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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I think the hikari crab cuisine is the go to. I'm right there with you, my amano's don't really care how much they get via food. I've never had issues and when I do try to target feed them, they just.... would rather eat everything than anything specific. I am probably going to need to be more consistent, once a week or something, to give them some calcium. As long as KH isn't causing issues, PH doesn't crash after 24 hours of Aeration, your PH is above 7.2 or so, you should be "fine". I would simply add more things, even pleco caves, mopani or ghostwood, driftwood, etc. More surfaces. Maybe one of the co-op planters with some vallisnaria or Anubias or Java Fern? Something with broad leaves the snails can "entertain themselves on". Keep an eye on pecking, especially on non-feeding hours, and then you'll have to catch them in the act so to speak. If you can, keep a log of water testing, deaths, anything you're seeing, and then hopefully something sticks out the next few weeks.
  2. 10G. Sorry, I was reviewing all the photos to try to see what on earth. I would try to centralize the air location to the middle / back wall just to balance flow. It won't make a huge difference. Ok so, it's not food, unlikely to be chemical, and we think water KH/GH/PH is "fine"? What do the snails eat with calcium in it? (I am by no means knowledgeable about snails)
  3. Is the little guppy hungry then? Or is that just boredom / sight breaks? I mean, sharks test things with their mouths too, hmm.
  4. What is the substrate, how new is the substrate? (I see you're saying the tank is 2 years old) On your test kit, did you follow the directions for "vigorously" shaking the liquid. I've heard that's extremely critical. I don't remember what test it is that requires it, but just that tidbit. Are all fish accounted for? (Check the filter too)
  5. I have a few choices.... Tonina Fluviatilis or Anacharis (Egeria Densa) or Mayaca Fluviatilis OR whatever moss this is I was looking at earlier. or Suss (Moss could potentially be: Distichophyllum "Maibarae" Moss or Hookeriaceae Moss)
  6. I mean, that's like a david vs. goliath situation. I wouldn't imagine the little guppy is going to really take down that snail and if the snail was having issues, it would just hide right? What stood out to me was the decor piece the snail is on.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPEZlcB2Gmw
  8. Very nice photo! @SpacedCadetteI saw it earlier, but then there was snail with it! Now I can give it heart eyes. LOL I have this one I took, a long time ago for a Jimmy stream, he was taking viewers photos and making them look better. You definitely captured a lot of detail on the surface of the skin and the texture of the cory, well done! It's cool to see it in that resolution because I can compare it to mine!
  9. Depending on what shrimp you wish to keep, your KH, GH, PH, it should be fine. The rocks will change your water hardness it looks like.
  10. What does the filter look like? Sponge?
  11. What is your filtration? What is your water test results?
  12. There was a company in washington that Bentley and Cory have both used. I believe it was mentioned when they first got the 800G tank moved into the fish room. That is probably one you'd want to check out for an acrylic build. If you want to do it yourself, I'd reference those videos and probably hit up king of diy / some of the videos from Corvus when he was making his own sumps and finishing/polishing the acrylic.
  13. Yeah, that's what stood out to me too. I know I don't enjoy snails, but a lot of people do. I worry about how much waste they can produce and the bioload on the tank. You had a lot of different species. I don't know how difficult it is to separate those out. My experience with the Gourami's is limited to when I was a kid, and amounts to looking at them, but as long as something is "cooler water" 72-76 as a preference, I'd take those and move it to the 20 with the pandas. The 20 gives them the same floor space, everything should be balanced a bit better and then you can move the powder blues to the main 29G. My biggest thing, is going to be if/when you have more pandas. Maybe they just assume you'll have a lot more?
  14. couldn't split out the honey vs. red honey, but here's what aqadvisor says. Recommended water change schedule: 38% per week Move the pandas with the white clouds, if you can.
  15. What about chocolate gourami's? Same thing, one species per tank?
  16. I was surprised they didn't have them, I remember seeing them often. 😕 To your question, no idea. I wonder what AH would say if you asked them regarding availability. I know a lot of people are hesitant to order fish online, this is different thought. I remember the tank growing up as a kid, we had this blue/red gourami in it. It was the "centerpiece fish" so to speak.
  17. Just curious. Why ebay vs. something like aquahuna? They don't have them currently, but I've seen them there a bit.
  18. Definitely an engineering decision or programmer decision who thought they were "exporting" from the app to the light. Very unintuitive.
  19. Check the tank about an hour or two after the lights go out. I have a little flashlight I use for this so I don't have to turn on all the big lights.
  20. I'm guessing you're washing it on normal spin and all that, warm/hot water, etc.
  21. It's there. It's the planted vs. malawi vs. the other settings. When you are in the app click on Export and it should give you the list.
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