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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Hey, welcome to the forum! Can you share your KH, GH, and PH of your water? 1. Take a sample of water from the tap, test it. 2. Take the same sample of water, aerate it for 24 hours with an airstone, then re-test the sample. Depending on what your KH/GH are is going to dictate a few things for adjusting your PH.
  2. Hey everyone, I have a dilemma, I'll send photos of the setup currently, but I am basically taking this as an opportunity to also run some tests. I have a tank without any access to power and I need it to run efficiently off of a battery backup for weeks-months. If there isn't a reliable solution for the problem, then I will likely have the tank in place waiting for construction to finish up. Currently: 1 sponge filter running off 2 D-Cell batteries. 1 sponge filter running off nano USB air pump connected to a 2000 mAh battery bank I can run one of these off a gang valve but it is not enough to run both sponges. If need be I can remove one. I am considering getting some of the higher output battery backup ACO air pumps, but I do have a few question and issues I need to understand fully. 1. How long will the battery bank last, even if I swap it every few days that is a potential solution which can potentially increase the battery life of bank? -->Essentially, run it down to 35%, charge it back up to 80%, rinse/repeat to increase cycle of the Lithium Ion batteries. 2. Part of the issue I am having is AC-->DC (Battery)-->AC conversion for the devices. If I have something like a UPS, you only have it operate for a few hours, not even 24, because of the battery being drained by spending so many resources converting the energy to different I/O options. With the battery bank, I don't think this is an issue, but I do need to confirm operation. (Input = USB, Output = USB) 2A. This brings into question the viability of the nano usb pump in comparison to the ACO air pump. The nano pump is designed to run off of low DC voltage for a very long time at low wattage. I assume there is some loss based on what I am already experiencing. What concerns me is that if I upgrade from something that uses 3.5w vs. 0.3w is this input loss negated or am I adding to the loss because the power is now converting from DC (battery bank) --> DC (pump battery) --> Output and requiring more current? The ACO pump is designed to run off that 5V input, which may dramatically drain the bank itself much easier because the circuit is a bit more complex. I can't find the resource, but I think Cory and others have mentioned the nano pump can last anywhere from 4-14 days depending on the battery you're using. I just don't really know what the threshold here is for the other pump and I don't really have any good barometer given the integrated battery complicating the circuit slightly. Thoughts? Edit: I found some wiring diagrams for the battery bank itself. It's purely DC-->DC and the only real issue is the resistor used to step up voltage, relating to the loss that provides the system in low power modes. https://www.electronicsforu.com/electronics-projects/power-bank-circuit
  3. I was trying to find it older thread to post an update. I know it's common on a lot of forums / search features, but.... We can't search for something with 2 characters. (examples being PH, KH, GH, etc.) If I search something with 3, it works, but with 2 only.... no dice.
  4. I would get issues with the ziss bubble bio just because over time it builds up gunk in the lines. I would eventually take it apart completely and bring everything to a sink and clean through the air intakes and stuff as best I could. Even the output, if the output is a bit grimy it might cause flow issues and back pressure on the pump. You might have an issue where the airpump is just getting a bit aged. Especially if you're not running a check valve on it, might cause more damage in some cases. I would take the airline and try to blow air using your mouth and just see how difficult it is. If it's really difficult, your issue is likely going to be the filter needing to be cleaned (which you might dislodge some gunk by manually blowing into the line!). If it's not really clogged, then look into the pump itself as the reason for the flow slowing down. I know you said you have two pumps you tried. Depending how often each is used, might be just an age thing on the rubber diaphragms. If it's the sponge itself, take the sponge into a bucket and really really clean it thoroughly. Then clean out all of the plastics in the sink itself. Adding an airstone might help, here's Cory's video on how to set it up. 🙂
  5. Were the corner of the bags taped so they couldn't get trapped? That's so tough to hear, I'm sorry you're going through this. I get the feeling they may have been crushed or something accidentally. I really feel bad for the little sharkies. 😕
