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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I wonder how much they will lighten up since they aren't on dark substrate anymore. (They will likely get sand back) This is day 2 of the herd having a little bit more room to swim around. I watched this morning as 10-15 of them were doing up/downs on the glass just enjoying the flow. It's so good to see them active again after the tank move. They definitely love their cover, but they are also a lot more active this morning. 🙂 They got spooked when I tried to take a photo of the herd on the repashy, but one of them didn't care. And yes, algae mess, but.... it's ok. It will get fixed up and be an anubias heaven here shortly.
  2. No. Even if you go to the store and have 10+ fish from the same source. There's going to be a portion of "weaker" fish. Those usually won't be able to handle the parameter issues over time. I was trying to read up in it yesterday, I quoted the pertinent part I found regarding fish in the tank that would die off seemingly randomly. It's a complex issue, but the easiest way to rule it out is to track PH, KH, GH, Nitrates. Cory's video does a very good job of explaining the issue with not changing enough water, or not often enough.
  3. I'd call them up and return it. Just not worth the hassle and there's other options.
  4. You can develop OTS with a maintenance schedule in place. It happens. There's ways to test it, but I would probably be changing water more often in this situation depending what parameters say.
  5. Oh I've definitely attempted to flood things before. Usually it's "whoops" when you miss a hose or something. I felt bad because I knew I was walking into what would be 3-5G on the floor. Also. This is done now. Not sure how to feel about it but I do like it "better than" the others because I feel like it's easier to know these are actually off. The mechanical one I had seemed to never want to go off when I was doing WCs. I totally understand the zen of getting in and pruning and cleaning. It's one of the more enjoyable parts and why I really love having the planted tank aspect of the hobby. We all have our own little bonzai essentially.
  6. Hello and welcome! I think I might have an older method in my mind. I recall the QT method being a week only and then observe for any issues. Let me go ahead and double check the information. I understand what you've done, and it should be fine with the method you're mentioning as well. This is what I usually see for the "med trio" https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/quarantine-tank To your question, you can absolutely teat with Ich-X. I would go ahead and do this before adding them to the main tank. Keep in mind that Ich-X is for Ich, but also a few other things as well.
  7. Minor Update. Everything is prepped for testing and currently going to let the silicone cure. I was trying to fix the adhesion on the basket and ended up pushing slightly too hard to try to get the nossle underneath the piece of plastic and pulled off the bottom edge. I cleaned it off, did a much better job getting everything done. As for the rest of it. EVERYTHING is very easy to fill with the silicone and do so neatly apart from the skimmer. It's just slightly too large of a cut for the bead to sit cleanly, but I tried my best to give it a clean edge on the exterior. I'll probably end up using a long blade and try to clean up the inside once it cures entirely. Here's the photos for reference. Because I have spare parts to do so at this time, I can basically test these in whatever method I need to. I can patch only the skimmer, I can patch only the intake. I can patch only the basket and sub in whatever need be as the results dictate.
  8. Yeah, I've seen some kits come with 2 sets of mesh to sandwich it. I think I might end up just gluing it and calling it good on one sheet. Order the smaller mesh, or a roll, and just going that route. The kit I ordered for mine, didn't have suction cups in it. 😕 I finally found a good place to buy some plants, that carries the ones local that the ACO doesn't, they have no moss. Seems to be in short supply for the one I want.
  9. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. Ich can be a pain to treat but you'll get through it. Temperature, meds, and time is a big one.
  10. Kasa plug is setup for CO2, I'll set up one for the skimmer when I get back to the room. I removed the ziss bubble bio last night. Today: Moved the pandas OUT OF QT FINALLY. I mean, 6 months QT is enough, right? Kidding. It's the tank I had around that could house the heat for them in the winter and I finally got the electricity put in for the sake of the tank now. I went to nail in the power strip and there's nothing on the wall to actually hold the nail in place (go figure). It's hooked up to a pump right now and I have a ziss and 2 large sponge filters running, might add a second ziss to block more of the side light. (massive glass windows on either side of the tank) I have to be patient, but I really want to move grace to the family tank, her tank essentially, with her panda bros. She would have her cave back and she has more room to swim around. It's been months of waiting for this...... It's so difficult to wait a few more. The Fluval planted 3.0 light I had, 24" might end up on a 20: on my desk one day, but for now it's back into the bin of things for "later". I cleaned up all the equipment and started to drain water. Siphon set, put a piece of wood in the tank, but then I got distracted..... First time I've ever done it, but I had around 1/2 gallon of water on the floor by the time I realized. The 5G was full and the siphon had thankfully paused. The big power strip was right there too, easily could've been so much worse. Fish are happier than I've seen them in such a long time. They are swimming around like mid-level pygmys. I'm so happy for the little pandas to have their home back.
  11. How did you do the moss wall? What size mesh? Technically asking about what you did on your setup shown. I understand how, but hesitated because I read that fish can get trapped behind it in that position if you have smaller species. I'm thinking it's tied?
  12. I'm guessing 15-20 nitrates and then ph is ~7.0
  13. They have one for strips. Specific strips you have to buy but the tech does exist for the hobby. 🙂 Meanwhile..... I can't tell. Ever. LOL. But I'm happy with either one so.
  14. the Pandas got out of their QT tank today and stretched their fins. Ultimately the solution was this... https://www.homedepot.com/p/Leviton-Decora-15-Amp-Tamper-Resistant-Combo-Switch-and-Outlet-White-R62-T5625-0WS/202027001 I hooked up one air pump, tossed in the media from the old tank, coral from the old tank, and then I have two sponges in there to continue cycling the tank. I'm expecting there to be some cloudy water for a little while, but it's been running for ~a week already and I have whatever need be on hand to get through it. Thank you again to everyone for all the ideas and trying to work through this one.
  15. I would suggest a tidal 35, but I honestly think they did a really bad job with the intake on that filter. Apart from other issues. I don't like ACs just because of reliability issues I personally have had. If you were up for jamming it full of sponge and maybe some ceramic (it's a left to right design) the Aqueons were pretty good to me. https://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-QuietFlow-Aquarium-Power-Filter/dp/B000SP65N8
  16. What is your water change schedule, what % of water changes do you normally do? How often do you clean the canister, gravel vac? What is your feeding regiment and schedule?
  17. Yeah, definitely ich! 😕 It's going to require some temp to get the Ich to progress in lifecycle and then hatch out in the substrate/be killed by the meds.
  18. I have 3-4 ziss filters, I also very much enjoy plants. If you're on a budget or something, the ziss is a nice luxury to add to a tank. I would just as quickly recommend PSO for a tank, Bacopa Caroliniana, or anubias if you have a light that can handle it over the ziss. If you have an airstone in the tank, for me it makes sense to sub that out for a ziss, as I said, a luxury purchase but not required. If you want to grab 2-3 plants and some easy green, if you have the light, I think that's the better path.
  19. I felt bad with the 55. It was so narrow! I definitely like the dimensions of the 75 so much more.
  20. These might work in the corners too. or as mentioned above, skewers/chopsticks to lift it. If you have some 3m VHB tape, that helps the situation also because of the added moisture. https://www.amazon.com/3M-SJ5312-Bumpon-Blister-Bumpons/dp/B01A9UJK3S/ref=sr_1_2?crid=382NHY1MOCS1C&keywords=3m+bumpon+clear+vhb&qid=1654120693&sprefix=3m+bumpon+clear+vhb%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-2
  21. Adding this for clarity. There is small scales/hooks like a shark's skin on the oto
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