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Everything posted by Colu

  1. When you look at the spots are they completely flat or are they are they raised that will let me no what medication to treat with
  2. Doesn't look like velvet to me it might just be the picture quality the spots look raised are the spots raised or flat if they raise you could be dealing epistylis
  3. Praziquantel treats different types of parasite such as tape worms flukes and flat worms levamisole treat nematode worms nodular worms roundworms and hook worms I would recommend using both praziquantel and levamisole on puffer what you could do is use levamisole and monitor hopefully you wouldn't have any issues I would make sure you have your own healthy cultures of live food that will make it less likely to give you issues with parasite in the future
  4. From what I have read bronze Cory's do best with a temperature between 68-82°F I would up the temperature it could be the fluctuations in your water parameters causing the flashing I would increase water changes to help lower your nitrate and do daily testing and water changes till you constantly see zero ammonia and dose prime to help detoxify any ammonia
  5. I would keep treating with malachite green for another 5 days and increase water changes to the lower the bacterial count or you could add a UV sterilisers that can help if your dealing with tetrahymena
  6. If you fry were raised in the same tank as the parents they would get the parasite from the adults
  7. Could be bacterial slime coat disease or a parasitic infections causing over production of the slime coat as your in Canada what I would do is treat with methylene blue and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons just in case there's a bacterial component and try and get holed of paracleanse and expel p just in case it's parasitic infection any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly loss of appetite how long from the start of symptom before they die @Ryan Fraser
  8. Could have more severe bacterial infection caused by an infected abscess do you have a tank or tub you could quarantine him in and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for two weeks and methylene blue
  9. There's some debate as to Whether ich is always in your tank and periods of stress cause outbreaks or it has to be introduced to your tank from an infected fish hopefully its just sand stuck to your fish
  10. You could also add a wave maker on the opposite side of the tank to increase flow and prevent dead spots
  11. Even a small amount of ammonia can cause fish to flash what I would do is try and keep you nitrate below 30ppm high levels of nitrates can effect fish immune system it depends on the species to how sensitive they are to nitrate
  12. If you can't get maracyn2 I would get kanaplex
  13. Yes I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons you could gradually raise the temperature
  14. At the appropriate dose it's not toxic to shrimp or snails
  15. Malachite green and formaldehyde solution should be fine to use just monitor your whiptails just in case they have a reaction to the medication and do a water change if you have any issues
  16. It's looks like it's got weight loss what I would do is treat with levamisole active ingredient in expel p
  17. You want to use maracyn2 it predominantly treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria maracyn predominantly treats gram positive bacteria and some gram negative some it won't be as effective as treating epistylis
  18. What you could done is methylene blue baths
  19. That not ich it could be epistylis he's how you can tell the difference between ich and epistylis if it's epistylis you would want to lower the temperature at it spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of the your fish the most effective treatment is maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and add ick X to the tank @aqualust Bill
  20. You can do a larger water after the first course if you need to no I wouldn't start another course of maracyn if you don't have enough to finish the full course that can lead to antibiotic resistant what I would do is try and get any of these medication just case you need to do another course of antibiotics API fin and body cure active ingredient is doxcycline seachems neoplex or kanaplex maracyn2 or jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone
  21. Can you post a picture of the affected fish tetrahymena is prevalent in guppy farms and can cause mast die off with out any symptoms it's not something I come across much aquarium science has a good article about tetrahymena recommended treatment is malachite green active ingredient in ick X or copper safe or salt baths 5 table spoons a liter for 30 seconds once it gets into the tissue treatment won't be effective with any of the medication that are recommended they only kill the free swimming organism
  22. You can add API fin and body to the tank as doxcycline is adsorbed through the skin of the fish while you wait for products to arrive I would just keep treating with fin and body and aquarium salt methylene blue baths can be stressful and are only effective at treating external issues
  23. Occasional flashing can be caused by a number of things poor water quality substrate irritating the Gills an itch as your fish have none of the symptoms I mentioned and are only occasionally flashing I would look at water parameters what your ammonia nitire nitrate pH KH GH temperature do you add dechlorinator when doing water changes as chlorine can also cause flashing
  24. Apart from the occasional flashing have you noticed Any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy spitting food out loss of appetite Redding to the Gills or body weight loss what medication were you using @tetra
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