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Everything posted by Atitagain

  1. Why save all clippings? Or only save if their is stem an possibly have growth? Do you save leaf clippings? What about pulled algae, save? i set up a bucket with water and an airstone no light and have been saving everything. Now Im asking myself, Why? What do you do with these buckets when full? What’s the actual purpose/ benefits for f these buckets? I very much realize I should have asked before I set it up, but hey
  2. When the shiners were spawning I set up a breeder box that cycles water continuously and added a bit of PSO. I waited a couple hours then took a turkey baster and lightly hovering over the area a couple times then “gravel vac” the area gently. Placed all that into the breeder box and was just hopeful something would happen. IT DID!!! I love seeing fry it’s such a rush every time. And that’s why I love having fish breed in my tanks opposed to being a fish breeder. this is so exciting because I believe with the fry found in the tank and now in the box, it’s encouraging I have a favorable set up. Also I love live baby brine shrimp 🦐
  3. Thank you very much, I have been trying different plants: floating, groups of stems, rhizomes, and rooted. I’ve had most success with rooted. Protecting them with being very well rooted is most important IMO. If fish are introduced young then you can get smaller plants. my set up for my Oscar (8-10ish inches), 75G pothos hanging from back is a good choice as well, lucky bamboo on the left, and vallisneria in a pot that is very long and established root system. I capped the soil with gravel then 1-2” stones around the plant in the pot then larger rocks to lock everything together.
  4. The R. Shiners have been in the tank 5 days short of 2 months. Tank was running couple days before that I believe. Not sure what else they could be I have a wide selection and I’m not very careful about dipping nets into multiple tanks, ive moved a couple plants from my tetra tank in their ( cardinal, glowlight, ) I have WCMM but their outside and everything kept separated. Otocinclus I can’t really think of others with that line would make sense.
  5. @WhitecloudDynasty @Fish Folk can you confirm these are shiner fry? They look like to me but I’m not calling them shiners without confirmation or they make it and grow out. I seen two for sure both hanging in the low slow moving water behind a big stump. Reason I’m hesitant this set up is only 2-ish months old and I guess a possibility bringing from another tank. I’ve added some Java moss and will start feeding more and get fry food. Any suggestions?
  6. @Fish Folk I see why you say they “fire up” the coloring on the males is awesome. I tried to get some pics or a better video but they would not leave that corner.
  7. First off of wanna thank @Fish Folk for having such an interesting thread about these fish. Their breading behaviors is what first drew me in. He showed 10-12 shiners circling a grouping of mid size stones and it was crazy. I couldn’t stop watching for a bit, if you haven’t seen this check out his thread it is well worth it. it was this journal that inspired me to look into native species for the first time. The coloring of these fish does “shine” the speckled blue in them is amazing. And when the males are ready to breed they get very red. I seen this for the first time today, was one of those “OMG come look at what their doing, I can’t believe how beautiful this is IRL” wife’s response ”ok that’s nice, ummm I’m making tortilla soup for dinner is that ok?” im not sure officially they are schooling fish but they certainly do in my tank. I have 7 in this tank (I believe 2M 5F) 1F in another tank. The flow in my tank starts from the right with a power head then a small wall mounted air filter pushing water back down the tank. The same female is always towards the left end generally weaving in the current. The other 6 stay fairly tight packed about 6-8” behind her. All as though they are swimming upstream. Feeding time she falls back with the group and they seem to always face upstream weaving side to side and up and down. Rarely if ever do they eat moving downstream, they just reposition themselves and head back upstream. this is where they live⬇️I believe I have enough cover and hides for them to rest from the current. this is a video short of what I believe is spawning 🫣👀 A very big thank you to @WhitecloudDynasty these are very hardy and beautiful examples of an amazing breed of fish. I hope I can pass along many generations of them and keep them as healthy as you have.
  8. Was thinking of adding a small cleat to front/ top of shelves. Or possibly some galley rail Im meeting homeowner on Tuesday, he wants a different latch from inside the room to make it easy to open (he did not like the way I set it up) I will be asking about this and adding if wanted.
  9. @Brandon p thank you, I feel now that i worked out the does and donts I could easily modify any existing door frame. Might not have a lot of people actually pay to have it done but it will definitely be a cool highlight in our portfolio of jobs. @eatyourpeas thank you, that desk sounds really cool! Ive done a couple smaller scale hidden doors but they were very simple for hiding laundry shoots, then one for hiding furnace room. this one unfortunately I did not get to help on much (consulting only) but was done by our company.
  10. Personal choice, I already had a plan that I was gonna go with for a book. But I was hoping for light sconce switches, would of been an interesting challenge.
  11. @OnlyGenusCaps thank you, this does get the imagination running. I wish we could’ve used a book or a side light wall sconce for a latch release. @PineSong thank you so much, I’m very happy with the product and proud of it. But it’s not until it’s painted and loaded with books/ Ornaments and in use. Then I’ll be able to sit back and enjoy it for what it is. Changes and design adjustments from homeowners is very common with projects like this.
