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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I'm with you there. I grew up in PA and we said soda. The people "next door" in Ohio said pop. But in some parts of the country, the locals will order a "Coke" and the waitress would ask what flavor Coke they would like, and they'd reply with something like "Orange" or "Root Beer". Tetras in general are very hardy! I have some that a friend gave to me about 11 years ago. His landlord decided he wasn't allowed to have the fish tank, so there I was, the adoptive tetra parent. LOL
  2. That’s kinda like how in some states they say soda and in other states they say pop. Did the Glo Lights make it? 😬
  3. I guess you could put each bag inside of a smaller box. Boxes inside a box.
  4. Off topic- went to Disney Springs the other day and look at these cakes. They even have little tails. Also all of these characters are made out of Legos. (No idea who those people are but whatever - it shows you that the Lego creations are life sized). 🙂
  5. Woohoo!! Go little plant, go! Mine have some algae that the snails can’t seem to remove and neither can I. I’m not gonna worry about it though. In this tank k think only one leaf has it, but look at the one in the main tank. You may have to zoom in. It is a dark green algae and it will not come off with a fingernail scrape. The snails have teeth too and they try to clean it also but it won’t budge. I guess I could RR it but that’s low priority right now.
  6. I’d be so nervous to ship anything alive besides a plant!
  7. I grew up in the coal region of Pennsylvania. Canary in the Coal Mine became a saying because coal mines can have trapped methane gas, and to determine this, they’d send a canary in. Fun history facts! Lol
  8. Potential shrimp tank c-shaped wood provides an alcove to hide in big leaf plant: moss: flat rock (ok, well, a dish): Actual flat rock @nabokovfan87 told me to add a while ago because only wood does not constitute hard scape 🙂 it’s kinda under the piece of wood right now because I moved stuff around to substrate vac today. Caves (not in tank currently, but I’ve got them!)
  9. Shrimp: Thanks so much! My tank checks all the boxes for shrimp. As a former baby snail growout tank with ceramic caves, wood, moss, and a flat rock, it’s well seasoned with constant parameters. Disease: This illness was in newly bought fish. In previous situations fish that had just been treated were added back too soon I guess, because if they appeared weak the other fish would bully them. I hesitate to add salt to the display tank. There’s a fair number of snails in there now and I don’t know what salt level harms them.
  10. Thanks @AllFishNoBrakes ! @sweetpoison with your parameters so good, I don't think you need bottled bacteria. You're at the end of the cycle (as of the 12th). Probably today the cycle is complete.
  11. I like Fritz Zyme 7. I know your nitrite was low on the 12th; it's probably gone now. Once it's zero go ahead and add the fish!
  12. 🤢 Well, cool, less vacuuming substrate for Chick. And do they eat the dead leaves of plants too? (I mean live plants, not dried plants)
  13. Thanks guys. I have a friend (Goldie the baby mystery snail's new mom) I'm going to the arts festival with this weekend and she said she has extra almond leaves and that they are really big. She has one betta she bought them for, oh and the axolotl, and wanted to know if I'd like any. I can take some for the shrimp and I think I'd have everything I need. I have some crab cuisine on hand and as we know there are always vegetables on the menu. 🙂 And I have 2 kinds of repashy, and Snello. I medicate in the tote. I've been using this tank for observation AFTER fish come out of the quarantine tote. Since I had some fishies relapse when moving straight from QT tote to display tank, I started doing things this way. Little tiny terra cotta pots. $0.77/ea. 🙂 Why? Is it a food source or is it beneficial for another reason?
  14. So what I'd like to do next with the 10gal is have some shrimp. A few things stop me from doing it. First, the tank is a recovery unit for fish coming out of the quarantine tote. Wasn't my plan but I've discovered if I go straight from tote to display with them I'll see symptoms I hadn't seen through the plastic, and then I have to net them back out. So I observe them through glass in the recovery unit for a bit longer just to make sure they are healthy enough to go to display tank. -Would shrimp be ok in a tank like this? (can they get diseases from the fish?) @TeeJay @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 Second, well - I've never kept shrimp. At least not properly. I think there's a fair amount of people that have had ghost shrimp in a display tank. That was me, like 2 decades ago 😳. I actually don't know what happened to them because well, they were small and clear. Just kinda vanished. Maybe got eaten. I'm nervous now about shrimp because I feel like I failed those guys. Here's what I know. My pH is between 7 & 7.5. So I'd need to get neocaridina shrimp because they are ok in that range. Plus I'd need some dried botanicals to add the tank. My temp is 78 in the tank. I have a cave pot in there and several pieces of wood has hollow spots to hide in. I also know to get one color because if you mix colors the little ones will all be brown. I know they like snail food and vegetables and they need calcium. What else might I need to know? Would I be fine to still do my weekly 25% water change or is that too much water to change at once w/ shrimp? Also would hydra kill shrimp (I think @Guppysnail said she hasn't had a problem with that). Quarantine process for shrimp? (or is that not a thing) Shrimp diseases? What do little baby shrimplets eat? I will be setting up a 5g as the recovery unit next, but for right now I have one inpatient and another to join soon.
  15. You guys ever watch the bettas on Aqua Huna livestream? Pretty neat. Stream is up 9am-12am (Pacific) https://aquahuna.com/collections/betta/products/choose-your-betta-livestream
  16. LOL! York is the big gold one ( York because she's the big apple [snail] ) Hampshire is the Zebra nerite. Button is the olive nerite. Bon Bon, C3PO, Woodstock (because my Bolivian Ram is Snoopy), and Goliath are gold mystery snails. Goliath is a little bitty runt snail that stays the same size. Dodger is the blue snail that was getting picked on by sword tails and the big box store; he is a rescue. He couldn't open up or he'd get attacked. And Nibbles is the littlest of all; I don't even know what kind of snail he is. He looks like a mystery snail but he's like a little peppercorn that also never grows. He came in on some moss that I bought. I haven't named all the magentas yet except for one, the guy, who is always, ya know, "in the mood" - his name is Romeo. Woodstock: Romeo (dark purple): Dodger: Button & Goliath: C3PO (son) and York (mama): Nibbles (hydra on wall for size comparison): Bon Bon: Nibbles: C3PO with Dodger: Romeo kissing Hampshire:
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