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Everything posted by Sliceofnature

  1. Great looking fish. Ive been growing out java fern in the tank with my Rosy tetras hoping that eventually theyll spawn and a few of the fry might at least make it until i can swoop them outta there. I havent seen any spawning activity yet but just added indian almond leaf for the first time to see if there are any noticeable changes with some extra tannins. *fingers crossed*
  2. Full disclosure ive never used the coop fry food myself but i can still say no its too big for freshly hatched leopard danios. I bred mine about a year or so ago and they are so tiny that honestly the first bites is too large at first. My advice would be bring in some water/substrate or plants from very established tanks so that the smallest fry have stuff to eat and just start feeding small amounts of the first bites that you have on hand as well.
  3. My two females are not getting along as well as i’d hoped. They lunge at each other pretty aggressively if they get within a couple of inches of one another and seem to have sortve each claimed a side of the tank most of the time. During feeding time theyre especially intolerant of one another. Their spats are very short lived consisting of basically one quick lunge and dont seem to cause any physical harm that i can see but i think it may be best to remove one of them and rotate them out.
  4. I boiled soaked and then rinsed my moss/coconut mixture today and got it into the tank. The coconut coir turned out to be very difficult to work with. The brick that i bought was the smallest available size that i could find but i can see now that i shouldve just bought a larger bag of loose coconut coir. The brick very hard to cut or break up is meant to be soaked and broken up at one time which would be waaaaay more than i need and then i would have to either dry it out again or toss it. Long story short for these purposes youre much better off buying the loose stuff to start with.
  5. Thanks @Fish Folk, that means a lot. I’ve been following your killifish breeding thread actually and ive enjoyed it very much im glad its going so well. Those Emerald killis are beautiful, hopefully i will get the chance to breed them as well someday. Its great that you have a club near you as a resource. Im in Los angeles and unfortunately as far as i know there are really no freshwater clubs that i can find anywhere near me. I did just find this site tho and it has a ton of info. Wildnothos.com
  6. My LFS got these Nothobranchius Guentheri (AKA Red Tail Notho) in and i fell in love. I am determined to breed them but i have zero experience with killifish let alone annual killis so any of you that have experience your advice is welcomed. If you're unfamiliar with these fish i highly recommend that you look into them they are beautiful and fascinating. They originate from Africa in areas that are flooded seasonally and have adapted to survive in the temporary pools by laying eggs that are able to survive the dry season in the mud after the pools have dried up and hatch months later when the rains return. To breed them successfully in captivity we have to mimic this drying period. I currently have 2 females and 1 male set up in a little 3.5 gallon. This tank was previously completely overrun with Scuds but they have wiped them out in just a few days. I have been feeding a mixture of dry and frozen foods twice a day as well and theyre growing like weeds. I have my peat moss and some coconut coir. So far the plan is to introduce a mixture of the two in a small container. Hopefully this will induce spawning and i will be anle to remove and replace the moss periodically and store the eggs until they are ready. We’ll see if it turns out to be that easy.
  7. Capped the eco complete with some river stone and snagged some plants from my other tanks to finish it up. Its not exactly what i had envisioned but im still pretty happy with how it turned out. The first inhabitants just went in today. A pari of Nothobranchius Guentheri.
  8. Using eggcrate for the first time. Im hoping it will allow me to get the height i want and help prevent the substrate from flattening down over time. Im putting in a base layer of caribsea eco-complete to give the plants something to root in and then ill cap it with sand around the perimeter of the mound. I also picked of some river rock gravel so cap the eco complete with on the mountainside area.
  9. Awesome, im glad youre liking it. Thats exactly what interested me in it. I also have a fluval flex which is a very similar set up and ive got a ton of different media, a sponge filter and pothos crammed into the back of that. Also i love how quiet the internal filtration is. Is especially important here because its going right next to my bed.
  10. The rocks and wood in all of my tanks actually come from nearby this same area. I still have some small rocks and wood left over from my other tanks to pick from so thats what ill be working with. I have been playing around with these pieces the last few days trying to get an idea of how they might fit together. Im using some wood off-cuts to get an idea of how high ill build up the mountainside.
  11. Im going to try my hand at an aquascaped nano tank so i thought id share my attempt and likely many mistakes with you all. I picked up this 6.8 gallon tank on sale last week because it looked cool for the price and i like the internal filtration but i didnt have a gameplan for how i wanted to set it up. I knew that it would be a small community set up and eventually house my endlers and asian stone catfish. I would also like to use it for some breeding projects along the way so i want to incorporate lots of nooks and potential hiding spots. I found some inspiration last weekend while hiking locally. Its tough to tell in these pictures but the mountainsides above the sandy creeks and small lake are full of caves. So i thought id try a scape with that idea in mind.
  12. Wow ive never seen that much color on congo tetras before, theyre stunning.
  13. @Daniel i know this is sorta kitsch and not exactly the look your going for but when i saw them i thought of this thread and thought id share. Found a couple different ones on the petco website for a few bucks each and picked them up. Still waiting on the other to arrive. Anyway i think its a fun idea and sortve a cool throwback. The site is interesting too you might wanna check it out. https://vintagefishbowl.com/collections/antiques-bowls-stands-aquariums
  14. Thanks everyone for the responses. It looks like ill be picking up one or two inkbirds and honestly might just down size or remove the heater in others.
  15. It seems like i narrowly avoided disaster tonight in the mini pond. I walked out into my patio and noticed that steam was rolling off of the pond, which is weird because it was about 66*F out and i only keep the heater set to around 68*. Stuck my hand in and sure enough it felt like bathwater. I unplugged the heater(Marineland 200W) and when i pulled it out of the water it was super hot. Checked the temp after and it was above 90*F! I thought these heaters had some sortve safety to prevent them from cooking the tank, but apparently not. So Im looking for suggestions on how i can prevent this in the future without spending a fortune. Im guessing there are temperature activated circuits i can plug the heater into? Im so lucky to have walked out and noticed this before it killed my fish this time, i dont want to allow this to happen in the future. Thanks in advance for the help!
  16. My first livebearer fry!!! Im stoked. Theyre bigger than i expected for how small the parents are honestly. Then again i am used to teeny tiny danio fry. “P” class Endler fry Mom and dad
  17. You keep some cool stuff. Is the one getting photo-bombed a dwarf snakehead?
  18. Very cool idea, i love how its coming together already.
  19. Great video 😂 Cant wait to see how that guppy farm does this summer!
  20. My new fish in their temporary home. Ive been wanting one of these forever -Red Lizard Whiptail My first ever livebearers “P” class orchid endlers And Asian Stone (Anchor) Catfish. Just picked these guys up a few hours ago. Theyre supposedly nocturnal and shy but here they are being neither of those.
  21. Wow your plants are looking amazing too. Especially those crypts and whatever the red plant is next to them.
  22. Love those chubby corys and Otos, definitely happy campers right there
  23. The more photos of shiners i see on this forum the more i realize i really need some... like now! Haha
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