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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. You can pinch Repashy powder underwater and it coats the things so the snails have something to eat.
  2. What about the Bolivian rams! 😭 I know- not as colorful, but they have adorable personalities.
  3. So I have some free time. Do you think I should just go ahead and scape the 10g he is in for QT (he'd be in a holding area during this, of course) or should I wait til I see regrowth? Given that he chewed his tail during recovery, IDK if it's feasible to wait for regrowth first. He could just do that again. Thoughts? I don't want to rush things. But if treatment is environment instead of meds, maybe I should just go for it. (?)
  4. Triops but they've got a short lifespan. Still, would be cool though. Check out this triops journal. It's awesome!
  5. Awesome. Great lookin shrimp. I enjoyed the triops adventure.
  6. I really love this thing. It was $5 and it’s great for leftover food, or splitting up brine shrimp batches. Last week I fed the shrimp on a day they weren’t hungry. I got the food out of the tank with a pipette and made cubes. The size of a frozen store bought brine shrimp cube is too big for my fish also. So I thaw it and split it in my tray. Now I can feed the little portions and see how much they eat. Size of cube: This is marketed as an ice cube tray. I have found that candy molds are too big for most of my purposes.
  7. Oh shoot, I forgot about the eggs. Thanks Lennie.
  8. It looks awesome, I love it! I look at their poops. I see if it is brown or white. If white, I’d redose. If brown or whatever color their food is, it’s normal.
  9. Funny you mention it, I just found 2. I hadn’t added anything to the tank in awhile either so I guess they setup shop in the deep substrate awhile ago. @nabokovfan87 is bdbs ok for cories, sharpness-wise?
  10. Sure thing. If you type med trio in the search bar for this site, you can find some more previous posts about using it as well.
  11. I like that idea, because it also helps prevent the compaction that some types of sand get, which plant roots don't like.
  12. Personally, I don't like to medicate unless necessary. Again, varying approaches to this amongst different hobbyists. Here is another thread that has a lot of comments and thoughts, and it may have some similarities to your situation.
  13. Not necessarily; I'd use as directed. But the detoxifying effect does stop working within a day or so, and it will not prevent ammonia/nitrite readings. You'll still see those on your tests, but they will be safe for the day.
  14. They may not be if meds have killed this bacteria, resulting in the ammonia spike. Salt is safe to use alongside the med trio, but given the losses you've had, do you want to continue on with med trio or water change it out? You have a lot of variables going on with 3 meds, and it will be difficult to pinpoint what is causing the losses, and more losses may occur if you stay the course. Adding carbon will remove meds from water, if you go that route. My opinion is to reset with fresh, clean, dechlorinated water and observe. Tagging some folks to see if we can get some more points of view. @Colu @Odd Duck
  15. Yep, paver sand has a coagulant in it. Not what you'd want in your tank. @DeepWater I use pool filter sand from the hardware store.
  16. I'm so sorry for your losses. I'd recommend adding Prime or another ammonia and nitrite detoxifying dechlorinator with water changes as long as the ammonia readings are there. Medications can cause bacteria on the filter to die which could be another reason for a spike. How long has the tank been up? What types of filter are you using? Do you have an airstone? What size is your quarantine tank? I'd also recommend adding an extra airstone, as meds change the viscosity of the water and make it harder for fish to breathe. When I make a new fish purchase, I observe and I don't immediately treat, as meds alone can cause stress in fish. If I see a symptom, I use a disease chart and try to pinpoint what it is and treat for just that. I like using aquarium salt as well, as both a preventative and a treatment. It is good for stress reduction, healing, and electrolytes. It's also great if you don't know what an illness is, as it cures a lot of ailments. This is just what I do, but there are many approaches and opinions on the quarantine process. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish#:~:text=Level 1 Treatment&text=You can pour the salt,%2C it's not very strong). https://fritzaquatics.com/assets/files/uploads/Disease_Guide_Poster_Sm.pdf Note: I don't necessarily use the Fritz products that this chart recommends. I have the med trio on hand and use those meds if the symptoms on the chart match what I'm seeing. I purchase other meds if needed.
  17. Mama sleeps like this every night. She is just waking up. My husband commented that the jar looks pretty. ☺️
  18. 25% water change, Maracyn course completed. Good parameters. Dosed the tank with Fritz dark water. Made a shelf out of a breeder box thing in case he thinks his fins are heavy. He put the kickstands down and tried it out. His tunnel is there for him too. He was super excited about his bloodworm breakfast.
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