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Everything posted by Atitagain

  1. Thanks so much, I am absolutely in love with these! The colors, behavior, breeding, I’m thinking of making major changes in my 125G with a huge colony these rams as the main species. you mean never gotten this far because you pull fertilized eggs or pull parents or both? I have considered pulling parents, but I’m thinking 1st on long term priorities list is keeping breeding pair comfortable so they will continue to spawn until I need/ want to slow them down? More moving more stress.
  2. @Guppysnail @Beardedbillygoat1975 thank you both. I need to update on that thread, gonna be making stocking changes.😬(I think)
  3. this pair of German blue rams that I have had for 3+ months, have another group of fry. (Side note: is it group, shoal, batch, spawned…?) first one I was not ready for and second I wasn’t ready enough for. I’ve added mopani wood piece, IAL, let some algae grow, Java moss, and created more little hiding spots. The fry have been free swimming for 3-4 days now and papa is taking good care. It’s wild seeing him dart 1/2 way across tank, snatch a fry in his mouth, then bring it back to the “safe” area he has them huddled in, and spit 2-3 babies out!!! Lighting quick as well! I’ve got a exterior hanging flow through breeder box up and running on the tank with some floating plant and will add Java moss when ready to transfer. I’ve read different opinions but don’t want to leave them with papa to long. I’ve read around 2-3 weeks could be in jeopardy of the parents cannibalizing the fry to prepare for the next spawn? Agree? This is a 20G high with only the parents in the tank. im thinking of pulling them into the breeder box in a couple days?
  4. Definitely wishing them luck congrats on them doing so well.
  5. Thanks everyone, that is about what I figured some will some wont be as bad. This is what’s kinda interesting to me about this set up It’s basically a wall and a roof of vallisneria at this end of tank View looking up towards window ⬆️ front view ⬇️ im sure I will get algae at a high rate on top glass But that’s fairly easy to scrape once a week-ish. I’m wondering if this will be enough to out compete algae and shade enough to help maintain temps as I’m sure this will cause swings especially throughout summer. I will probably build panels with a easy insert (probably magnets) backing and use if needed. And figure (probably curtains) to shade some of the ambient light.
  6. I think the answer is, wait and see. my tanks in the last year get almost 0% natural sunlight. I have black out curtains and had window blocked with finished plywood. I’ve opened the curtain up and want to use natural light for my house plants. This is south facing with direct light from sun up to about 80% of day. i will be adding a side panel and a shelf for sure.(Red) shelf will hold more plants ect. 1) the tank directly in front of window is full of vallisneria, am I asking for algae? Could I only use sun light to grow val? Even removing background to allow more light if needed. 2) Ambient light kinda fills the room if I allow it too. I don’t want to change lighting schedule for every tank most are all n a siesta light cycle and doing very well. Even tho I wouldn’t mind some algae growth of its yo much I could cut light to vallisneria tank area easily by adding plywood behind background and making a removable/ hinged back panel. (Yellow) and even adding some blackout curtains to block a lot of ambient light (Blue) don’t really want to add curtains but I think I could make it look good they would only be closed during daytime hours and I do most viewing/ work in evenings. Let me know what you think I’ve never used sunlight, always have avoided as much as possible.
  7. Great video! An the tank is such a neat use of spare parts. it’s funny when this first started I thought “I wonder if I have enough.” Now I realize I still have a lot of stuff I never use. 🤦🏻Such an impulse buyer.
  8. I think the rock placement is good 👍 and when I look at the inspirational photo for “blue grass” l see this⬇️ but are you gonna keep a wave maker or something on it to keep the bend where you need it? And yes depending on how you want it to grow I believe you will be doing a lot of trimmer after it takes hold.
  9. Going through hardships helps us to truly appreciate what we have accomplished. only way to push through is to lean into the wind.
  10. Looks good so far, it sounds like you’ve got good plans as well. Interested in seeing your updates.
  11. These electric blue acara look amazing especially against the dark spots and weaving through the branches ohhhhHHH weEEEE!!! Perfect fish for blackwater? Maybe, I absolutely love the rummys and cardinals too! im trying to get more pics but they are very active and of course when I get close they wag tails front center glass.
