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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I wouldn't go above 1 table spoon for 3 gallons of aquarium salt with Otto's just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in as salt only removed though water changes I would also add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect I wouldn't add more fish in a 5 gallon I would get a bigger tank if you want more fish to go on with your betta
  2. Colu

    ID Pleco Disease

    Am assuming your doing the co-op med trio that a preventive treatment I would do a full course of maracyn follow the instructions on the box and leave one dose of ick X in and let it marinate while treating with maracyn could be bacterial or an injury that's caused a secondary infection @Prboy7
  3. I wouldn't use fenbendazole in the tank it's very toxic to snails can kill them months after treatment if your feeding live baby brine I would stop feeding it for a couple of weeks and the hydra will reduce in numbers
  4. With red bruising you described around the chest and lung could be red blotch disease
  5. Doesn't look like typical columnaris doesn't have a fuzzy appearance no Redding possible graphite disease its linked to mycobacteria and untreatable what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and i would do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component @Janel R
  6. Your KH is to low for guppies and platys that's more than likely causing issues you have been seeing you would want to get your to KH 140ppm you want to add 1pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons to your substrate or in a media bag in your filter to raise your KH or you can use aragonite sand to raise your KH
  7. You can leave it without water changes sometimes it will improve on its own or you can do daily water changes that's the method I have used and found to effective
  8. Looks like a bacterial bloom I would do is add an extra air stone and do daily 30% water changes for the next 5 days lower your nitrate below 40ppm it should start clear
  9. Shedding slime coat is not a good sign in axolotl is usually caused by poor water quality or to high temperature or stress axolotl do best with a temperature range of 55-68°F do use a water dechlorinator when doing water changes @Jlm1978
  10. It more than likely a bacterial bloom increase water changes give it time it will good away can you post a picture of the tank
  11. Prazipro has one of the active ingredients praziquantel that found in paracleanse safe to use with shrimp and snails you could do another course of paracleanse or treat with prazipro if your still seeing flashing after that something else could be causing the flashing
  12. Has your hardness increased recently or your pH change also it can take four treatments two weeks apart to treat flukes with praziquantel the liquid form found in prazipro is more effective
  13. It's a bladder snail nothing to worry about they multiple quickly if you over feed the tank
  14. It's possible it's caused by excessive hardness in your water that can cause flashing am not seeing any symptoms other than flashing that would say you could be dealing with flukes and fact its affecting both tanks would learn towards something in your water being the causing
  15. Any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy visible damage to the scales are they eating ok can you post a picture of some of the fish that are flashing the most what type of fish are in the tank @Ericka Ketchum
  16. Sorry for your loss
  17. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature is he eating and have treated with any medication
  18. I would also get API fin and body cure active ingredient is doxcycline I would also get expel p active ingredient is levamisole always good to have to hand @Jawjagrrl
  19. It's difficult to no for sure if it is intestinal bleeding there's not a lot you can do other than monitor for now if the swelling going down and there's no new abscesses hopefully his immune system is starting to fighting off the infection given time he might recover
  20. I would keep treating with metroplex and salt for another week if your not seeing any improvement after that I would stop the salt and metroplex and give him rest leave it a week without medication if the pineconing hasn't gone down in the next week the chances of recovering aren't good he could be suffering from kidney failure @Olivenewhope
  21. It can be a sign of intestinal bleeding what colour is it usually have noticed any changes in behaviour
  22. What I would do is add an extra air stone if you don't have live plants I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for two weeks just remember to only put back in the amount of salt you take out so if you do a 2 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of aquarium salt back as salt can only be removed through water changes I wouldn't do another course of kanaplex after this one doing more than two courses of kanaplex back to back can affect the kidneys of your fish you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might need to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect
  23. There's a possibility he will get better given time it could also go other way I would do the second course of maracyn2 if don't see any improvement and he's still not eating i would consider euthanizing him with clove oil after your water change you can run carbon for 24hr to remove any remaining medication then start on the second course of maracyn2
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