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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. The food dish is popular today. The little snail that’s been unwell (second photo) has been there all morning; he was there when I woke up. Then Button, and now the darker little guy is there. Green beans and algae wafers are on the menu. I tried to give an algae wafer to Button, but she went around it. Oh also I found out how the baffle comes loose.
  2. This is her 17th clutch and the first time I actually saw the egg laying. She does it in private. I’m usually not awake at midnight and just so happened to check the tank. Also if you click the link in @Guppysnail’s signature line you can see a video of the process.
  3. The wood looks cool @Guppysnail. Cichlids are really fun. When mine would mate they would circle around each other really fast and they would be cycling through different colors while they did that. Ie: the bright yellow one would turn navy blue, then purple. My brother said they were doing the Yin Yang, because that’s the kind of shape they would make in their dance. Also certain cichlids carry babies in their mouth to protect them. I had mbunas that did that. Here’s a video that I followed for swim throughs. Making these is really as easy as it looks in the video.
  4. These were how mine looked when they were ready @TeeJay
  5. Yeah I wake up each morning thinking is today the day? Will @TeeJay be a snail dad?
  6. Don’t give up. This part of the hobby sucks. You just had bad luck. There is a lot of joy this hobby brings when there is no illness. You will be able to come home and gaze at your fish tank and it will relax you. They do like it, but it fouls the water more quickly than other foods. I’ve fed it to my newborn snails on their first days.
  7. Google owns YouTube; if you have gmail or another Google service, it’s the same login. I’m sorry the endler isn’t feeling well. 😔 I hope all of this resolves soon for you. Say, what do you feed the snail? Did you know they like boiled veggies? Cucumber, green bean, zucchini, carrot, cabbage, all kinds of stuff. As long as the veggies have no salt. And snails need a calcium supplement (for their shell). If you go out for the gang valve you can grab a cuttlebone from the bird section and break off a chunk and put it in with the snail. Cuttlebone is natural. It comes from the cuttlefish. It will float at first. The snail will occasionally graze on it and it will sloooowly dissolve and add a little calcium to the water for the snail. Or there is a food called crab cuisine that contains calcium. snails eating green bean:
  8. To quote a whole post, go to the bottom of it and click Quote. To quote a sentence or several words, highlight the words and click quote in the pop up box. To share a video, upload it to the YouTube app, then share the YouTube link here.
  9. pH may go down over time with driftwood or leaves in the tank, but regular water changes will keep it consistent. As long as your water company doesn’t change the chemistry.
  10. I use this one when I’m not using prime. I only use prime if I’m having trouble with ammonia or something. This stuff is cheaper, and I just seem to have overbought on it so I’m using it up. Also if you go this route you want AquaSafe “plus” because I don’t think the regular AquaSafe neutralizes chlorAMINE.
  11. This one. https://www.amazon.com/ThermoPro-Digital-Instant-Thermometer-Kitchen/dp/B01IHHLB3W/ref=sr_1_15?crid=1ELCBOBTRFP0F&keywords=digital+meat+thermometer&qid=1660917361&sprefix=digital+meat+thermomet%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-15
  12. My first thought when you said bloating was Epsom salt, but seeing as how you already did that, I wonder if it could be dropsy. @Colu what do you think? Also, flow is one reason that bettas will sit. Here's a helpful video, if this applies to your tank(s).
  13. Yeah, columnaris is bacterial and it is more like a gray discoloration, often in a square shape for some reason. It is not raised up and fluffy like a fungus would be. I can't tell from the photos you posted whether or not the issue is fluffy. Fungus: Columnaris:
  14. @nabokovfan87 I didn't medicate at all - I did the temperature raise + the garlic infusion in the display tank using the juice from fresh garlic cloves like in the video above. Still lost 2 of 9 fish, but it resolved it. I don't think I changed any media either. It was a successful experiment, if you will. Controversial for sure, but Father Fish is a strong advocate of everything natural - natural tanks (soil, sand, plants, improved-upon Walstad method) and natural remedies, and I just happened upon his channel while I was having the issue. (Also that garlic will stink up the tank room, and I got punched in the face with garlic smell every time I opened the lid. P.U. Husband walking in the room like, hey, did you make spaghetti? I'm like, oh, uhhhh.. yeahhh... but I already ate it. 🤣) And I didn't know that about the dechlorinators w/ ich-X. Thanks! I didn't read anything past the directions. (duh) @Terri57 DON'T change your treatment method based on what I just said. Stay on the SAME treatment that you are. Continue through the course of meds, following the directions exactly. Absolutely. I do this every time I have sick fish and am treating them. Some of those meds change the viscosity of the water as well, creating the need for more air.
  15. Little snail was laying in the back for >24 hours again. Moved to food dish, gave sniff check. He’s alive. Within a few minutes he found the cucumber rind and latched on. Look at how pale he is compared to big guy. I left him with a green bean.
  16. Completed the 5 days of Maracyn. His infected spot is better since last week, but it’s like that part of his lateral line was erased. 🫤 Did my 25% water change but keeping up with the level 3 salt and going to add carbon now.
  17. Ok here it is. I followed these instructions for heat; It was 86 degrees. Ich cannot survive at that temp. If you watch this you may want to click settings and speed up the playback speed. He talks kinda slow. He’s got 70 years of fishkeeping experience though. LOL
  18. The prob is, it’s a display tank, not a quarantine tank. It’s the main habitat for the fishes. Any alternatives? Wouldn’t the meds kill the stuff in the tank? As a side note, ich is so not fun. I had ich in one of my tanks at the beginning of the year, and it caused some losses as well. Raising the temperature in the tank will also help rid the tank of ich. I forget how high to go. I think I went to 86 when my tank had ich (Don’t quote me on the number. something to look into though).
  19. One day I might set up a fiddler crab tank. They need water AND land and they need brackish water. One day.... 🙂
  20. I'm too nervous a snail will crawl up a plant and get out. I'm so classy I use duct tape over all the holes in the back.
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