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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. ive got no idea, but its similar to with my platy fry where most of them are yellow/clear, but there are always 1or2 that are darker and i cannot find a pattern.
  2. happy to help, just a small warning they can be slightly harder to find, and can be like $15-$20each. But beyond that they are very fun fish. I forgot to add, very peaceful too, otherwise my description could match african cichlids.
  3. i cheated. I went to the Aquariumcoop website and looked at what stickers they had, thats how i could get such accurate guesses
  4. i have added some rockwool i was holding for this purpose, but no results yet, i also squeezed out old filter media into the tank. I have added some fish food to the tank, and there are 3 small snails in there that snuck in on the plants.
  5. @Tactical Error @xXInkedPhoenixXwhat are the diemensions?
  6. they shouldnt be harmful, its just what i see in my infusoria culture.
  7. definetly looks livebearer like to me. However, i think its a bit quick to assume the sex of this fish at such an early age. In my experiences with platies, it takes a month or two for me to be able to sex them, before than technically they all look like females.
  8. 1.100gallon tank, if it was 1 100 or 5 20's id do the 20s but tens are limited in my opinion Never change water, changing water in a 100gallon tank would be a pain neon tetra tank, it would just look cooler, id break the rules and add corydoras though
  9. @modified lung have you made a blackworm guide that is simpler than this for someone like me that just wants to try it. You seem to be having much success with them.
  10. @patricia i believe you have this in the wrong section, if you repost this in General Discussion you may get better results. If you can adding filter media from a established tank can help, you can also try a product like Fritz Zyme 7 . However cycling is definitely a complicated subject.
  11. As some of you might now i have recently set up a 2.5gallon shrimp tank. Ive been using Stability to cycle it, and also dosing easy green. To make a long story short ive been using stability for a week now as suggested. Water parameters have high nitrates which im not worried about, but there is Nitrite. So is something wrong with my product? Are my tests wrong? What is happening here?
  12. possibly try to get the nitrates higher, it might have a nutrient deficiency.
  13. thats honestly impressive. Even if i tried, i dont think i could do that.
  14. I really like Panda Garras, for that size tank maybe do like 3. But you get algae eating, with activity and personality+color, its an all-in-one deal!
  15. You should be fine. In my experiences with platies (Hence the username) they have very low bioloads assuming they are being fed a normal amount. Overfeeding anything can give it too high of a bioload. I have a pair of platies right now in a 2gallon tank, and its been weeks since that tank has needed a water change
  16. @Coluis very good at answering these questions. So ill just @ them
  17. have you heard of the American Fisheries Institute . Its a institute, that i think is ran by the government, that is in charge of stocking lakes and rivers and dealing with problems like Overfishing and Polution in these habitats.
  18. you could try some Hornwort, its invasive on some parts of the east coast where the water freezes, and it still is an issue.
  19. maybe, i just planted the val are burried the entire base, not knowing to leave some of the base unburried
  20. have you been having success with platies and shrimp in this setup?
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