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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Holding steady with the fin condition. He did get a water change Tuesday and 6 cups IAL tea added back.
  2. Rachel O’Leary talks about it. Super common in neos. Also says they usually look fine but with macro lens or magnifying glass is where symptoms can be seen. Prepping tank for treatment. I have to get the sand as clean as possible. Waste = carbon = less effective meds. I removed waste turkey baster by turkey baster because the airline kept clogging. These repetitive motions killed my back but I got 2/3 of the tank done. I used a white dish pan. I was not able to get the paint strainer yet. It never fails - shrimplets never move until I go outside to pour the water on the garden. No matter how much I use a flashlight and stir mulm with a skewer, if I’m indoors they are perfectly still within the mulm. 😐 Well ok, ONE I saw. Then 2 were rescued after going outside. I left the mulm water to sit overnight and will check again in the morning. I’m exhausted. I had the eye doctor and the dentist today as well. Eyes required dilation so I was out of commission for awhile and couldn’t do much or read things because I couldn’t see well. So I relaxed and watched @TheSwissAquarist ‘s recommendation The Great Escape. Very good. 👍👍 P.S. the shrimps like the stuff I stirred up. They are having a great time. & I found a baby and an adult MTS and they went into a bucket with the plants. They were given a flower pot of delicious sand from the tank.
  3. She’s not impressed I turned on the music during her nap…
  4. Husband still spoiling these guys with the cashews and peanuts in the shell. They get a good quality birdseed also but their order of preference is cashews, peanuts, birdseed (sunflower seeds first). They take the peanuts to the fence or a hard surface and break it. Or they hold it and peck the shell off with their beaks. They will eat walnuts (unshelled) but it’s not their favorite. I got home yesterday and they were sitting there in the backyard waiting for service.😂 So spoiled. There were 8! And they are loud and we can hear their requests across the house when it’s meal time. The squirrels are just fine with this arrangement. Sometimes cardinals come. One male and 2 females. When I go out, they patiently go to a nearby branch and wait. When seed and nuts are offered, they start talking (telling all their friends).
  5. Dr @Colu you’re the best. Thanks again for helping out with fish illness
  6. If it turns out to be columnaris, yes. It’s like a flesh eating bacteria for fish. It will continue to eat away at them
  7. Could be columnaris for the saddle issue. Take a look here at the columnaris link. The third post is how I treated. I had to go outside of the med trio for this one as those meds were not effective on this. @Colu
  8. To add a little humor, a search for Paraguard comes up with IUD information! 🤣 So we must search for “Seachem Paraguard”. I was trying to compare ingredients. Gotta love when manufacturers just put “proprietary blend” (?)
  9. Guppysnail had MTS as her substrate. That is my life goal. ___ So guys I did the magnifying glass test this AM. One female has a worm that is retracting down into her head, she looks at a glance like she’s not a host, then it comes out, and a few others have it too. So now I want opinions since I have not bought meds yet and have a choice. PraziPro or Paraguard? Paraguard was in Rachel O’Leary’s article; she says it’s very mild on the shrimp. @Torrey has good experience with PraziPro. I’m inexperienced with this illness and have different information from different sources and just need a weigh-in? https://www.amazonasmagazine.com/2015/05/12/parasites-in-freshwater-shrimp/ Today is lolly day. I salt dipped 2 today including Sir RaceAround, but I agree I need to do a tank treatment now that it is now looking to be widespread. 😭 I’m overwhelmed. Also 2 of my qt shrimp came from a DIFFERENT tank and are wild… @Minanora @Solstice_Lacer
  10. My shrimp tank water changes are small because some weren’t surviving water changes. Would I have to do water changes over the course of a few days in this fashion? I have shrimplets. New. The tiniest of shrimplets. Would they be ok with this treatment? I am trying to launch a population of Malaysian trumpet snails. I put 2 in the tank a few weeks ago. Within this week I noticed my very first Malaysian trumpet snail babies (adorable). This treatment would kill them. Right? I also have a diverse popular of microfauna.
  11. The bottom fin that had the paper thin new growth- I noticed holes again, it’s trying to split again.
  12. I made the cutest filter for the specimen container where I’m quarantining a few shrimp! Gravel-floss-coarse. Tube is a filter intake, notched at bottom. Hole in pot sealed with superglue gel.
  13. Ugh. That stinks. May have to go to phase 2 or second salt dip. I read there should be one week between salt dips to keep stress down. Thank you. Everyone has been great helping me out. Get ready for this, guys. I made the most adorable filter for the specimen container. (Gravel/floss/coarse. Filter intake tube)
  14. So sorry… I wonder if, in general, they are a more delicate species? Bc some species are labeled or advertised as “hardy”. Fingers crossed for the others. ❤️🙏
  15. I checked the shrimps and everyone seems symptom free, except for Sir RaceAround (in QT) which I may salt dip later. For now, I’m off to spend time with my parents for the day. The thing with him is that I can’t see the issue from above, but sometimes I think I see it from the side.
  16. It looks so dumb in the front, but as long as he’s happy 🙂
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