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Everything posted by Colu

  1. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature @Olivenewhope
  2. Your video not uploaded you have to link it to a YouTube account any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly @appeet
  3. Try offering frozen or live food such as brine shrimp daphnia blood worms Tubifex worms to help simulate his appetite there's a chance he will turn a round at this point it's 50/50 at best if you think he's suffering then I would humanely euthanize with clove oil
  4. It could be an injury were he's swim into something in the tank I would just monitor for now if he gets worse then I would quarantine and do a course of kanaplex
  5. Does the marks have a fuzzy appearance to them any Reddening
  6. If I remember rightly active ingredient in kordon rid ick is malachite green and chloride salt kanaplex and malachite green I have found to be effective against epistylis
  7. That's not ich have you got a better picture it's difficult to tell what's going on @Seshia
  8. As it's only affecting the eye if it doesn't progress in the next couple of weeks I think it would be fine put him with other fish
  9. Colu


    Most pathogens or parasites can't survive longer than 30 days with out a host so I would just leave them in the tank with no fish for a month before moving them
  10. It doesn't look to bad what I would do is monitor if it's not getting any worse and it's active and eating ok I wouldn't treat if it starts to get worse then I would treat with the API fin and body cure @Seisage
  11. Could be Tubifex worms
  12. What I would do is monitor for the 4 weeks before moving any fish if you you start to lose more fish I would treat with maracyn2 active ingredient is minocycline @JBeehler
  13. Looks like detritus worms nothing to worry about
  14. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature when did you first notice the lumps can you take a better picture of the lumps if possible
  15. With nitrites of 2ppm I would do daily 50% water change and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrite till it constantly stays at zero the ram on the in the middle of the picture looks like it's go a sunken if so you would need to treat with levamisole once a week for for for weeks am not sure if that's cyanobacteria it could be an not the best when it comes to Identifying algae @Lennie
  16. Feeding a varied diet is the most important thing I feed tropical hi-aglae discs with 52.% algae tropical pleco tablets with 36% algae and EBo spirulina tabs with 30% spirulina EBo veg sticks with 50% pea 50% pumpkin fibre EBo youngster grow paste and artemia paste they are very rich in protein so you only want to feed a small amount once a week repashy super green and solient green green cucumber blanched spinach and lettuce occasionally frozen blood worms
  17. Do a large water change and a through gravel vac then dose the medication levamisole is light sensitive so black out the tank for 24hr during treatment
  18. I would use the last of your maracyn if your still seeing no improvement You would want to get holed of another broad spectrum antibiotic treatment with a different active ingredient such as minocycline doxcycline or kanamycin sulfate
  19. Some of the symptoms you described such as sunken belly and spitting food out is a sign of wasting disease you would want to treat with esha ndx active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks @ToothlessTheGuppy
  20. Welcome to the forum sound like another course of multiple tank syndrome
  21. I would treat with kanaplex if it's only affecting the fins of your Cory's
  22. If it's spreading to the body it can kill very quickly you want to treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan for more severe bacterial infections as most bacterial infections in are gram negative the combination of two medication I recommended are very effective
  23. Salt can slow down the growth of beneficial bacteria with the body still swollen and he still has abscess I would speak to a vet to try and get some antibiotic medication that would be the best option the salt doesn't seem to be having much of an effect so I would water change it out and try to get the tank fully cycled
  24. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature it's possible the lump is a bite off of one of the other puffers that's caused an infection in the tissue
  25. Sorry for your loss there Could have been some underlying disease weakening him and the Popeye was a symptom of that you did everything you could i would just monitor your other fish closely for next couple of weeks
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