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  1. I’m am wanting to breed white cloud minnows, i am going to use a 20 gallon tank with a sponge filter and I want to use another 20 gallon tank as a grow out so I have room for a lot of the white clouds. My tap water has a ph of 7.8 and the water if fairly hard, it’s not liquid rock but it is pretty hard.
  2. Hello everyone well today me and my GF were doing a morning drive to our coffee shop close by our house and we noticed a house that was having a garage sale and noticed this tank so since me having that mild case of MTS we asked them how much they wanted and they said “Ahh I’ll do twenty” paid them right away and we drove off but I don’t even know what type of filtration it has seems that it’s built Internally to the the tank and there’s two tubes on each side of the tank on the bottom. Can anyone help me out and tell me what type of tank I got and if it’s a steal? I will be doing a water test on the tank in the next couple of days after I clean it up to see if there is any leaks.
  3. Was looking to get another fish tank soon (10 gallon) and was thinking of the dollar per gallon sales pet I has. Does anybody have a calendar or know the dates of these sales? Thanks, Jack
  4. I have been trying to come up with a name for my fish room, didn’t want to force it figured it would come naturally. Names like Brian’s fish room, aquatic adventures, Indiana house of fish, ect… didn’t seem right. As soon as I seen this term, phrase, word(s)? I will research it more. And the fact that I have to do that makes it fit even better. Because my fish room is not just for show tanks, breeding, or hoarding but first and foremost it’s for learning. @Guppysnailstarted a thread today Interesting article about how the word aquarium was established. No spoilers but…The name of my fishroom will be “My Aquatic Vivariums”. In this thread I will be describing each of my tanks in as much detail as I’m capable of, along with my feelings and concept I was/ am trying to achieve. Mostly just wanting to document my tanks as they sit today (day of posting for that tank) then update every 3 months 6 months not sure yet. Will be back with 1st official post in a couple days.
  5. would i be able to keep a honey gourami with 5 lemon tetras and 5 black phantom tetras in my 20 gal long lightly planted tank? there is 1 anubias nana and some java moss in the tank and we're planning to get floating frogbit. would that be overstocking? 🐠
  6. I decided to get another tank to grow a snail population to feed my puffers. First, is 5 gallons enough? Second, what would you stock it with? I want it to be a bit more fun than just a snail party house.
  7. My male mystery snail and my female rabbit snail definitely mated and I wondered if that's okay? I know I can't do anything about it of course, but should I do anything, like move the male, or lower the tank water, and/or raise water temperature? They enjoy hanging out on the heater.
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