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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Caramel? I’m so sorry. 😢 This morning I took York gently off the wall and placed her on the Repashy, and she started eating right away. (My version of, “make sure you take your vitamins!”) She is an active snail. I haven’t noticed any changes in behavior. Although someone laid their eggs underwater this week and I don’t know who.
  2. No. I do not have a TDS meter. Based on what I’ve read here, perhaps that is only necessary for caridinas. I did get a shrimplet in my last purchase. Active little one, cute, all over the place. I posted a video. @Guppysnail did you see my question about York’s poor operculum? 😕
  3. Congratulations! You’re on the right track with the incubator. Usually clutches fall off or get too hard if left on the glass.
  4. Supposedly in the wild, cories live in massive schools and when the school moves it’s like watching water ripple. I believe I heard that on the ACO podcast.
  5. I have been giving Repashy cubes. They used to go for them. Now they don’t. So maybe I can swirl powder in the water so it coats the water sprite. Oh my gosh, @nabokovfan87, thank you! What I mean is, to take them from 180 gh.. to 10 gh (for example). Would that have an ill effect? Too drastic a change? Or would that put them into a more ideal, healthier environment. I happened upon that one yesterday around the time I examined the shrimp. I was like, quite the soundtrack here. I liked it. 🤣 I’m confused because I was doing all the stuff she recommends. Such as making sure temperature is the same, using Prime, and ph, gh, kH were the same. The one thing I was not doing initially though, was dripping water back in. I was pouring it. I will also add that I did have some shrimp successfully molt. I have found perfect molts since I adopted them. (Blue dream shrimp molts are whitish-clear). 🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌 Next question is for @Guppysnail. York was at the top and I accidentally bumped her and she went partially into her shell and floated. No big deal, she had some air in her shell. But her operculum is in bad shape. Like it’s beginning to erode/disintegrate away. 😞 It is becoming soft. I know that operculum health is tied to protein, so I am ramping that up. My Snello has bloodworms in it, but perhaps that not cutting it. That’s not the only thing I feed though. I throw in Repashy, and the snails often get fish food that the fish leave behind after they are full. Rotation is snello, boiled veg, Repashy, algae wafers, banquet blocks, crab cuisine (the fish usually beat them to the crab cuisine so I don’t feed that one too often). Frozen foods are always consumed by the fish; I can’t seem to get them to the snails. Any advice? Could I be doing anything different? The other snails have strong healthy operculums, as far as I can tell. It is only York that has this issue. I gave her a generous amount of cichlid pellets today. 40% protein in those, and the ones I bought are too big for the fish mouths. (But just perfect for snail mouths)
  6. Seems there is a learning curve to it. You have to add minerals, and additives to set your own gh and kH. And I don’t know how they’d take to water changes with different water. So many questions.. When I get the shrimp sticks from co op I will try placing them in the water sprite. The new guys are on the bottom, but I suspect it’s just a matter of time before they go up into the sprite. P.S. it’s gonna be 38 degrees here tonight! This is supposed to be “The Sunshine State”!
  7. It is less noticeable once the moss grows. What Cory does is use the cap of the superglue to press the plant to the object. Hence, no glue on hands. The project came out nicely, and the pups look so cozy in their blankets.
  8. 95% of the time they don’t eat food. They are up in the water sprite picking at algae and stuff. There is green hair algae up there that they enjoy. I do have a co op order coming tomorrow with some shrimp sticks. We will see if they descend from the water sprite and show interest. Initially I was water changing weekly but those water changes were causing more deaths, so I backed off. I do it every 2-3 weeks now, and I drip water back in. No more than 10% usually. The RO water info I got from a video by Flip Aquatics. Also I have a friend in this area with a shrimp tank and she buys distilled and has no probs.
  9. Rather than buy the machine, would probably go the distilled route since it’s just a 10g. But I need to learn more - ie: is it really necessary. Plus with ro you have to add minerals back as well as test tds and I’m not sure if I’m going down some rabbit hole or what.
  10. Yeah so… I hate posting bad news. The shrimp passed. 😔 I carefully checked and there was no molt in progress. Meaning I took a toothpick to see if the carapace was loose. It was very affixed. So I don’t know. But before doing anything or checking the carapace, I observed for 3 hrs, zero signs of life. I even gave a little nudge to see if I could get any response, even an antenna twitch. Nada. No light banding or anything, perfect color. I really don’t know. Parameters are stable, nothing changed there. I’m frustrated and I worry I just put 4 new shrimp in the tank of death. I’m getting mixed info about RO water. Some people say use it for neos, other people say not necessary, tap water is fine for neos and that RO is really only needed for caridina, which are I guess more sensitive than Neocaridina. Others say you’ll lose most of the first group and that’s normal, but the babies born into the water will be resilient and will not have issues. 😕🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. Been thinking about this for a bit. Saying to myself, “Self, things are going well with the shrimp. We haven’t had any ‘incidents’ lately. We have a nice drip water change system established (and we don’t really change water too often, because parameters are good). We have only one male to three female. Maybe that’s not fair. Let’s get some more shrimp.” And so I head to the LFS and I do get more. I got 4. Why 4, you ask? Because they had 4. 🤣 Now, dummy me, I don’t watch them bag the shrimp and the netter-upper guy takes the bag to the checker-outter guy while I continue to shop. Nor do I ask the price, as their shrimp bowl was unmarked except for “Blue Shrimp”. Bought some frozen brine shrimp, looked at the fish, etc. Go to check out and the guy is looking in the bag, and I say, there’s 4 shrimp. He finished the transaction, THEN I notice- one is a shrimplet. And then I get my total which is ouch, so I ask how much the shrimp are. $8 each. Seems steep!! And I was charged the full $8 for that shrimplet too (but what was I gonna do, leave little shrimplet there all alone and take her family away?) Whatever, I supported local, got what I went for, done deal. Here are the new recruits, getting ready for their 2 hr drip. Java moss for their comfort. They were instantly interested and took advantage of it. So going back to the first part, “Self, things are going well with the shrimp.” Why then, do I look in the tank and a female is on her back?? Omg! I’m really hoping she is molting. I’m kinda freaking out though.
  12. I don’t know why but my water sprite didn’t like being planted. It loves being floated, and then it makes shoots off to the sides, kind of like a snowflake. This floating clump here is the water sprite, and the shrimp have made it their favorite hangout.
  13. I’m not quite sure what happened there. I do have a chunk of driftwood in there but stuffed moss in all the places I thought may snag him. He was in and around my water dispersion tool which does have very rough edges where I poked my own holes. Time for a better one, I suppose. He’s got tannins in the water though which should aid him.
  14. Maybe ember tetras, they stay under an inch. I saw them in LFS and was surprised at how little they are.
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