  6. Nice work! I love the attention to detail to have that little area for the tie strap to rest in.
  7. 100% Any fish struggling to stabilize themselves like that could have swim bladder issues, and having them more towards the surface can help with taking some of the pressure off their systems too. I hope the little guy pulls through. He looks really, really malnourished. Dang. I'm very sorry for your loss. I hate to see that happen. Rest easy little sharkie. Fish with those body shapes jump so much for random reasons when they are under stress. I've had SAEs just do the most insane things when I'm sleeping and I keep having to get up and check the tank. Poor guy was just so scared and struggling. Nothing anyone could do 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞
  8. I can confirm. PSO is very fast growing once it takes hold. I swear I was growing tree trunks it did so well for me!
  9. I had thread on one of my anubias, WAY too tight, ended up choking out half the rhizome. I don't know what to say, but maybe this helps. The whole thing being to make sure part of the rhizome is exposed and not completely covered in glue. I've never had success with Java Fern, the rhizome can be very small/fragile too.
  10. When you let the strip sit, how is it sitting? very very very interesting stuff! Also, Welcome!
  11. The media settled a bit. I'm going to add more here shortly, (3/4 lb in there now) and then I am going to let it run and keep an eye on KH. I'll let you know when I have results. I DID like that it eventually settled and forced the air to flow through the coral instead of past it.
  12. I honestly can't say. It really didn't help, but I can't imagine that it's a simple "this caused this" with the issue you have. I think fixing the filter, fixing temps, fixing prime, fixing all of those things together, will help!
  13. Totally makes sense! I would like to: 1. Shut off the filter for feeding, 2. Shut off the air when need be 3. Shut on/off the CO2 when need be 4. Skimmer on/off 5. aux pump on/off
  14. Yep! Exactly what you quoted and what @Patrick_G said! Let's say you're doing a WC with buckets, you can dose the buckets, and then dump the water into the tank. or. You dump the water into the tank, then dose the entire volume of the tank.
  15. I am surprised the co-op doesn't have these! Seems like a perfect replacement from what the saltwater guys have to something we needed on the fresh side. How have you felt about the purchase using yours? Oh.... it's worse now. 😕 The original location, if we are standing in front of the tank looking at it. the front left leg was 3/4 inch off level (left to right, and front to back which made it difficult to shim). The back left and front right legs were off about 1/8-1/2". On the new locations, I've placed the tank into it's spot, the floor itself slopes about.... 1/2-3/4" left to right on the tank. The shims work, it's "fine" but I was basically maxing out the adjustable legs on the stand. The issue with the new location, apart from no power, is that it's directly next to 3 windows and if I mask off the side of the tank, you'd basically never be able to enjoy it. Contemplating a new location, but at this point I'm going to end up with two tanks in my room and no desk to do any work. Also, the composite shims I have, I haven't trimmed them, but the surface of the tile is very slick because of the "shiny" sealer they put on it. Even with the tank full of water it was able to slide. Having the tank be in a location with minimal "accidental bumps" is now a priority. I do have some wood shims, and I'm contemplating using those to add a bit more friction. I also am contemplating running 2-3 of the ACO batter powered pumps during the summer just so I can have the tank set while we wait for the house to be painted and baseboards and all that to be finished. (still doesn't fix the floor issue) Decisions decisions... I think..... I can use an exercise machine mat to give the shims/tank a surface to sit on, that might be an option!
  16. Yeah, I've seen swordtails do this too, but I like your theory! They are trying to chew the food to to speak and then spit it out. I see my corys do it with some frozen foods also. I had one poor guy, he swallowed wrong and it went into his gills and freaked him out. He's doing ok though.
  17. I don't know if this is similar to your setup, but sounds like it. I have seen a lot of people who use tankless and something similar. To the concern you mentioned, I am not specifically sure.
  18. For rimless, a glass lid is going to look something like... Depending who manufactured the tank is going to vary what your options are, but essentially, you can find a mount like these and have the glass cut to size at a shop (or they should have some online).
