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  1. Follow up report. Bareroot plants (2) hanging in community tank, 10 hour lights - Stayed small, new shoots but eventually died Planted in tank substrate (2) (a plant only tank) fertilized, 24/7 lights - Some new growth but older leaves dying back Planted in original soil capped with stone, fertilized, kept outside (2) - Thriving. Updated photo attached. My conclusion. Natural light makes the difference. Personally, Not recommending for an aquarium.
  2. When I was setting up my 40g breeder, I had a 20g long that I was using to expedite tank cycling and to use a quarantine tank. Since I have fully populated my 40g and also picked up a 10g (for quarantine etc.), I'm looking to set up the 20g. I have two operating tanks - my feature 40g (Bolivian Rams, Tetras and Cories) and a 29g Native tank (Central Mudminnows). My past experience is predominantly with other South American (Tetras, Cichlids, Cories) as well as some live bearers, asian species (barbs, rasboras) and some other Ohio natives. My plan is not to create a fish room so I'm hoping this tank completes my expansion. Was thinking about Shell dwellers, but interested in others thoughts. Not a big fan of Bettas, Plecos, severely mutated species, or fish that constantly have huge turd streamers. Interested in hearing others thoughts.
  3. Gotta treat chlorimides. I learned the hard way. At my old house, I'd have a bucket that I'd leave sit. Chlorine just dissipated. Not the same story at my new house. 20 years later starting a new tank, I learned about the difference. I had no idea that didn't work for Chlorimides. Felt silly. Fortunately with any significant water changes, I did treat the water. Not thinking I lost fish, just a waste of time having a bucket of water sitting around.
  4. I promised a picture. My first time keeping Bolivian Rams and Sterbai Corys. 👍
  5. It came to me in a dream. Suddenly everything made sense. or maybe I was just sharing how I stocked my tank after noticing a mathematic pattern, with this random justification somehow making my plan good, and I was having some fun with that. "I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." ~ Robert McCloskey
  6. 40G Tank update. Stocking numbers have changed from original stocking plan. 2 - Mystery Snails --> Parents died (Natural Causes and a Close Encounter w/ a Filter Intake) but still have a few young ones. 3 - Bolivian Rams 4 - Red Eye Tetras 5 - Sterbai Cory 6 - Von Rio Tetra (Wild Style)--> 3 remaining (Lost 3 jumpers) 7 - Emperor Tetra --> 5 (lost two males) Fish appearance 👍 Water quality 👍 Plant growth 👎 Overall 👍
  7. I'm still figuring out what to do with plants, but I did pot two and put outside. Figured I'd share a picture.
  8. Thanks for information. Most of what I had been able to find described the plant in native environment. Thanks for the link it was informative. My aquarium temperature is at the top end of the range and I have an unheated tank as well so it probably will work in both. As far as submerged, not sure if I'm convinced. Content is vague on this point. I was building a boardwalk at a park and found a couple plants which were going to be "displaced". I can report back as to success and/or failure.
  9. Can I use Sagittaria latifolia in a heated tropical tank or only a cold water tank? Also can it be fully submerged? Thanks in advance.
  10. Fish keeper have wildly different fish preferences.
  11. The tank is probably the least expensive part of the decision. It's the hoods, filters, etc. that are the costs. One thing good about the 20g long and 29g is that they both share the same foot print which allows some future flexibility for repurposing the accessories. The decision should be based a lot on what fish you want to stock and what tank would fit well in the available space.
  12. I was always just way too popular and quite honestly the constant, never ending attention was just too intense so I picked up hobbies that I could enjoy in some solitude or just temper my coolness if only just a little bit. 🤥 Sailing, kayaking, tennis, birding, yo-yo, disc golf, kiting, gardening, cooking, biking, coin collecting, model trains, camping, hiking, fish keeping.
  13. Old Project - I have a 29 g tank I purchased new. In operation for about two decades. New Project - This past December, I re set-up an acquired years ago used tank (40 g breeder) and set up a quarantine tank (20g l) which I acquired years ago purchased new. I recently purchased a 10g which I'm deciding how to set-up. So for new projects, 2 used (used purchased, used repurposed) 1 new
  14. I'm suggesting the Von Rio Tetra (wild type) to the underrated list. These gregarious fish are small but welcomed and unintimidated by larger tank mates. An alternative to the Ember Tetra that doesn't get that Ember hype.
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