  12. Without any doubt. I’m gravitating towards plant sections and garden centers. Maybe it’s more magnetic 🧲
  13. THE SHELF…TAKE 2 I don’t know what I was thinking with the last set up for the shelf. In no way did it flow with the direction I want my room to go. 🤦🏻 I really liked the older set up but decided to go a total different direction. I’ve had plants In my aquariums for about a year and a half, Then a couple house plants, Next was immersed growth, wet plants (can’t get enough containers), and I will be doing a planted outdoor pond. What I’m saying is plants have slowly become a big part of this hobby for me. I have 22 filtered set ups, 22 of them have plants. I truly enjoy Corys motto “enjoy nature daily “ this is what I want my room to reflect. I’m trying to achieve a outdoor feel, I have some plans made and some things I’m exploring. Problems with this is real wood, live edge boards, and other materials I’m looking to use are expensive. Faux may be a bit cheaper but I’m a 30 year carpenter so no way that’s gonna happen. I will be patient. What was I talking about?…oh yea the shelf. “That ever happen to you? call me we’ll talk about it!” I made decision to redo the shelf because over the weekend I took the extra insulation I had packed into window well out. And unsealed it then opened the curtains. Got to thinking how I could use this best? Move all house plants to left, planted with fish/ shrimp containers in middle, then wet plants to the right. Made another shelf to get some plants that aren’t doing the best up towards the lights. And added a light on lower level.
  14. @Fish Folk thanks for the recommendation that is such a great channel, I will definitely have to watch his series about these guys. @Odd Duck @Beardedbillygoat1975 I have plenty of moss around and I’m really liking the marble idea. I’ve also been considering moving the tetras any way I was just using them as dither fish. The PP seem to always be out now so maybe they’ve done their job and it’s time to kick rocks.
  15. Mostly this is just a “I love my pea puffers “ thread. From what I can find I’m fairly certain I have this right. 2- female and 1- male? female 1 ⬇️ female 2 ⬇️ male ⬇️ female 1 is huge compared to other two, pregnant? I haven’t done much research on breeding them was not in a hurry to learn. Had to let them grow out now they should be ready and so am I. That’s if I’m right about M/F. I’ve recently arranged their tank to be easier to access for me, so will need to give a bit to settle in. Been feeding them very well over last couple months. A lot of blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and pond/ pest snails. 20G high 3- pea puffers, 2- lamp eyed tetra, and 10-ish red cherry shrimp gonna (I hope) let the Brazilian pennywart basically take over this tank. Hopefully only leaving front left corner open for feeding.
  16. Plop and drop through a net for most. Shrimp, snails, and fish that I feel are not looking well or are know to be sensitive; rummynose tetra, German blue rams, pea puffers, cardinal tetra few examples. I place them in a specimen container 1/2-ish with their water and every 10-ish minutes I give a squirt from a turkey baster of tank water. Do this till I’m comfortable it’s enough then plop and drop. Never using any of the shipping water.
  17. The nameTower tank suites this so well. I love the height of it but I bet it is difficult/ limited to what can be used for scaping. You have done an excellent job with it, I think the way you used the branches and the plants up top does an amazing job of making my eye flow upwards. And that gives the full affect of a tower.
  18. I agree you did a wonderful job creating depth. Everything flows really well and the top looks great. Also great use of spare parts and plants!
  19. 60G Black water with electric blue acara So far of all my dark tanks this one really catches the feel of what I love about blackwater tanks. This is still a work in progress I’ll be adding more/ different botanicals, working with filtration, adding more water lettuce (if needed), upgrade lighting, and one or two new fish/ snails. plants on this set up include: some Amazon swords, water lettuce, duck weed, and some pothos . hardscape has caribsea cichlid sand, an assortment of rocks, 4 medium pieces mopani, lots of driftwood branches, lots of accent roots, and some Indian almond leaves. this is a floating log about 2 years in a tank⬇️ For stocking I have a bristlenose pleco, and 6 electric blue acaras
  20. 🤣😂🤣 When he was with the group on average 8-ish AC this was his coloration barely any color on body and none on fins and face. Now ⬇️ and he was such a slow grower, out grown by a lot of tank mates even ones a year younger than him. He is a bit over 2 years old and definitely my oldest of all my tanks, (by time I’ve kept them.) My youngest son has rooted for him the whole time saying one day he will be the boss of the tank. Venustus is fairly subordinate as much as I’d wanted him to be tank boss he really never took over. So Isaac (what my son named him while he was still in the bag) he may have a shot at the top spot.
  21. Excellent example of foraging and being crafty enough to put it all together. The cloud of moss is gonna be a very nice home for your stocking.
  22. Been fun seeing everyone’s entries, some super interesting scapes. Also learning different ways of foraging is a great benefit of everyone documenting how they did these tanks at minimal cost. Great to see so many participants @Beardedbillygoat1975 thank you for setting all this up, such a fun and educational-ish way for people to participate.
  23. 🤦🏻Of coarse it’s red cherry shrimp something I easily should of figured out since I have 500+ of them🤦🏻 thank you
  24. This is amazing! The container shape is excellent but tricky, and the way you used that to your advantage is awesome. What you did with the cholla wood is something I will be trying for sure. The spider plant is such a great topper, a wonderful contrast to such a darkwater setting. Using the sand by the door is great! Really showing that you can “scrap” from all angles.
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