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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Unfortunately there's not any sort of manufacturer website. Your best bet is likely to email or call Walmart support and try to get it through there. They sell it via Amazon as well, but I think Walmart may have a better time actually helping you. There's some photos that show the general layout. Post some photos of whatever seems confusing and maybe we can help out!
  2. I had the same thing happen with a different plant. It could just be some sort of minimal nutrient issue that takes a little bit of time for the plants to adjust fully. Essentially, I would keep doing everything you're doing and then report back in a week and let us know how things are doing. Substrate is eco complete? You're using tabs. That should be the majority of the needs right there. If you continue to see further issues my first step would be to try a different tab and see if you notice any changes. Maybe there is some very small nutrient missing and a different recipe or something might give you the result You're looking for in this particular case. For reference, how many tabs are you using and how often are you adding them? At most in very highly planted tanks I would think once a month. For lower demand setups I would only use them every 2-4 months.
  3. This one looks like a blue dream - blue rili one. Very unique! Reminds me of my red-blue ones I have. If you wanted to really try to for blue dreams I think you could cull the line and maybe rehome/sell the others. Entirely up to you, but I just wanted to mention that I do see some pretty decent blue dreamy look blue dreams. But, I'm excited to see what happens when the two cross and if you end up with any carbon / carbon rili varieties!
  4. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea has used no planaria. I would suggest that for your case.
  5. Best of luck and welcome! Definitely looks like BGA/Cyanobacteria to me. Hopefully things turn around quickly for you. Given that you have active substrate, it might just be a matter of a major excess of nutrients causing a lot of issues for you and one thing leads to another. For soil substrates, water changes are your friend to remove excess organics when things are first setup. Sometimes you can remove the GBA in sheets/chunks or use a soft brush and gently dislodge it into the end of a siphon. As mentioned above clean water will also help. Daily or multiple per week changes of 30-50% will really be helpful to get things back on track.
  6. I'm sure there's a lot of us that envy your abundance of success with them!!!
  7. I'm seeing the difference a bit now. Yeah. I have a "feature" of orange plants and so I think that might get a bit lost depending on placement. Very helpful, thank you!
  8. Which one!?!? 🙂 I have been eyeballing the ammannia Gracilis as well. It.fits my goal with the planted tank and it's a new species for me.
  9. Given what your PH is showing and your KH. I would verify things with a secondary test via the LFS or something like a liquid GH and KH kit. Your GH is very high. Zero KH showing. pH is below acceptable for a lot of fish species.
  10. It is one of them, they've been around for a good long while. Socal can be as big as a few states! So this is the furthest south club that I've found on my own research. SCAPE: So Cal Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts.
  11. Took some very nice photos of my shrimp for a charity project and sent those off. I did the water change on the tanks cleaned the glass and tried hard as I could to actually get the plants to attach to the rocks, all epiphytes in this tank. .....then I go to check on the tanks at the end of the day, about 14 hours later, and realize I left the light on manual and on full blast the entire day. I guess we're doing a blackout for the shrimp tank now.
  12. Sicce syncra nano was the only one I found.... If that fits. It also can be ran in adjustable mode. If you need it, I can take a video of mine and give you an idea of min/max.
  13. How cold is cold for your tanks??? (Once it's a bit to cold to the touch is when I generally get the heaters out)
  14. Very sorry for your losses @FishRBeautiful I had the same result trying meds out and it's a tough disease sometimes. It moves fast! Hoping for the best for you and that things get easier soon!
  15. I was looking at the store and I'm just a bit confused!!! I am misremembering information from the older store descriptions or maybe just older plants that aren't carried. Can someone please help me to understand what these plants look like and how to handle them? The goal is to have a bit of a "bush" style plant in the big tank and then to propogate it out, then add it to the shrimp tank and let them have midwater stems and a bit of cover. Tiger Lotus vs Dwarf Red Lily Do they need root feeding / nutrients at the roots? Do they both get red? Do they both get same size? Do they both shoot pads to the surface? (I assume I can just cut them if need be or leave 1-2 of them.) Is there an issue if the pads get wet on the top surface? Any idea which one of them is used here? Thanks for the help. Feels so exciting/weird/nerve wracking to be diving into new species and especially types I've never kept! I'd enjoy hearing others experiences and issues with this plant. I am trying to find things that have the right size/scale among other factors. I need to order some more ferts here eventually and I always am eyeballing these two trying to decide which to try out. I'll add this, from the plant database website and it's basically the only real source of information I have. This is for the red tiger lily, but they don't have an article for the other one.
