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  1. Ok, I was going to get some nerites, but I thought to ask here to see if there was something else that I could have in here, it is a 10 gallon and the temp is about 73 degrees. Ph of 7.5 stable. Any thoughts? Thanks 🙂
  2. Ive never kept native fish before and Im looking to get into it. I want to have a nice looking tank with interesting fish that fit in a 10 gallon. Any ideas? I would also like fish that I could purchase, as I dont really want to collect my own. Thanks, Jack
  3. Was looking to get another fish tank soon (10 gallon) and was thinking of the dollar per gallon sales pet I has. Does anybody have a calendar or know the dates of these sales? Thanks, Jack
  4. I have a bare 10 gallon tank with a Nano Sponge Filter and an air stone. Inside I have a pair of angel fish, that have previously produced eggs in a community tank. I vacuum daily and do water changes with purified water. The water still gets dirty, and then I do 50% water change. Right now the tank is bare. What is the minimum of things I should do to keep the water in the tank clear? I see that angel fish can't handle much water circulation in a small tank.
  5. My pseudotropheus saulosi has been holding for 18 days in a 10 gallon by herself. My lights on all my aquariums come on at 4pm and go off at 12am. My question is should i feed the fry at 4pm and 11pm like i do all the rest of my fish? Or do i need to feed them in the morning, noon, then night. Basically is it okay to fast them for 16 hours or do i need to feed them in the actual morning time. Also is it okay to feed mbuna fry baby brine shrimp for the first 2 to 3 weeks. I ask because baby brine shrimp is high in protein and i dont want to bloat them. Thanks for any help.
  6. Good evening! I am horrible with mathematics and solving or trying to figure out the measurements... Can someone help me? I have Fritz Pro Aquatics A.C.C.R. It says 1 teaspoon treats 40 gallons. I have 10 gallons. Can someone assist me in trying to figure it out or direct me? I used to use the liquid kind, but decided to get the dry stuff. Thank you in advance!
  7. If I'm able to slide paper under an aquarium (10g), do I need to be concerned about the platform it is on? Or it's not big enough to worry?
  8. Hi, so I will be going to college in a couple months and I want to make my 10 gallon as easy as possible for my parents, any auto feeder recommendations?
  9. Hey guys so I am looking to stock my 10 gallon with fish that would be easy to take home with me (3 hr drive) when I go home for long breaks like summer or winter break. I have thought about shrimp but figured trying to catch them all when I need to go home would be a pain . I also thought of King Betta or normal betta but was wondering what other fish option there are.
  10. My 10 gallons is done cycling, think I am almost satisfied with the decoration, now it’s time to stock it. Yes I know, it’s mostly plastic plants but I am doing tests to see if I can grow real ones (I have killed a cactus before. That’s how skilled I am). I am a libra and I think I change my mind almost every hours about what fishes I want. I am not asking for stocking ideas, I have watched all the videos. I am just trying to find the best option vs the setup of my tank. pH about 7.6, 0/0/5, temp whatever I want (I have a heater) The fish I would like to get the most is a honey gourami... but would the setup be ok for it? I read it prefers jungle-like setup... I would feel bad forcing a fish to live some place it doesn’t thrive. If I go with the Honey gourami, I would pair him most likely with 5-6 guppies... but are they too energetic for the gourami? Otherwise there is the Beta option but once again I do not feel my tank setup is ideal for a beta? Or all guppies...? Help. Libra don’t do decisions making very well 😅😅😅
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