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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. He follows my signals. (He got treats after)
  2. My friend thought it was fun to put together this collage of myself (Finderella) and my friend Andrew at Halloween. This one was at Devil's Den. Pathetic buoyancy skills here. In my defense, the pumpkin was "floaty"
  3. @TheSwissAquarist I didn't find the night ones yet, but I found these Me @ Weeki Wachee Diving at 40 Fathom Grotto: Random ocean dives: Goliath Groupers, school of yellowtail Hey, who's there? Hey! Get out of my cave! Hawksbill sea turtle stingray When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that a Moray! That's a Moray! Sea fan Sponge Gray angelfish Sponge Queen Angelfish
  4. No one else showing symptoms. It was one shrimp from 10g and one shrimp from 29g. Used magnifying glass on everyone today. @TheSwissAquarist I found Kratos! Should’ve known he’d be by a filter. It’s like getting room service. (Laziest snail ever) 😫 I cleaned that less than a week ago. They all went in the trench, under the crud line. Here’s proof!
  5. ORD !!! Oh great. The bull shark. The one we have here. 🥲 Still gonna dive. #yolo One of the night dives I did, a big nurse shark was the first thing I saw on my descent. Super cool. Night dives are awesome because you see the TRUE colors of the fish in your light. Day dives we have light dissipation to deal with. Also bioluminescent things, plankton etc chill in the light beam. Sidenote- divers see other divers because we attach glow sticks to our tanks. Also some glow stick-type-devices that are battery operated remain off until their sensors get wet. I had one that flashes. I think I loaned it out to a newer diver and just used a regular glow stick and didn’t get it back. So I use this one. I just twist it to turn it on.
  6. N/A. Front & center, always. Please note photobomber on right. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles @The endler guy ☹️ Snoopy is getting more territorial over this food dish, regardless of what food is in it. She was running off tetras today, and she even made contact with one. No injury. I think I need a second food dish in case they want to have some of the Repashy. One issue is I will feed the tetras at the top, then I will drop the sinking food for Snoopy, but the tetras want that too. I don’t want to feed them mass quantities though. And then everyone was eating the new Snello. Or trying to. Maybe a tetra food dish at mid level for Repashy? With a suction cup? Time & again I thought of adding another ram or two, but I don’t because several folks on this thread with more than one has had aggression issues and/or loss.
  7. Supplier choice, and quarantine. In my case, I’ve had the shrimp quite some time and it’s just now appearing. Or perhaps I had it but never knew I had it(?) Shrimps are small so it’s really hard to see. I just happened to have one this week that had a bad case, and now I’m hyperfixated on checking them all and pulling molts. The silver lining is the colony in the shrimp tank seems ok. I hope it continues that way. Sir RaceAround was still racing so I just put him in qt without any treatment. I will inspect him in there later once he calms down.
  8. Everyone likes the new Snello. She has scutariella japonica. This is in the 29g. 😩 Salt dipped, it was 10 sec based on her behavior. Then she was added to shrimp qt. She was lethargic for a few sec so I held the airstone next to her. Then she walked over to the media and started eating. So another success story, it seems. I have another I pulled from the tank TWICE today, because I thought I saw wiggling on his head. But he is not staying still for me to closer analyze. It could be his wild pattern throwing me off. I’m not sure. I’m calling him Sir RaceAround, because he’s doing laps in a Tupperware. Dead flatworms in the salt dip container. The worms that had been living in her head… I thought today was going to be pretty chill. 😞 Anyone who has shrimp, this parasite is subtle. Periodically use a magnifying glass on your shrimp! Often hard to see!
  9. @Lennie @Guppysnail get ready for this one. Woke up, yawn, get coffee.. it’s brewing. Go on a hunt for a burrowing nerite. Nope. Not today. Clatter clatter! (??). From Walstad jar / QT tote area.. tank stands ok? Tanks ok? (Mind goes to the worst scenario). All is well. Cats are in kitchen eating. I imagined it? No more noise. Start watching community tank. Feed Geppetto, have a conversation with him. Clatter, click… sounds.. glassy? Clinking glasses noise. Again, Walstad jar area. Ok ok, grab flashlight.. Do you see? 👆 Ok. This is the frog that lives in the wreath on my door. I know this because my door has an oval window and I see him from inside. Ok so now I….. STOP! BUT FIRST! COFFEE! ☕️ Sip sip.. ok. Let’s see what we can do. I grab 2 of my frog catchers. I finagle them around the frog. Whoa! The jumpers work really well! 😂 WHY IN THE GLASSWARE!? We are over here now. After 2 more jumps to the other side, and me removing glass by glass.. I caught him in one of my frog catchers. (Side note: he survived 2 cats, unnoticed, unscathed. Props to him!) Omg he is looking at me, HOW CUTE IS HE?!?!?! At this point I’m telling him like a hundred times how adorable he is, whilst looking for something to slide under my frog catcher. I came up with a piece of cabinet liner which I have on the Walstad surface so I can put wet tools there. So that worked. And he was safely returned to the garden. 🌱 And my frog catcher is now in a sanitizing bath. Lastly, I will add washing glassware to today’s to do list. 😂
  10. I saw it! And I did that stuff! What they were doing was hiding IN 1/2” of mulm. And I had to keep stirring up the mulm. And every time I thought I found them all, I’d take the bucket outside to the garden and start to tip it and.. shrimplet. 😫 Check out what Torrey just posted above! ⬆️ Neat! Currently I’m trying to find a deal on a strainer on a trusted website.
  11. 😔 ugh. I hate that. Thank you! & sounds like you have free dive trips for life? That’s great to hear. The dive instructors tell us that the majority of shark attacks happen at the beach. Because 1) there is a lot of flailing which attracts the shark (it thinks a fish is in distress, and 2) the waves are constantly churning everything up, so the shark can’t see what it actually is and has to taste the person to know. I forgot about bull sharks. Now those we do have around here. Divers I know have reported they are very bold. I have never seen one. I have about 110 or 115 dives so far. Not all saltwater, but a lot are. I’m going to add 2 to my count next weekend! Those are so cool. And #1 on the list, furcatus, I love them so much. My LFS has them. They should really have at least a 20g, as they will traverse the whole space. Watch their fins 😍 The thread fins are amazing too. You should watch vids of both to see the unique fin action. When I was in LFS one threadfin was flaring to put on a show for another. Two males, but it was just a sort of I’m better than you thing they had going on.
  12. I use these. I even take them into non-grocery stores to use them.
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