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Everything posted by Solstice_Lacer

  1. Algae has pretty much cleared. Water looks clear. Snails are exploding a bit so I transferred one assassin snail from my other tank. Also transferred more overgrown hornwort. Tiger lotus is looking good. My nitrites still seem to be not quite zero so I continue waiting. This tank seems to be taking its time cycling. Is there a tipping point where one day it will suddenly be absolute zero nitrites, or can I do anything to help it along at this point. It's been about a month.
  2. I've seen them in my tank as well, I also believe they're assassin snail eggs. I've heard they can take up to 2 months to hatch and then typically burrow into the substrate for a while
  3. Looks like some kind of detritus worms as you suspect if they are long round and wiggly. They do their part to clean as I understand. I assume fish would eat them given a chance. Whatever tank they're from, it seems unlikely that you removed every single one, so you don't really need to add them back unless you actively want to try feeding something. Their population should ideally balance with the rest of the tank.
  4. Moved a couple things around including removing a rock in back to make room for dwarf sag to spread. Here's how it's looking currently. Duck weed and hornwort are dominating up top but I'm fine with that. Floaters are great filtration from what I understand.
  5. Got this tank and stand from Craigslist on a good deal. Added some flourite to the crushed coral that was included. Put some rocks in. A couple sticks turned into trees. One with anubius nangi and java fern, the other with anubius nana petite and java fern. One is stuck into the substrate and one has small rocks super glued to the base along with java moss. Planted 2 amazon sword, two kinds of valisneria, water wisteria and water sprite, pogostemon octopus, some scarlet temple, a tiger lotus, another big java fern on a rock, hornwort and duck weed floating. I may have forgotten a plant. A couple dry almond leaves. Also please forgive any plant misspellings 😅 Right now just shrimp and snails while I wait (im)patiently for things to cycle and balance. There is algae on the glass but the snails seem to be gaining ground. Also made my typical painted paper/cardboard background taped to the back
  6. Moved some plants around in the new tank. Both my dwarf water lily bulbs showed no growth after three weeks and a rotation. They started growing what I think was beard algae and had a sour/rotten smell, so I pitched them 😕 On the bright side, maybe they were spoiling my water somewhat so hopefully it will fully balance now. My tiger lotus is doing well so there is still that. And it made room to move both "trees" I made next to each other in the corner. I'll be starting a new journal with pics soon
  7. I've identified at least two berried females in my original tank, and I'm fairly sure one I moved to my newer tank also has eggs. So hopefully lots of babies soon.
  8. My new tank (25 gallon) has been going three weeks now with quite a few plants, 6 or 7 cherry shrimp I transferred over, some snails that hitchhiked, daphnea and cyclops and algae all growing, although the snails are battling the algae. Everything seems to be going ok, all my other water parameters are pretty ideal, but my nitrite continues to hover at not quite 1. I compared it to my other established tank to make sure I wasn't seeing things, and that one is still at 0. I have dosed with Prime. Should I do a water change, or use more prime, or just keep waiting 😕 I'm trying to be patient before getting any fish
  9. Perching on the Brazilian pennywort, just like I hoped they would use it
  10. Thanks for the advice, I'm going to ditch that piece and use a different dead branch I have. This one will just be hot water and left in the sun for a while.
  11. I have a small half burned piece of wood from the fire pit, currently soaking in a combo of hot water, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and paraguard. I already removed rough edges and loose bits of charcoal and ash. I'm assuming it will be safe to add to a tank once I've thoroughly rinsed it. I'm wondering if the charcoal part will help with water quality, but I don't really know how charcoal works. I know it needs to be "activated". But I don't know if that's what partially burned wood is. In any case I think it could look nice and give a future bristlenose something to graze on.
  12. I'm thinking of getting a small group of either honey or sparkling gourami for my planted 25 gallon. I've heard sparkling are harder to sex and can skirmish more among males. But they're smaller so potentially the extra space could offset that. Any thoughts? They would be the only fish except for a bristlenose.
  13. I just take off my glasses and squint real close 😅
  14. I think friend of the coop Ryan from wild fish tanks has experience with these fish. Idk if he's on the forum, but he's on YouTube
  15. I assume two like snails will produce all the same offspring, but what if a jade and a blue mate? Or a black and a gold. Etc. Are some colors dominant, is it an even split, will new colors/patterns happen, or will they revert to "wild type". Or a little of everything?
  16. Maybe use a small piece of air hose to bridge the gap if possible? Or if you're talking a tiny crevice, maybe seal with super glue?
  17. In theory they could but it depends if they get along. Schooling fish feel comfortable in as big a school as possible, so if you're looking for a two color effect, maybe look for purple harlequin rasboras to mix with the regular ones. They should all intermingle but contrast nicely. Just a thought. The same idea could work for any schooling fish that has multiple color morphs within the same species. Or sexually dymorphic fish where males look different than females
  18. That was my point, 75 is a minimum, not a maximum
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