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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. yeah. Slightly pale green compared to the pale blue you were showing off.
  2. The ones Greg Sage has are pretty awesome.
  3. Swords are such a cool livebearer
  4. I kind of dig the chocolate gourami. But they are hard to find. I don't think they are aggressive, but just never a species I have had a lot of time with. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-5-gouramis
  5. Are you able to take a screenshot of the app on your phone to show your current settings?
  6. Please be sure to give her our well wishes and strength while she is going through this time of need. Stay strong!
  7. I am trying to think of what is the "calmest" gourami for the question. Here's one where Cory mentions the Pearl Gourami as being "more mild". Here's another talking about sunset honey gourami: Hopefully that helps or someone who has kept a few of these can chime in 🙂
  8. I do not, but those are beautiful shrimp!
  9. Shouldn't be. A lot of shops / hobbyist do more % daily because of the setups they have available.
  10. So far it is a nice towel. Price is perfect and I'm very happy with the purchase. I was reminded of a bowling towel if that makes any sense. I might have some with slightly different materials, but I feel like that might be another good use for these if we have any bowlers out there! ...and it is definitely better than the hand towel I was using before. Much better at getting water off the glass / stand.
  11. Nice find! Kind of weird all of the "you MUST" statements, but I understand it's likely a translation thing. Saying that you need to use pot scrubbers instead of foam was a nice chuckle.
  12. Yeah I was looking at all of that and the stuff you posted. Feels weird to me to make a "slim version" of a filter that doesn't have a full width design but maybe they will release one. The flow path is pretty unique, hence the symmetrical nature that you're after. It's underrated how many HoBs can be saved by running just sponge instead of cartridges. One day the big guys will figure it out besides just AC/Seachem.
  13. If you can, it's a pretty unique shape/design to work with. Can you post your thoughts or a link to this on in the "Filter Mods" thread? I like the filter, especially full of sponge, and It'd be cool to see your experiences highlighted there as well. I'm thinking a search for Aquaclear bypass would give you the results you're looking for. I think it has something to do with: 1. The inlet pipe isn't set into the little grove plate all the way 2. Muck on the intake plate (it's a little plastic thing where you guide the pipe to adjust flow, slate grey color. Just lift it up and clean that chamber out. 3. Too much media, or, the sponge is full and you're getting too much resistance on the media basket forcing that chamber to overfill. I've had all of these cause that, to less of a degree. ^^
  14. Do they have a version of this that isn't "slim"?
  15. Hey Everyone, I was randomly happening upon a plant video and after listening to Cory talk about plants for 10+ minutes I kind of just wanted to share it, but as the conversation continued it popped into mind about a potential video I'd love to see. Something that I've seen in my own tanks and emailed with ACO and Cory about was trying to save a plant that had melted back so hard that it was just roots. One of the topics discussed in the video was a crypt that had roots poking through the bottom of the pot and it was mentioned that this is a great thing because if/when it does lose all it's leaves, it's going to have an easier time (or simply a higher chance of success) to grow back and thrive compared to a pot that doesn't. There's a LOT of plants I haven't tried. There's a lot of videos that I'd love to see just re-done in some way to help expose newer hobbyists to some of the older video content with better quality equipment and lighting, better technique and knowledge as well definitely helps. I'd love to see a video of a plant that the ACO receives, just a time lapse or something of showing that plant coming back to life. The signs you're looking for and "How to successfully recover a fully melted plant". I know because this will take a long time to film it's an extremely high demand type of content to create. Because of that I understand it's very low chance it would happen. What are some videos or blog articles that you'd like to see covered specifically when it comes to plants? Another one. I'd love to see a tank with plants in the warehouse that is ran with Amanos as the caretaker and then compare that to a tank with snails. Cory talks about how the snails do so much for the plants and how they care for the plants in ways that is very demanding if an employee was doing that work. A very interesting thing for me to see the behavioral difference and effectiveness difference.
  16. Looks good, I dig the shark notebook! What is that slightly brownish plant on the left side of the tank? (it has the longer, java fern type leaves but it's a different color/texture)
  17. The photo isn't showing up for me @Dave G can you try re-uploading it? Also, Welcome!
  18. Superglue is ridiculously easy for moss. Highly recommend that method for that plant. You just bunch it up and stick it on the hardscape material of choice. My experience has been that they either do well, or they just never thrive. I've had much better luck with Anubias. If the Java fern isn't working for you there are other options like Buce and Anubias that would be options to try and would be added the same way to the tank.
  19. Please be sure to check out my "Fixing my Seachem Tidal" thread in the experiments section. Essentially there is a cutout that you're intentionally/unintentionally covering up and if you're aware of this when you place the floss in there you can better ensure the flow path and use the floss to protect your media from the bypass. I've seen some reports that coating the shaft with food grade grease helps. There is 100% ZERO WAY to prevent this until AC/Fluval change the materials on the impeller/shaft. It erodes away the shaft due to vibration and this is the noise you're hearing. There is something they sell in swim shops and available on amazon called 100% silicone grease. That's what you're looking for to minimize this as much as possible. Unfortunately, this can easily be modified by anyone who makes a pump selling a secondhand pump that fits the casing, but no one has done that. Imagine what could be if someone did. Even if the pump works, it's common knowledge among those who have them, you're going to have to restart the impeller with your finger or a small chopstick or something. It's very unfortunate and is ultimately one of the reasons why I won't use those HoBs anymore. I'd rather put up with fixing the tidal than a pump that doesn't work. Other options include the aqueon quietflow (stuff it with sponge) and the marineland newer models (again, stuff it with sponge).
  20. It kind of depends on how much you feed them. Some people treat them as a "cleaner fish" because they will eat whatever falls to the bottom. In my view corys can be very easy to target feed because they tend to be active after the lights go out and they usually prefer to have food on the bottom of the tank. Other species will often come down and peck at the food, which makes it "difficult" when the corys are shy. Bioload wise, it's all about if you're running a species only, or if you have a community setup. I would think it's easier to tame the bioload if they are by themselves because of the reason explained. I don't think corys have a "big bioload" compared to other species or anything. It is a 3" fish, so keep that in mind, they do have the ability to eat a lot if you feed them such.
  21. If you click on your username in the top right, then go to account settings, there is an option. This might be what you're talking about.
  22. I'd always recommend, for some reason with pandas moreso, to start with 3-5 because you're going to have more. Just know that you very likely will have more over time. I think 5 is a great place to start, 6-8 if you're worried about losses due to water parameter differences or stress.
  23. I can't find the videos just because of how everything is unlisted and youtube search doesn't work well but.... Dean and/or Corvus Oscen had a schoudenti puffer tank. That's what I think is the only one that makes sense. You're going to need a very specific scape, which is why I was trying to find the videos. 😕
  24. Honestly, it makes sense. Storage being critical of course. My biggest question is if I want to dispose of them, what's the right way? If I want to use them, do I dose normal, add 10% due to the loss in effectivity, etc? Worst case, maybe it's something to ask when there is a veterinarian on one of the member talks. I appreciate the companies that do have statements / FAQs on their website to answer questions like this.
  25. One of them was zooming around with eggs being chased by 5-6 fish. I'll try to grab a photo in a little bit when she deposits the eggs somewhere. Edit: didn't find any. I must've spooked her when I noticed it. I did another WC preemptively because I won't have equipment (until I get a new siphon) for a few days. I'll keep an eye out. I'm willing to bet the eggs will end up on the underside of the anubias.
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