will need to pull the wigglers out of that tank, first, so I don’t trigger the parents to eat them.  They are right on the verge of going free-swimming and I hope I can catch them in time because I think they’ll start swimming tomorrow morning.  I did a water change on the 10 G the angel babies will go into, but I need to do another one tomorrow since I ran out of RO water to mix with my tap and I want the params closer to their current tank.  The heater temp is adjusted to match the parent tank and holding nicely.  I’ll check temp on it again in the morning, do another good substrate vacuum, then pull water from the parent tank for another water change, then make the baby transfer, add the plants, and tidy up some dying emerse leaves.

I’ve got a few more tanks due for WC’s, then I’ll at least be caught up for a change.  If I still have energy left, I’ve got a few tanks I want to convert to UGF with matten foam substrate so one may get a full reboot instead of just a WC.  If I have anything left in the tank after that, I’ve still got loads of “fishroom” conversion prep still to happen.  At least I’ll be caught up with water changes so I can focus on fishroom stuff next week.

Last of all, I cleaned out a plant bucket and got the plants ready to actually plant or glue.  I have a couple little pieces of plain Mopanito to use.  They’ve been floating far too long and I’ve completely lost track of which Buces they are.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️  There’s even a couple small Anubias rhizomes that might be nana ‘Golden’ but I can’t tell since the leaves have melted a bit too much.  I had some come in so bad I didn’t want to even risk putting them in a tank, but now I’ve neglected them, so guilt is making me give them a third chance.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I’ll see if I can get some pics tomorrow of the rather pitiful Buces and Anubias rhizomes, the new angels, and the baby angels.

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On 6/15/2022 at 1:08 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

What did you change to? Did you change brands or something or just increase flow?

Went from Marineland Pro 375’s to 450’s.  I’ve been gradually replacing the regular Marineland filters with the Pros that have the pump inside the tank.  They run quieter and the impeller lasts longer, plus they have round uptake tubes instead of the stupid rectangular cross section their regular filters have.  I only wanted to get a couple more of 375 Pros when I bought the 450’s but Amazon was out of the smaller ones for quite a while, then when they came back the smaller filters were about $20.00 more than the bigger ones, so I went bigger and shifted the smaller ones I had on the 100 G to the 75.

I’ll clean up the regulars and sell them cheap to somebody.  These are the last that needed upgrading unless I decide to keep working my way through the 10 G’s in the rack.  Mostly I’m switching to the UGF’s with mattens for the 10’s, so I probably won’t get any more small HOB’s.  Especially since I’m going to do an auto-water change system for the fishroom.  I don’t think I’ll need HOB’s anymore after that on the little tanks.  I’ll have to see how many airlines my linear air pump can handle.  I may have to get a bigger one.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Marineland doesn’t seem to have the same level of quality and durability they used to have “back in the day” but the Pros definitely seem to last longer with less fiddling than their pump outside-of-tank HOB’s.

Edited by Odd Duck
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It’s aquarium coop plant unboxing day eeek so many pretty plants. Adding them to the 36g tomorrow. Also got a pleco cave for my boy to chill in. Hope he likes it. 
a few plants will Perk right up with some water and fertilizers. The trip from coast to coast in this south East heat wave was a bit rough this time. Cory and his team shipped them as awesome as always beautifully packed and protected









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Big water changes on 29&36g and first cleaning of my canister filter for 36g tank. Added some more plants. Waiting on water to uncloud so I can add the rest as my corycats are still swimming about so couldn’t just take water all the way down. Got my pleco cave placed he will find it at some point. He’s relaxing On his driftwood atm. Still have so many plants to place. 
planting stired up a lot of sand. 








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So did a couple things. I haven’t been on the forum for awhile just been so busy. Been doing most of my tank maintenance around 11-12 at night. 
i been working at my LFS because he needed help so why not.  I bought a tiger Oscar that wil go in with my bichir once the Oscar is bigger. As been working on some spawning mops. For my Columbian tetras and bought some marble to start spawning my leopard danios.  Things are good. Hope all is well with everyone. 



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Did the usual water changes. There been quite a bit of new growth in the 29 over the past three weeks. I didn't actually add any new plants - just dormant stuff started growing. Not sure if it is due to time dormant (over a year); heat (gotten hot here so tank is running a few degrees warmer); or perhaps increase light due to the massive trim i did on june 5th. Most of the growth is in the middle but some smaller stuff is showing strong growth on the left edge and in the back underneath the cardinals (not really visible in the picture). Obviously some of the plants are known for long hibernation but others kind of surprise me - a couple of crypts have gotten very active.




Here is the link to the last picture i posted here on June 5th if you want to see the change.



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Added the remaining plants the pebbles clouded the water a tad 🤦‍♀️Guess I didn’t rinse enough. But I’m so happy with how it looks now I have 5-6 Amazon swords of different variety added So many different textures in small foreground and mid ground plants Can’t wait for it to clear up 😁 






There that’s better removed suction egg tumbler bracket 


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On 4/17/2022 at 11:03 PM, Zaffis said:

Today I had a discussion with my friend who owns the house I live in to find out if he is okay with me potentially having a second (small) tank set up as a quarantine tank.  I didn't want to just assume he'd be okay with it.  Turns out he's fine with it in concept 😁, but changed the conversation to whether or not I should be spending any money on this stuff at all. 😟  He considers having a fish tank a luxury.  So what do you think -  Do you think of having an aquarium as an extravagant spend/luxury good? 

Without knowing a lot more about your financial circumstances I cannot comment on if it’s a luxury good.  But if your friend is concern about you spending money on aquariums, you might want to reflect on why.  After all he knows you better than we do.  Fish keeping can be cheap, but it’s not free.

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Took down auto feeders and dismantled the tanks-refilling system which is a fancy name for several buckets with water and pumps in them. Set it up three weeks ago because I had to go to another city and spend at least two weeks there with possibility of not getting back home for unknown length of time. Luckily everything worked fine, only lost two guppies and a bunch of shrimp that jumped out of their tank. One tank got a lot blue-green algae and horrible-looking yellowish slime, but fishes were fine with all of it. 

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On 6/30/2022 at 10:16 PM, Gingerbro98 said:

I recently had to tear down my 75 gal for a move. After staring at an empty tank for a week, I finally made up my mind on how I want my hardscape to look. Decided I wanted to go heavy on the hard scape. 




Looks awesome and interesting from every angle. Just remember that lots of wood can cause some ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes sometimes or just trigger some algae blooms/growth. Might need extra water changes to better manage it initially. Usually settles down but may take a while. 

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