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Everything posted by Atitagain

  1. Very nice puffer, they really are the “cutest” type of fish. Interested to see the whole set up.
  2. My main interest are the live streams and fish room vlogs. So much information that relates directly to my fishroom. not saying I’ve not watched them but unboxing videos are the worst. The unboxing videos where they show B role of the fish helps. But generally just showing stressed out fish in a bag you can’t hardly see through is so boring.
  3. Thanks for the encouragement, it is an amazing learning experience. I’ve found it more enjoyable to set up environments and let things happen. Although with this fish it might be to difficult for me to pull off I will most certainly enjoy the ride. But ultimately the plan is, I want to stock my 125G with as many as I can from fry that are born in my tanks. (After they mature)
  4. Thanks @Brian im just experimenting around trying to get a set up that works and is natural as possible. If this attempt doesn’t work out I am planning a bare bottom with spawning mops and an isolated spawning enclosure. this was my set up from my first attempt. It has a screen bottom that eggs can easily fall through.
  5. Interesting take, I didn’t think of it like that. I would only use pond/ pest snails but even them eating the algae would be detrimental to the chances of success. Your right no snails. Thank you!
  6. That’s awesome, was this a reason you were inspired to start the hobby? I hope my fishroom inspires some of my family. My 2nd oldest son I gave him a 20G and he set it up a couple weeks ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. Trial 3 my first 2 attempts at breeding rummynose tetra did not go well. First attempt was a learning experience, I’m not questioning my method but my patience. Second attempt while the aquascape is great I made the mistake of adding way too many corys, bristlenose, and other tetra. So even if they are spawning not sure there’s a way a fry that small would ever make it. My new plan is to isolate a male and 2-3 females in a 20G that is set up to protect the fry. I know it will probably take them a while to get comfortable enough to spawn. If I happen to see fry I will move the parents when needed. 10G- sponge filter- ACO 100w heater First I put egg crate at the bottom then I collected some mulm and leaf litter From another tank and used the collected water to start the tank. then A fairly thin layer of gravel, layer of IAL, then river stones.And added some Adler cones. then plants, a gang of Anubias (10) and a cutting of indian swampweed after a night to let everything settle down. will drop in some snails and add fish in a couple days. Plan is to just feed them really well for now and see what happens. Thinking about adding a big batch of moss. Didn’t really want that look but it will be best for fry.
  8. 1/ I have 18 tanks and 4 containers that have fish so a total of 22 2/ I only feed twice a day if I have fry or I’m pushing for breeding. Then once a week I fast except the fry or breeders. 3/ I use target feeding now for some German blue rams in my 125G community tank when I feed blackworms 3-ish times a week. Using a turkey baster I push the worms as close as I can without frighten them. They don’t always get some because the other fish have learned what’s happening and they swam the baster now. Another target feed is dropping food at one end then hurrying to drop food at other end so it falls quickly enough to get to my catfish and bristlenose in my Oscar tank and my venustus tank. 4/ I have a variety of what I consider quality foods and it’s what I’m feeling for the day.
  9. Purchased the centerpiece driftwood today, shipping could take 12 days. No worries tho I still need to make decisions on soil/ substrate, background, additional driftwood/ log, plants I’m probably gonna use a large group of vallisneria and that’s it (maybe), and complete stocking. Also will need to experiment with the flow figure out lay out then test some more as I go. I am generally always in a hurry to finish tank set ups, on this one I’m gonna take my time.
  10. DJs tank is looking great. I really like the look of that size/ shape tank. I never thought I’d own something smaller than 20G when I got back in the hobby a couple years ago I thought “why is everyone talking about nano tanks?” It didn’t register how fun they could be. congrats on the pandas!
  11. @xXInkedPhoenixX that container and plant are super cool. It was such a neat idea and it’s looking great 👍
  12. My favorite flips back and forth from tetras to cichlids. Both have so many different sub species. Oscars slight edge over rummynose tetra. I hope I’m right with how species/ sub species works?
