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What's your favourite tetra?


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On 10/25/2021 at 7:41 PM, Fish Folk said:

In the right lighting… the tiny, delicate Hummingbird Tetra…


I LOVE these!  How many can I put in a 14 G cube and what kind of light do I need to make them shine like that!  I’ve been searching for something a little different that would be able to prosper in a 14 gallon, preferably as a school or at least a shoal.  These are stunning and I MUST find some!  Thank you!

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On 10/25/2021 at 8:52 PM, Odd Duck said:

I LOVE these!  How many can I put in a 14 G cube and what kind of light do I need to make them shine like that!  I’ve been searching for something a little different that would be able to prosper in a 14 gallon, preferably as a school or at least a shoal.  These are stunning and I MUST find some!  Thank you!

I’m sure you could fit 12-20 in a 14 gal. They’re impossible to find for sale. Some LED with blues and pinks…

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#1 Congo tetras, because who could resist these colors and fins


#2 Glo tetras, because again, colors! And they are very hardy, surprisingly. 


#3 Silvertip tetras and golden tetras. Love the looks and the schooling behavior.


#4 Cardinal tetras, the living jewels that look amazing among dense vegetation.


#5 Ember tetras, because they are small and their reddish-orange color is awesome.



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My two favorites right now are for two different reasons.

One is the standard congo tetra. They are absolutely beautiful and one of the best looking tetras that are out there.

However, if I was buying tetras I would buy a big group of rummynose tetras. They are amazing when they school together and they make a great addition to basically any tank. 


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On 10/25/2021 at 10:39 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

So where do you find them?

I'm going to throw a wrench in the mix and say blind Mexican cave tetras (Astyanax mexicanus).  They are interesting and for those of us who have hard water they are a great option.

Here is the most promising lead I could find . . .

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Hummingbird Tetras are like little carnival glass bubbles of micro perfection. Glorious, refined fish. If you're patient enough for it, videos like these are why YouTube has forever changed this hobby . . .

(Part 1)

(Part 2)


Edited by Fish Folk
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I think I’ve been in this thread about 3 hours now. Been researching finding different pics and watching videos of all these different types. Every time I’m done looking one up a couple new ones are posted. Wow a lot of different verities I’ve never heard of. So diverse so many different colors. This is gonna make keeping all the tanks I just broke down away from my fishroom so hard. 😬

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On 10/26/2021 at 4:23 PM, Patrick_G said:

That’s it! Internet info says they get 6cm. My memory tells me these were at least that long and generally thick too. They were also pricey, maybe $20 each. 

There not that readily available that why they command a high price

On 10/26/2021 at 4:07 PM, David Olszewski said:

Wow this one is on my Dream Wishlist now!

Here's what they look like when not in breeding colours still a nice tetra


Edited by Colu
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They're humble, but I love the sparkle and the flowing finnage (for the males, females have short fins) of my diamond tetras. I started out with a love/hate relationship with them because I had thought they were quite violent, but they only nip each other, and only when they're in a breeding mood. I've since learned their behavior is pretty typical tetra behavior, and I've come to truly enjoy how they swim together, sparkle, and look gorgeous in my planted tank.


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On 10/26/2021 at 7:29 PM, laritheloud said:

They're humble, but I love the sparkle and the flowing finnage (for the males, females have short fins) of my diamond tetras. I started out with a love/hate relationship with them because I had thought they were quite violent, but they only nip each other, and only when they're in a breeding mood. I've since learned their behavior is pretty typical tetra behavior, and I've come to truly enjoy how they swim together, sparkle, and look gorgeous in my planted tank.


Love them! 

I love my humble neon tetras too but one day I dream of a big blackwater tank with a whole bunch of sparkly diamond tetras! So gorgeous. 

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On 10/25/2021 at 12:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

The Crystal Red Tetra is my favorite solely because of it’s looks. The internet pics don’t do it justice. It’s like someone took a Red Phantom or Serpae Tetra and turned the color up to 11! The pics are from a LFS that keeps them as display only.  



Are those your tetras Patrick? Sheeeeeeeesh

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