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How the Forum Has Changed Your Outlook


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13 minutes ago, Streetwise said:


When I first started here, I was very sensitive about sharing that I run organic soil tanks, and that I try to run with minimal water changes. I was used to people telling me that I was doing things wrong.

@Cory got more into low-maintenance indoor ponds, and @Daniel celebrated his no-filter tanks and ponds.

This forum has really helped with my hobby confidence, and made me a better supporter of other aquarists, even if they don't run systems the same way that I do.

I want everyone to succeed for our underwater friends.


100% agree. It’s fun to see how others think, what seems to motivate, etc. I love the ideas behind the Walstad / Soil substrate method. Just nervous to start that myself 😂 

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Absolutely, 100%. I used to think fish keeping was very high-maintenance, strict, unforgiving, any lapse in attention would mean instant, terrible death that was all your fault.

That might be true for discus and some rams, but for platies? Nah, you're good 🙂

But seriously, I feel like I've found my people here. As soon as I saw "Enjoy Nature Daily," I knew. This place is about encouragement, experimentation, hands-on experience, compassion, pleasure in finding good systems and maintaining them. I haven't had the guts to try dirted tanks yet, but I feel like it'll be the next step in my fish keeping adventures.

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I can't remember if it was Plato or Aristotle, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the Greeks who said that learning is like remembering. When something is clear and makes sense, you think, oh yeah, of course, I remember now, it's because x = y and y = z, and z eventually turns into a. And that's the experience I get coming here and learning from all of you folks and your experience. It feels like remembering what nature is and does, the time it takes and the power it has, even in our tiny 10, 20, 40, 120 gallon slices.

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I think watching Aquarium Co-op's videos and seeing Cory's philosophy in general changed me a lot, and the forum has continued that. 

Before, I was the typical "Things must be done this way!" type of person you see online. I was always a bit more tolerant than most, but I'd definitely get after people for things that the community at large viewed as wrong, even when it had nothing to do with the original topic.

I've learned to chill out a lot more. This forum really suits my style of things, giving advice without feeling the need to nitpick someone's care. 

Edited by Deku-Corydoras
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This forum has taught me a lot about courage -- to try even if I don't know exactly what I'm doing, to ask questions even if I think they might be dumb, to navigate uncharted waters. I've always been afraid of making mistakes but this wonderful group of people has really taught me that it's ok, it's all a learning process and I'll be just fine on the other side of each stumbling block. Life with a bit of bravery is so much more fun. 

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

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One thing I love about this forum is that you could be keeping a goldfish in a bowl and still not get yelled at . At worst someone might say "Your fish may not be that happy" 🤣

1 hour ago, Streetwise said:

I will probably start an organic soil support thread. I just don't want to argue with anyone.

Defentely start one, it would be interesting!

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What I really love about the forum/ACO in general is it really let me look at nature differently, and pay more attention to the smaller parts of aquatic ecosystems, or just nature in general. There are also a lot of really great people here, and everyone stays civil, and kind to others. This is a great place to learn, and give advice. I also feel like I've been able to get a lot more confidence/information here from reading the great posts here. 

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1 hour ago, Streetwise said:

I will probably start an organic soil support thread. I just don't want to argue with anyone.

Please do!   I haven't read the Walstad book, but I wonder if the only real difference between the dirted method and a gravel bottom tank with plants and no traditional filter is that I have to wait for the mulm to build up and provide nutrients, while the dirted tank starts with nutrients already in and the mulm revitalizes the nutrients?

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Dean and I were nerming out pretty hard tonight. I think when I move the 800g this week. I'm going to attempt Fluval fx6s, auto back flushing using solenoids, to back flush daily. Also having pull out drawers for the stands, while still hooked up for cleaning etc. The back flushing will be connected to the drain 24/7. Definitely a lot of moving parts and unexplored territory which should be fun.

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2 hours ago, 1moretank said:

I wonder if the only real difference between the dirted method and a gravel bottom tank with plants and no traditional filter is that I have to wait for the mulm to build up and provide nutrients, while the dirted tank starts with nutrients already in and the mulm revitalizes the nutrients?

