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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Hey! @Ryo Watanabe placed 59th! Holy cow! Congratulations young man.
  2. Thank you @Zenzo. Man those are some pretty tanks. Anybody else who goes to look be aware that, at my house anyway, it loads really slowly.
  3. Does anyone know where I could go look at photos of the aquariums that were entered this year? There are a couple YouTube videos out there but they all seem to concentrate on the top few winners. A link would really be cool. TIA
  4. 6,193, all here to help you progress your way into total planted tank MTS.
  5. Dwarf Sag. In a 40B, it started out a couple little clumps in the corner. It now covers an area about 25" by 7". Medium light, no CO2, lots of root tabs and Easy Green and 13 months according to my log. It's possible but it ain't fast.
  6. @Kathy F A big brine shrimp egg producer from Utah sells bulk frozen food on their website. I can't speak to the quality, I buy frozen food from the LFS that buys RCS from me, a couple packages at a time.
  7. Sorry it was supposed to be @Nanci B
  8. @Karen B. Sorry for the hijack. In your case plan on coming back to a few less shrimp. The Planaria won't get all the shrimp at once especially with the fasting period, but I'd take care of it when you get back. Make sure your biological filtration is up to some extra load.
  9. I didn't feel terrible about nuking the shrimp only tank (well, I felt pretty bad) but I'm not about to tear down the 20L I see them in now. I'm really proud of how that tank looks and am really fond of the inhabitants. Normally with everything aquarium related I just wait it out. I'm thinking that not the answer this time.
  10. I didn't know there was such thing as camera film anymore. 🙃
  11. I have them in another tank now also, it has Goldring Danios and Hillstream Loaches. They show no interest in the Planaria. The Planaria live in the substrate and I only see them when the lights come on and then disappear quickly. I wonder if that's why the snail population disappeared. I keep reading that fish eat Planaria, I wish they would get on with it.
  12. I had the opposite experience, I had dead shrimp and snails everywhere. When I first started looking close and realized it was Planaria I looked around on here and everyone said they are harmless... no they're not. They pretty much knocked out my colony of hundreds of shrimp, and I believe weakened them enough that Cladogonium ogishimae was able to take hold. I "thought" I won the battle each time but really didn't believe it, lots of off-color and sickly looking shrimp. I took the tank down last weekend and bleached the heck out of it. It's sitting in the sun now waiting for my new stand to be ready. There won't be any more shrimp only tanks for me. I feel better, thanks.
  13. Search Planaria on the forum, then the internet, several of us have beat it. I used Panacure-C following instructions I found on another site, although I did see Irene do a video about it once. It's by far the easiest way and the only thing is hurts is the Planaria and snails.
  14. From everything I read Ich-X is one of the meds that helps. I didn't see anybody say salt helped. I used Ich-X in my case and it may have helped. Here is a link to an article I found educational, not encouraging but educational. https://aquariumbreeder.com/ellobiopsidae-or-cladogonium-ogishimae-green-fungus-in-shrimp-tank/
  15. Good luck. The whole experience was pretty unpleasant for me. It would be nice to hear of someone being able to say they are confident they defeated it using a definable process.
  16. Ken


    I wish we could buy some good sausages around here, in Utah you buy a hotdog or Johnsonville 🙄. We are not adventurous eaters.
  17. Get it out of the tank. I just finished a battle with that stuff, it spreads fast. After many weeks of culling anybody that looked like they had it I haven't seen any new cases for a couple weeks. Maybe I won but I'm not real confident.
  18. I ended up buying a Sofa Table at the thrift store that is old enough to be solid wood with mortise and tenon or glued and screwed joints. It held my wife and I sitting on it and wiggling around (300#). The size is perfect for a couple ten gallons end to end and I like the height. The stain refresh is drying now. I'll give it a couple coats of varnish starting tomorrow.
  19. This just now popped up on my YouTube when I over there to watch some videos. Funny how that works, isn't it. Where is my tinfoil hat anyway?
  20. I think the whole hobby feels your pain. As near as I can tell "ya pays your money and ya takes your chances". There are work-arounds, Inkbird Controllers that shut off a stuck-on heater and heating the room are the only ones I know of that are more or less completely reliable. Hopefully someone with a bunch of experience will respond.
  21. I once owned every album Jimi Hendrix had released up to that time... late seventies. When my family and I moved back to the US the boxes with all my albums didn't make the trip. I was in High School at Frankfurt American (West Germany) and if we really hurried we could get to the "Top Pop Shop" after school and back before the bus showed up to take us back out to Hochst am Main where we lived.
  22. I have 15 Goldring Danios, 3 of some kind of Hillstearm Loache and Cherry Shrimp in mine. All are quite active and use the whole tank. Oh, and 25ish Buce plants a couple clumps of Philippine Java Fern, Java Fern Windelov, a big clump of Pearl Weed and a gazillion Amazon Frogbits. The Danios are quite active and use all of a 20L. I might consider a handful of Dwarf Neon Rainbow fish for the next 20L.
  23. I like running them because I have shrimp in all my tanks, they add biological filtration and they catch a lot the debris out of the water column so I don't have to do a full service on the HOB as often (clean the impeller and housing and the intake tube). It also stretches out the time between filter cleaning in the HOB. The pre filter is super easy to clean. I just reach in there with a bag, pull it off and go rinse it out in the sink and put it back. Two minutes tops.
  24. I forgot to mention that I do supplement with Seachem Pottasium. The leaves green up better and no more holes. I put in too much of it also. You'll have to figure out what works in your tank. It takes forever, a low tech aquarium plant's reaction time is measured in weeks.
  25. Boy, this sent me down a rabbit hole! 😄 I got on a great guitarist kick. First I had to watch some Roy Clark, then I remembered Eric Clapton and had to watch a bunch of him. Then Slash popped up... And it just occurred to me that Angus Young is pretty dang good too. Headphones and YouTube on the big TV again tonight.
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