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Everything posted by Ken

  1. I need to go find that, when I was a kid we were allowed to stay up late and watch it. The one with the spider down the drain scared the begeebers out of me. If my firmly held beliefs (opinions) would quit getting disproved it would help.
  2. The only tank I have with all three has only Crypt Lucens which may act differently. When I pulled one of the giant Amazon Swords recently the roots didn't seem intermingled and the other plants didn't seem to notice. My Val doesn't look anything like the pictures you see all over. It's kind of short and sickly looking at best.
  3. That showed up in my recommended list on Netflix the other day. I'll be watching it again next time I think I can sit still for 2-1/2 hours. It really is a great movie.
  4. I would, just to keep it from stratifying and keep some oxygen in it.
  5. I've been on an old Sherlock Holmes kick lately.
  6. Dangit! Now I'm going to have to buy a black light just so I can see who glows and who don't. I'll bet more do than we think. I remember how much fun black lights were at dances and whatnot... a long time ago. I'm thinking tank light off, room lights off and black lights for a few minutes of fun watching before bed, you too?
  7. Smell it. If it has gone rancid you'll know. I have dedicated shelf in the fridge door for fish food that helps extend the shelf life. As near as I can tell some of it ages pretty good, some not so much 🤢.
  8. Today I received an order from Aqua Huna! 10 male Endlers and 8 Neon Green Rasboras. Two days from Seattle to a city just South of Salt Lake City. Everybody got here healthy and happy. I just finished acclimating and getting them settled. I'm really happy with how they look and act already. They will be great when they are fully colored. I'll start the Med-Trio tomorrow after work, I like to give them a minute to get over the shipping stress.
  9. I love the idea of an in-tank thermostat controlling the room heat. I'll bet you could use the inkbird to operate a relay that could handle as many heaters as you wanted. I'm filing that thought away for this time next year when I plan to be living elsewhere with a dedicated fishroom.
  10. I think so. The LFS I where I got them is brand new to fresh water, didn't know which crypts were which and figured they were pretty much dead. So did I, but thought what the heck the price is right, he threw in 7 of them for a buck. The rest of the plants I bought from him looked great and are doing well.
  11. These were already melted by time I put them in the tank. I was attributing the recovery to the light cycle, and lots of ferts.
  12. Put a couple really fast colorful fish in with it. Give it something besides it's tail to be mad at. 😁
  13. I've done ghost feeding as described above or I got whatever fish is next on the list and let them live there a while.
  14. That's kind of strange, I saw Multi's at the LFS I frequent for the first time last Thursday. I'm sure she buys from a run-of-the mill wholesaler. She stocks based on what people have asked about lately, I'll bet whoever asked about them already took them home. They are way more colorful than I thought.
  15. I'm pretty sure I can remember watching Tennessee Ernie Ford doing that song on TV when I was a kid.
  16. I did an experiment with some new plants. They were bought local and were really sad, I figured the crypts were dead. I wasn't able to get some wet hands time right then so they had to hang out in a bucket for most of a week, by then they were seriously dead. I finally had time to put them in my newest tank. I figured the worst that could happen is they would provide ammonia for the cycle so I planted them. Sand substrate from the hill above the house a root tab each and a triple dose of EZ Green liquid. I put set the Kasa plug for 4 hours on 4 hours off based on posts by @Streetwise. I ran it like that for several weeks. The crypts recovered!? The other plants act like they have lived there forever. YMMV. But I think for a plant only cycle turning the light off and on every 4 hours might be worth trying.
  17. I really like this one, but it's a fake. Someone with a lot of video editing talent made from segments of other performances. When Billy Gibbons saw it he said "someone obviously had too much time on thier hands". ZZ Top And Jeff Beck later did the song together for real. I like this version better because Tal Wilkenfeld plays in it.
  18. I wouldn't change a thing and put in whatever plants you want. The stories of Corys not doing well on other than sand substrates are just that... stories. And in my experience rooted plants like sand just fine too. You'll have to run root tabs with rooted plants in sand. You can make it as hard as you would like, but you don't have to.
  19. Four at once! Sorry I keep posting when I get some but it tickles me every time.
  20. Not really. When I got back into aquariums I read all I could about pH and hardness (one of the first things I bought was an API Master Test Kit) what I found is that people that raise fish for a living don't even react until their pH is below 6.5 or above 9, assuming adequate hardness to buffer. I figured I was fine and proceeded to ignore it. I think stability and clean water (changes) are what matters. I do test weekly and change water whenever it needs it (based on Nitrates with the CoOp test strips now), or every two weeks whichever comes first. I do drip acclimate fish that I buy mail order because big fast changes are harmful. Local buys are temperature acclimated in the bag then plop and drop.
  21. Sorry for the poor picture, I was attempting to show the water parameters in my tank with the Cardinals in the background. What I am attempting to show is Hardness is off the chart, buffer is high, Ph is well into the 8's. Cardinals are healthy and happy ( bought them tiny they are downright big now). There are Panda Corys in there, Lemon Tetras, and Hengeli Rasboras, plus a billion Cherry Shrimp and two billion snails. Hard water is easy, I don't envy the folks with water with nothing in it.
  22. In my opinion, either of those numbers are fine. I don't think I would try to mess with the water parameters until they got more than .5 either way of them (who am I kidding, I wouldn't then). Your hardness and buffer look like you are good to go at that Ph to me. Like always if someone knows better I hope they chime in.
  23. I agree with @lefty o. I wouldn't go nuclear over some fish dying, if it was ich it's easily treated. I'm guessing they had a bad time through the supply chain and just ran out of stamina.
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