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Everything posted by Solstice_Lacer

  1. Kind of beautiful considering they seem to be floating while doing this. I know getting ramshorn snails to breed isn't exactly impressive, but I'm still glad they seem to be thriving. I have plans for the babies.
  2. Your snails are very entertaining. Today I caught one of my ramshorn snails surface skimming for a bit before finally climbing off the "ceiling". I knew they could do this but it was still surprising to see. Especially since this one I think is the biggest of four.
  3. I think I have two, but I only ever see one. Idk if one died or is just extremely private. I've seen the one nibble on food I put in for the shrimp. And there still seems to be a few "pest" snails in my tank, so I may be lucky enough to have found an equilibrium where they breed faster than they can be eaten. I'm currently trying to breed some ramshorn snails to deal with some algae and provide additional food for the assassin.
  4. Thank you, they mainly eat aqueon shrimp pellets, and they always have Indian almond leaves. There's also lots of plants and wood to collect biofilm. I don't see wood mentioned a ton in regards to cherry shrimp, but they seem to love grazing on it and I wonder if it grows a specific type of yummy stuff for them.
  5. Three very berried females hanging out on a stick together.
  6. Thanks. I'm not totally sure. Maybe nothing. Long term possibly cherry barbs or micro danios of some kind. Maybe white clouds, or sawbwa barbs aka rummynose rasbora. I have no immediate stocking plans. I'll re evaluate after the holidays.
  7. I don't necessarily feel like making a journal just for this planted bowl, so I'll put it here I guess. Got some red ramshorn snails for it today
  8. Trying to keep the hornwort in check and keep things from getting too overgrown
  9. Just an updated tank shot. Added some more java fern on the right and a crypt tropica on the left after removing some rocks.
  10. Figured I would drop this here. I set up a super low tech planted bowl a couple weeks ago. Anubius, java fern, moss and hornwort. Seems to be going ok. No livestock right now. Might add some ramshorn snails to breed in there and keep it tidy.
  11. We love leaf, thanks mom. (Idk why one pic is upside down, sorry)
  12. Tank update. I removed a middle rock to create more of a double island sort of, and filled in with hydrocotyle tripartita, crypt lucens and micro sword. Occupants seem to be doing well
  13. Make sure they are getting good food and calcium.
  14. It will be an exciting project keeping up with them if successful. Must be something in my water lately, inverts love to reproduce in it.
  15. This is an unexpected but generally pleasant surprise assuming my lfs wants babies (if they lay eggs that hatch). I even predicted my snails genders correctly by accident if this is the case. I've read blue x gold = some jade babies hopefully. If that's the case I will probably keep at least one. I need to read up more
  16. Blue seems to be riding Goldie. From what I read this might be mating? Any thoughts/opinions are appreciated.
  17. One of these rocks is not like the others... (I made sure the snail wasn't stuck, it moved after a while)
  18. Shrimp seem to be thriving in this tank. Saw one molt right in front of me.
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