  13. This tank was/ is a plant grow out. I am just moving them around the room. That is a great thought, I was thinking of tank for plant grow out. A tub would work perfect under my work bench. thank you
  14. That’s great! Will you be journaling yours I’d love to follow and compare notes.
  15. Yes definitely will. Thanks for the encouragement it’s a new rabbit hole. 🕳 the video was good I love the pennywart I am gonna try and add some for sure. Absolutely that’s why we’re here! such a great community of inspiration 😊
  16. Started shuffling a couple other tanks yesterday that I’m using to rehouse plants, fish, shrimp, and maybe snails from the 55G I will be using to create this river. Once all that is done I will start removing all equipment hardscape and start experimenting with different flow set ups. I am scaling back on the flow, I believe 2 ACO power heads would be too much and with how I plan to do my plumbing it will be easier to add than to subtract. also will need to figure out do I want flow going towards or away from main viewing area. This tank sits in a closet with about 25% of front glass kinda hidden. Can’t decide either to do 1-3 larger logs(3-5”) or a grouping of 1-2” branches? Substrate, background, filtration. I believe I will be doing a lot of testing😁
  17. @Jacob Hill @nabokovfan87 thank you, this is such a fun project. I think it’s because the differences than setting up a glass box. Being outside adds a bit more of “enjoy nature daily “ energy to the experience. elodea sounds like it would be a good option I will try to get some.
  18. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as well. I consider all my tanks with one exception my QT, “show” tanks. Although most are set up to be natural to help them feel comfortable to breed. I have no breeding tanks, I consider a breeding tank to be the bare bottom, minimal plants and decorations (if any at all), and only purpose is spawning. As much as I love when my fish have fry, I enjoy breeding but I’m definitely not a breeder of fish. Lately I’ve been considering using a couple tanks to make breeding easier. I’m becoming impatient, my ultimate goal is to stock tanks with fish I have breed. I’ve been trying to set conditions and wait. Rummynose tetra and GBRams are my main focus to breed right now . my problem really is when I set up “breeding” tanks I will think well they need plant/ hides then of course within minutes I turn it to a show tank so when/ if they have fry it so hard to collect them/ parents. And BTW the discus are looking great and those GBRams are amazing!!!
  19. This is my 1st outside tub project, so I’m trying to keep it fairly simple. I’ve had the pond running 4-5 weeks just water for now I had some plants in there but got to cold. There’s plenty of algae growth on side walls and water temp is staying above 50F. I have a large sponge filter to keep water moving and give a little filtration and will be adding probably another large sponge filter or at least a airstone. Trying to use as little filtration as possible and have a lot of plants. I already have put in some Indian almond leaves and leaf litter will be using more also. For substrate I used a decent sized gravel for 3/4-ish of the bottom rest with lava rock. To protect the electric cord from weather for now I’m just using a plastic container, will get something more weather/ water proof. Any suggestions on a good easy accessible option for cords? I think I’m gonna get a box for encasing power strips My plan to start for the plants I want a stacked pot towards the back of the pond. Lots of grassy plants and some floaters. I started with a 12”pot and drilled some holes so it will be accessible for fish/ invertebrates then I want to add some kind of plant and use the holes as planters. 10” pot stacked ⬇️ It sits a little higher than I wanted but I’m pleased with how it fits. The soil for the plants I started with some pea gravel then the pond soil the plants came in and mixed in some Fluval stratum. plant list: For stocking I will have White Cloud Mountain minnows, cherry shrimp, and snails to start.
  20. The zero water sounds like a good alternative to buying RO it would definitely work well enough to cut my water to soften it up? the UGF is starting to seem like the way I’m gonna go with this tank.
  21. Glad to hear this ⬆️ Ive never really paid much attention to TDS it’s something I know I should research and start testing for im sure it would help, fine tuning and balancing.
  22. I hadn’t thought of an UG filter I looked them up not expensive really. I have decided to cut back on the flow a bit maybe this makes sense to keep movement. I wanted to use some sand in the substrate along with gravel. I would imagine sand will not work well. So maybe I can figure out something or get rid of sand?
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