  16. what is the actual water parameters you have? As Mmiller mentioned, that's the dream life for a lot of aquatic plants. Low tech, I would highly recommend moss ledges and things like anubias. Something like microsword should be pretty easy in the stratum tank. I would try out some bacopa or hydrocotyle species too. Those all tend to do well with minimal soil additives and using mostly liquid ferts. In the case of chunkier gravel, sand, and even the stratum, be sure to add root tabs for those plants that need it. In that case, crypts or a sword plant might be a great choice! (swords get big, FYI)
  17. What piece is this? The one in the actual tank itself? Knowing me.... lol. If you've stepped on an aquarium custom glass lid on the floor, raise your hand! 🖐️
  18. Yeah, a lot of phones that "zoom" literally just zoom in on the image. If that's the case, best thing is to always try to just take a normal (zoomed all the way out) photo. That's why a lot of times now you see phones with 2-3 different lenses. Optical zoom isn't something you really see from certain phones though. Based on what you got, yeah, it looks like rhabdo worms. They usually go right in hand with detritus worms in a lot of cases! From what I've seen, slightly bigger an you can really tell they are more of a flatworm body shape as opposed to a roundworm body shape.
  19. I think this is something I am always pondering, but I might have a fun way to ask what everyone thinks! What is one plant you would like to see added to the co-op store for plants? Just one, and I will encourage everyone to pick something that fits the other plants in the plant offerings. Secondly, let's assume that plant farm space is limited and this is a situation where one plant is changed over to another plant (the one above). What is the one plant you would remove from the store? https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/live-plants ---------- For me, I think one of my favorite things is to see a plant with a unique color. It might be a shade or texture difference or it might be something where it's a contrasting color. It's so tough to pick just one plant, but I would... Add: Hygrophilia Pinnatifida "UK" (the more reddish one) Remove: Pogostemon Stellatus "Octopus"
  20. For me, especially with plants my normal amount is 3.5 inches on average. I've seen less and in the back of the tank it might be even higher. In my specific tank right now, the front is about 2.5" or so and the back is ~5-6". If you can, I would highly, highly, highly recommend getting a bag of the normal or fine size bag of the contrasoil and use that as your base layer with the EF layer on top. You'll thank yourself and it helps with aeration of the plant roots in the long term. The larger size also takes up a bit of the volume too and gives you more coverage.
  21. Very well done capturing this moment. That's quite the interesting little moment!
  22. Yeah! That's one of the "most frustrating" things engineers deal with. Honestly. Manual is there for a reason based on all kinds of factors. That's why I had mentioned the way the O-Ring is installed. Maybe that could be improved.... I don't know. I like the idea of it being on the lid, the lid being flat and it's an easy fit. I have an eheim canister that was donated to me and it has a similar situation. The ring is on the basket, but it's a much simpler connection. (I hate the clips on the eheim too, likely just an age of the part thing) Things definitely wear over time and it'll be interesting to see things like cycle data on all different kinds of parts we use daily. I get it. For my specific setup it's causing some funky issues. I measured the rim yesterday, just over 1" wide where things rest, the actual "shelf" is a bit further out than that as well. There's a lot of things to guide it over and through. Some adjustments need to be made in future with their clips/brackets for the sake of this specific model on this size of a tank (or larger) that it's supposed to be designed for. We'll see what they improve or change in the next iteration. I equate it towards something like flex pipe. That is much more structurally sound and used for plumbing. This stuff is a bit closer to something you use on an accessory tube for an upright vacuum. Agreed (with both your comments), it all makes sense. As a person just trying to use the thing that is where I found my struggle. It was with trying to find the right way to do things.
  23. it's really hard to tell just cause of the angle. Maybe it's a Rhabdocoela?
  24. I've seen the video. I left a comment there for them with similar information. Needless to say it's a very PR video and I think a lot of their analysis isn't accurate. A bit.... Well intentioned, but just not accurate to what we all know and see and customers have experienced.
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