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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Looks awesome @Zeaqua I don't know what they are called, but those pelvic/pectoral fins on the discus came out really nice! I dig the look, thank you for sharing. 🙂
  2. This is a good video! I learned a little bit when watching it. Essentially, no real concern, just do your water changes when you need to. It could've literally just been from turning the filtration off / on or from something in the pipes in the water before it gets to you. Right now is when a lot of companies are cleaning the pipes for winter.
  3. I have. pretty much no fish touched them. The pellet food (cichlid veggie) that is the exact same recipe, the fish would eat though. In terms of otos, something like repashy is a lot easier for them to eat, but mine mostly stick to surfaces, wood, glass, and they actually may only really eat after lights go out.
  4. Yeah. it's a swordtail thing for sure due to genetics. These fish are essentially crossbreed with another type of platy and I'm sure all of that plays a role. Made in Europe (berlin black swordtail) and then we get them here and breed them for many generations, exposing bad genes. That's one of the tough parts about rarer fish, having enough genetic diversity and swapping fish to keep that going.
  5. it is a superfood. You can make fish food out of it for veggie eaters.
  6. I forgot to mention it, but I am totally convinced at this point that GH/KH may play a role with triggering some species to spawn.
  7. I wanted to ask everyone who has some corydoras for the specific KH and GH parameters if you have them. If you just happen to recall ranges you've kept them as well that is perfectly fine as well. I'll do a bit of research and add those details here below as well. This was pulled from a conversation in a journal thread and it seemed to have a bit of an interest so let's learn together and explore a bit about these wonderful fish! cc @Sherry @Chick-In-Of-TheSea For my own corydoras. PH: Normally 7.2 or below, highest I've kept them is 7.5 or so. Any higher and they did have signs of stress (panda species) KH: 30-80 ppm is the norm for me. I have had them as high as 100-120 range, but the PH has always been pretty low. GH: Anywhere from 100 ppm all the way up to 500+ ppm for mine. We used to have liquid rock water and I never really considered GH to be an issue. https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/corydoras-panda/ https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=267
  8. Some good news and some bad news.... Good news, the susswassertang wall is GROWING IN! I see life. One of the plants I have been trying for years to grow well is doing just that. Bad news, I did the big water change last week. This was the "lazy week" and just add in ferts and clean the prefilter stuff. Nitrates seemed high, and that means I need to keep an eye out on this. Plant load isn't high enough and I treated for BBA as well. Good news, media I needed was miss-marked, nearly 50% off from normal price due to clearance type of pricing. Fingers crossed it gets here and isn't used or some weird issue like that. Bad news, my male sword is indeed suffering the same affliction as my other swords and is losing his tail. He has a thread of it left. You can see the cancer slowly spreading up the base of the tail where the sword used to be. It's extremely disheartening. The tank looks ok. I am really enjoying the plants and all of the things going on. the BBA is always infuriating and it's to be expected. I did a bit of cleaning things up and I'll end up doing more of this to make space and improve the work flow of everything I have going on. I may be able to get some fish due to a donation from a friend to the human fund, late birthday stuff, but I am still needing to get glasses. I haven't had any for ~years and have been wearing an old pair. It'll be night to be able to get the right prescription again when that happens. Still working on things.... always something. Needless to say, focus on the enjoyment of those tanks around you and let's have keep that heavy on the heart and mind for this upcoming month (November). It's getting cooler here and there's weather things going on. Get prepared if need be!
  9. I love it. Well done!!!! @Chick-In-Of-TheSea check this out. 🙂 Please feel free to share some fishy pastels or art if you wish. I really enjoy that medium and never get to see it used.
  10. But does he name the species that work and don't work ? He has a few videos, I think it's the typical plants you normally see. He does discus what does and doesn't work and has a pretty easygoing stream on Friday US time where you can ask any questions directly. As far as a one stop shop / robust list.... no I don't think you're going to see something like that. Discus care alone is a pretty vast topic with a lot of opinions. I think his tank looks pretty good and I know he's had it for a long time, running successfully.
  11. We can try to sort it out in a DM or something! Sorry for taking up the journal topic! I'll try to dig up some research! I would try to get GH > KH though.
  12. you can always QT them and monitor them for ~30 days to see if you ever see any planaria. Especially barebottom in a QT type of setup, then you'd be able to see them pretty easily. Snails bringing in parasites (like leeches and planaria) might be a thing we have to monitor moreso as hobbyist moving forward. Maybe there is a potential for a research study similar to ones I've seen for shrimp in terms of parasite surveys at different stages from the wild to the hobbyist tanks and everything along the way. Some snails are purely hobbyist bred, while others are wild caught.
  13. Aquarium adventures, Graeme, has a really awesome planted tank for his discus. (YouTube)
  14. Very sorry for your loss. By chance, did the water that the snails were in go directly into your tank?
  15. I believe so. Yeah. Worst case, bucket + air stone and add some ceramic media to the bottom of the bucket.
  16. Directions for kanaplex say that if there's "no signs of stress" you can follow up with back to back treatments. One "treatment" being three doses. For me, whenever I use kanaplex I always do the minimum back to back treatments. One thing to note as you said that you did the water change. You're treating with kanaplex, some bacterial meds build up over time. Whether you're using maracyn or kanaplex, the directions specifically state when to change water because of that reason. That just means, if you're treating for an active issue (not preventative) you want to follow the directions on the box as best as possible.
  17. I forgot to mention it. Just make sure that the line isn't crushing the rhizome. It will basically "cut" the plant if that's the case or cause some damage if you tie it too tightly. Just held in place is all you need.
  18. My pandas were born and raised in Florida water. Ridiculously high GH. 12-20 range. Only the past year we had GH drop by half down to 6-8. Basically, PH/KH can't get too high, but GH being high, they do fine with.
  19. It should work well. The nylon line won't deteriorate over time and it will basically be there until the plant takes roots on the wood. Then you can remove it. Trim the knot off so that fish don't accidentally injure themselves, but beyond that it looks good.
  20. Yeah. Based on that study, the recommendation is 2 feedings per day. Small amounts and that's seemingly the best we can do.
  21. Good to hear. It looks so much like a fungal spot! Kanaplex + Salt then. If you can move the fish to treat, that's best, that way you can use the higher salt dose (and avoid salting the plants) The thing I just realized, the color on all of the fish seems pale. I wonder if anyone can comment on reasons for this (apart from temp + oxygenation just causing stress). Keep an eye on the color too, if they get any more pale it might be significant.
  22. Mine will be in a 29G. I vote you toss it in the full length 4 foot tank. (no foam) if you have one without it.
  23. Slightly on topic, let's check out what this study says! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340920309409 Essentially, there is a bit of science that goes on and the best way to know how much to feed is to actually weight the fish and use a % of bodyweight. I don't recall the exact number, but Zenzo did talk about it in his video.
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