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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Given the length of time from adding the plants I don't think they would be the cause of what your seeing. It's a difficult one she might be to weak to accept food live or frozen might simulate here appetite if you have access to kanaplex maracyn2 API fin and body cure just in case there's a bacterial component I would do a course of which ever one is the most readily available
  2. Just thinking outside of the box could you stick 24-48hr heat packs to the tank to help maintain temperature during power outages
  3. Colu


    pineconing has a couple of causes internal bacterial infections organ failure causing fluid builds parasitic infections can also pineconing the most effective treatment I have found when you see pineconing is maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days metroplex to dose the tank and aquarium salt 1 table spoon that will help reduce fluid buildup @Steele
  4. The eggs can come in on plants fish. fish can have a low parasite burden when a fish becomes stressed affecting the immune system that's when your fish can become overwhelmed there's lots of different species of nematode worms some species' are completely harmless other such as camallanus worms have a high mortality rate
  5. Sorry to say looks like he's to far gone for any treatment to help if you think he's suffering I would humanely euthanize with clove oil
  6. Put your fish in bucket or container with Epsom leave them to soak for 15 minutes then remove them From the epsom salt solution repeat once a day for 5 days it relives pressure on the swim bladder and help if your fish is constipated
  7. When every you do a water change put back in what you take out so if you do a 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back as salt is only removed through water changes
  8. Columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infections that causes white patches that sometimes have a fuzzy appearance to the body and head you can get red sore or lesion spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and kill can in 24hr upto 7days for the cold water stains you can also get some of these symptoms with tetrahymena what i would do treat for a bacterial infection first with kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and stop treating with ick x give an update after 5 days
  9. It could be damage from a tetrahymena burrowing into the tissue or a bacterial infections. as your already treating with malachite green what I would do is a course kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component. I would also do aquarium salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days just in case its tetrahymena causing the red patches. if your guppy shows any de-stress remove her from the salt to a container with half the amount of aquarium salt for a couple of minutes the put her back in the main tank.
  10. Great project a nice big school of Cory's would look great in that tank
  11. Knowing your luck you will come back to thousands of eggs
  12. Epsom salt are used in baths to help with constipation and swim bladder issues in fish as they act as a muscle relaxant and have excellent antifungal properties you can use Epsom salt to raise GH in your tank
  13. As your seeing 1ppm of nitire I would keep do daily water changes till your ammonia and nitrite constantly stays at zero
  14. Colu

    Tumor ?

    What I would do as your seeing ammonia is test daily and anytime you detect any ammonia do a large water change and add up to 5x the amount of prime in an emergency to help detoxify any ammonia and add an extra air stone and aquarium salt will help speed up the removal of ammonia from the blood stream of your fish to help protect the kidneys of your fish
  15. The fact that it's only affected one group of Cory's could mean they have a compromised immune system due to stress or low genetic diversity
  16. You can upload a video to YouTube then link it here
  17. Possible viral infection it could have a bacterial component what would is treat with kanaplex it's more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment that predominantly treats gram negative bacteria and some gram positive were as maracyn predominantly treats gram positive and some gram negative @Twood
  18. Nothing standing in the picture other than the curved back that can be caused by scoliosis that's really common in Guppies
  19. Kanaplex isn't effective at half dose and its more likely to lead to antibiotic resistant in my experience full dose of kanaplex is fine for scaless fish
  20. I would put a blanket over the tank you could try feeding live or frozen brine shrimp daphnia blood worms that might stimulate the appetite
  21. You would need to treat once a week for 4 weeks with levamisole so dose medication black out the tank for 24hr do a water and through gravel to remove as many of the expelled parasites and eggs and repeat ever 7 days for four weeks
  22. Minimum would be about 10 gallons I would get a sponge filter. if you can add some cycled media from your main tank that will help prevent ammonia and nitrite spikes. I would fast for a couple of days test daily do a water change if you detect any ammonia or nitrite. aquarium salt is only removed through water changes so if you do a 1 gallon water change add 1 table spoon of salt back and dose the appropriate amount of stress Guard back
  23. That looks like epistylis to me that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures most effective treatments are broad antibiotic such as maracyn2 or kanaplex and malachite green which is the active ingredient in the medication your using so I would keep treating with malachite green and dose the tank with kanaplex
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