  19. welcome! I have not heard about this. I know there are some chemical "cleaners" for aquariums where the sale's pitch is that you can just dump it in and not worry about cleaning your aquarium. I would highly recommend simply having a cleaning regiment that includes gravel vac, water change, and rinsing your foams.
  20. All of the big box stores are going to have their version/brand of "glass canopy". The two big ones being versatop (Aqueon / petco) and top fin (the other guys) One of them is pretty much readily available. From my experience, the 75G aqueon lids are AWESOME and I am very happy with them. My 55G I made my own in various materials. Because of the "high quality" of the 75G lids I got the same brand for my 29G and I was very unhappy. It was as if they had shipped me an incorrect part (rear trim was 1/2" too short. If I took the trim off my 75, works fine. I've since ordered a replacement trim, but that alone was the cost of the entire lid! Not having many options I went and got the same thing for my 10G QT tank, works fine except for it being a lid that you can open (the spring tension is so stiff the glass snaps back and then I have issues with it scaring the fish. SO..... back to the 29G and I've had the lid for a few months. It's nearly falling apart. I try cleaning it over and over but the hinge piece is so worn and eroded away (on the top of the tank, presumably by the head of the light or something) and it looks like it's about to do this to me. So I think for my next one I'll be trying "the other guys". I tried a brand from amazon, you'll know which one, and it's basically very cheap/thin glass and very cheap materials. Again, poor tolerances and it barely fits the tank. As far as to your question and request.... Glass tops, you'd buy the LED seperately. It usually gives you a lot more flexability and protects the light itself from water damage a bit better than being directly over the water. I really like the marineland lid I had, but those you just can't actually purchase anywhere (let alone a bare tank without all the fixins). If you want the light/lid, you're looking at what they call a canopy or hood. If you want the glass version, it's a glass canopy and then you'd buy something else to use as a light that can rest on top. The co-op has a few options on their website as well. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/lights/products/finnex-stingray-led-lights
  21. What is your filter? I'll post the results with assuming an AC70. As others have mentioned, I'd recommend moving the betta and dropping the temp to 72-74 without the betta, everything is the same except:
  22. I don't know if the there is access, but this might be helpful to look into: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/docs/development/extensions/corenotifications-r154/ It looks like that is how it's sending the notification to us. It mentions, but doesn't go into how that is customized to add to or amend what notification options are available. The logic being, right now you have a notification system based on IF/Them or some kind of a When instance. IF (New post == true) Then Notify --> Followers The option being helpful would just be a nested IF. IF (New post == true) IF (Author(new_post) == Author (Thread)) Then Notify ---> Followers. I'm trying to search the invision community dev forums, but it's basically asking me if I pay for their services. They do have a place to "request a feature" but it looks like there is some mechanism to customize that notification list. I totally understand if it's just not possible to do because it's not something you guys have access to, but if it is, it might be helpful. I don't know if this is something only I would use, or if this is something others would as well. This is the closest thing I found to get towards the solution. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/433930-custom-notifications-supporttopic/
  23. Correct. It would be a benefit to add this feature. Following the Author would basically open the door for 10-50x the notifications when the goal is to trim some of them off of my email / notifications.
  24. I follow a few threads, some sections just so I can check in when major things happen. Part of the issue I'm having is that I've receiving way too many notifications. One example is following journal entries or any thread really. In the current format, when you follow a thread you get a notification when anyone posts to the thread. I would like to suggest an option to only receive a notification when the AUTHOR of the thread posts a new message. We already receive updates when (and can control these) someone posts and it is in reply to something we've posted. In addition you also have the option to receive daily or weekly summaries. I think the useful thing missing is cutting out the reply posts that I may or may not be interested to read, and only really be notified when a thread I sign up for has an update from the author in question. Granted, if someone adds something of value, I'd probably prefer to hear it, but I also have to have some effort on my own part to keep up with the conversation. Either that, or whenever I do make it back to the thread to catch up, to go ahead and read through any new posts I may have missed.
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