That, and if you or your fish disturb the substrate it makes a big mess. 😜

I actually read Walstad’s book first thing when I wanted to get into the hobby, before I got my first fish. I just knew it would be the sort of tank I liked best. Lack of experience plus some of my own preference meant my current setup isn’t as “Walstad-y” as I thought it would be, but hey! I love how everyone here has a slightly different way of doing things. It gives me confidence to try different things rather than following a method.

This isn’t really a change in outlook per se, but I honestly think this forum keeps me in the hobby. When I enjoy something, I want to talk about it and share my experiences with other excited people. When I first started keeping fish I didn’t have anyone to talk to about them, and it really put a damper on things. Now that I have everyone here, I’m excited to keep trying new things and getting more fish!!

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Ever since I found the co-op YouTube channel years ago, I have enjoyed the way Cory is, paving his own way, even if it means not following what everyone else says is the only way to do things. I had given up on online forums prior. I had been on a popular saltwater forum and I had posted about a build I was going to do, it was basically an overhead sump and refugium. I was roasted, and told you can't do that, whatever. It made me want to do it even more to prove all the ones telling me it can't be done wrong. I did the build, showed that it would work, and quite a few of the more popular old timers kept telling me it cant be working, it shouldn't work, whatever. Even after showing it up and running, they wouldn't admit that it works or anything. 

I love that this forum is the exact opposite. Everyone is so supportive, wants to see everybody succeed. I have learned a lot from the short time that this forum has been online, and I am sure I will learn a lot more as time goes on.

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The forum has helped restore my faith in online fishkeepers.
I was so stoked when I found the different Facebook groups (even the one the Co-Op does: Aquarium Group Support). And there are a lot of great people in those groups. However, there is just an overwhelmingly amount of rude comments/posts in the different groups that I have mostly decided to stay hands-off. People get crucified for the craziest things. I guess the lack of mutual respect gets to me. 

This forum has been so unique. The people here are not only kind and helpful; they are respectful of each other. When pushback does occur, it is usually constructive and given in a good way. It has helped to restore my faith in online fishkeepers.   

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17 minutes ago, Ben_RF said:

The forum has helped restore my faith in online fishkeepers.
I was so stoked when I found the different Facebook groups (even the one the Co-Op does: Aquarium Group Support). And there are a lot of great people in those groups. However, there is just an overwhelmingly amount of rude comments/posts in the different groups that I have mostly decided to stay hands-off. People get crucified for the craziest things. I guess the lack of mutual respect gets to me. 

This forum has been so unique. The people here are not only kind and helpful; they are respectful of each other. When pushback does occur, it is usually constructive and given in a good way. It has helped to restore my faith in online fishkeepers.   

Completely agree with this....  as a relative "newby" I've been scared to share on fb groups because of how I've seen others treated.  This group is so fun and helpful!  🥰

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I’m not sure the forum has changed my “outlook” of the hobby. I mainly joined because I don’t have any fishkeeping buddies or a lfs I can hang out in.

It does provide another avenue of seeing some unique styles and different fish and tanks people keep though, which I enjoy thoroughly. @Jungle Fan literally has a jungle in his tank. @Anita has these nano wonderlands and has been playing around with pagoda snails. I love snails and I haven’t really heard of people keeping these. @H.K.Luterman keeps unique fish that ALL have character. @Streetwise is all natural. I feel like if I dunked my head in a nearby lake or river I’d see the inspiration for his tanks. @Daniel shows that all you need is a large enough body of water and a pump to have a slice of heaven inside your home.

I think I’m at the point of trying to be inspired more than learning what new gadget might be out there. This forum allows for that because members here, for the most part, believe different doesn’t mean wrong.

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The forum has caused my aquariums to become neglected as my fish related hobby time has become forum-centric with less time devoted to actual fishkeeping. I have told wife that I can stop posting anytime I want, but she has been hinting at some sort of intervention or rehab.

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It made me realize that mistakes are a part of the hobby and to go easy on myself.

I've had a bad week because several fish and my tank were sick and I'm dosing with Ich-X and Maracyn. But, I am following ACO's recommendation and the tank, which had been cloudy, now looks AMAZING! My fish are begging for food, but because the water looks so much improved, I now have the fortitude to not feed them until day 7 of treatment.

I think the fish might be hunting baby snails, which is also a win. Also, my baby ember tetra chased off a dominant male strawberry rasbora this a.m. and filled my heart with joy.


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