  12. Yes they do. Their industrial hinges and cost close to $100 each. I have not weighed them but I’d guess each “door” bookcase weighs in the neighborhood of 100 lbs. definitely a 2 person lift, but those hinges make it as smooth as a bedroom door.
  13. Here’s the secret latch it’s made from walnut and the rest of the bookcase is hard maple. Took pic before final sanding all the putty is gone and trigger is ready for stain
  14. Your shrimp look wonderful. I’m gonna start a new colony of them and I’m thinking blue. I have a lot of cherry shrimp, they seem to do very well in my water. But they are scattered throughout a bunch of tanks. With the new ones I think it will be a species only tank with probably some small snails.
  15. Yes of course I thought the same, I’ve done a couple other projects in this home and was thinking this room would make a perfect fishroom. Of course there is a secret latch, I will get a pic of it today. He was not into that idea at all he wanted to keep the latch hidden as possible. i agree Nermlandia is an amazing place to hang out. thanks everyone, I figured some would enjoy this especially since it would make such a wonderful fishroom. We are doing this job for a contractor not directly for homeowners and they are not living there yet. But if I see them I will definitely pitch the fishroom or atleast a huge tank, and let me build all the cabinetry and stands.
  16. Interesting project I’ve been working on last couple weeks. I call it a scooby-doo bookcase. Frame work done then to the shop and set up a false wall to same measurements. And with these hinges I built this. deliver and install at job site. Flooring has protective paper covering the hardwood might look weird in the pics. Hidden room is about 20x24 and will be decorated as a “speak easy.” Tomorrow I have final adjustments and final sanding. Bad news is most likely it will be the last time I see it. Which is normal a lot of times on projects like this, painters will finish this and I won’t be able to see the finished product. If contractor sends me a update pic I will post it.
  17. Thank you I have I figured out know. I was not scrolling down far enough.
  18. I also have joined my local fish club and will attend my first meeting in a couple weeks. I’m really excited to go. Also a little nervous, I have no friends IRL that are in the hobby to go with me. Hopefully I will meet some new friends. I won’t be taking anything with me but hopefully will in the future. I would love to bring home a bunch of plants 🌱
  19. Mine still not working, I logged out then back in.
  20. I can’t access anything on their pages, when I click trader feedback it only refreshes the page. And shows 0’s on their info but I’m only assuming they have other reviews
  21. thank you. does this Maybe not work on mobile? I never use a computer, my time on here is 100% mobile.
  22. Where do we do reviews of sellers we’ve bought from? I have bought a few and can’t seem to find or figure this out.
  23. Burnout is a real concern for me. The fish in my tanks are my pets, I feel the same responsibility for an ember tetra as I do for my dogs. I brought them into my home and now if I don’t care for them correctly it’s the same as mistreatment of any other pet. These fish are part of my family now, I keep that on my heart to help from laziness and burnout. I have a fishroom with 19 systems running right now. I’m cutting back at the moment, I had 24 running systems and I’m cutting back to 16. The tanks will stay empty until I’m inspired to set them up again. I try to keep a balance between family, work, and fishroom. So that changes frequently, so I keep a plan for these fluctuations, back up plans for every fish I purchase. Right now it’s summer mostly the reason for the cut back. Another way I keep from burnout is this forum! Talking with other aquarists and/or seeing their new set ups. Reading about new breeds (to me), habitats, plants, ect… i can and do add tanks and projects if I’m starting to get burn out. A good example I was in a rut of “feels like work” and I was at a LFS and found some blackworms. This turned into 2 BW set ups and me getting super pumped about their benefits. Now I’m breeding RNTetra, GBR, and a couple others. Such an amazing change when feeding these for general and breeding behavior. BUT I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS BEHAVIOR it will lead to chronic MTS! A step back or a break would probably be the wise choice, for some.
  24. IM GOING THROUGH CHANGES…. Lots of changes in my aquatic vivariums here lately: 125G rescaped, 55G river tank, pea puffer tank rescaped, 75G Oscar tank rescaped, 10G QT/ rummynose moved onto new shelf, lots of plants added outside tub, new timers/ power strips added, WCMMs moved outside, platty breeding project 10G, 5G moved, German blue rams/ electric blue acara/ rainbow shiner/ guppys/ all new, and plenty of other small projects. And now I’ve redone the shelf again! The house plants were all moved outside except 2 and all containers are gone. The shelf had become a lot of little things to care for and demand to much time. I have reduced the shelf to two house plants and the 3G bowl. started with a bit of egg crate and some pea fill packed that then added sand to help hold together. filtration is DIY under gravel design inspired by @Beardedbillygoat1975 . Then placing bowl in gravel setting it down and placed at an angle. Volcano rock, then a mix of crushed coral, soil, and small gravel was added inside bowl for filter. A layer of Fluval stratum then a sand cap for substrate. Plants added inside and out. Stocking is still in question.
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