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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. Med dosage per the directions is key, but week to week it shouldn't matter too much. It is going to take a few rounds, and it's generally recommended to treat every 7 or every 14 days. The goal being to repeat it over an extended period more than anything.
  2. Barbs and Corydoras generally don't interact. They have different spots of the tank they occupy when active. Some barbs will pick off the mid-level for food, but I don't see a lot of them (or didn't) on the substrate. When the barbs are sleeping, corydoras are still active, but they don't really bother them too much. I don't think you'd had any issues with those two species.
  3. I would try to give them some development time. As long as they are happy and you don't have to move the tank yet, hopefully they get a little better in 2-3 weeks. Their organs and stuff.
  4. ^^ I vote shrimp 🦐. 😂
  5. Lol. Very true, but gotta love em 🙂 Nice camera! excited to hear about it. I have a sony phone I use.
  6. Yeah. Amanos go bananas during a WC. I imagine (still learning) for neos it's a like a cup of coffee, That little bump to help then get through the process.
  7. yes. Oxygenation, clean water, fresh water does trigger them to be more active. I believe this touches on it, but I am re-watching right now. Also explained in detail here.
  8. One day my plants will grow. Crazy how well yours are doing already. I thought the little ball would be larger. This is the same feeling I had when I saw an alder cone for the first time. 😂
  9. Yeah, everything is buried under different things. He got them with a shrimp order and it's in that video. I've seen him talk about them and people say they don't do anything, he said it's just like a moss ball to him. Just a surface and either it's helpful or it isn't, but that it doesn't do any harm and is beneficial if it does help. Found one of em....
  10. Tank is 21x12x8" tall in terms of inches. In terms of footprint I think that's right between a 10G and 15G aquarium with a different height. The biggest question is whether or not there's enough floorspace and enough height. I don't know the answer to that! In terms of water volume it's 40L or just over 10G. I assume water changes aren't a concern or issue, but the question just being is that space for a pair adequate? Especially if like you're saying the male is moved out of the tank when need be? I have read through all the replies above, wanted to share the dimensions/converted and ask those questions. @anewbie For the setup you mentioned can it be setup like a ram tank with a wall on 3 sides as opposed to a cave or do they specifically need a ceiling? Is it an ok setup for a 3-4" pair of fish as opposed to a 6" fish? I believe that's the size for apisto, but as I said I'm just hear to learn! I think the goal for Lennie is to have a tank dedicated for them and that can easily be made blackwater or lower PH for that breeding without causing issues in his other tanks. @tolstoy21ccan you share some of your setups as well!? I know you have some awesome stuff. I saw some fishroom photos but nothing specific in terms of breeding setups. Did see the video of the apisto swimming in and out of the skull 🙂 .
  11. Too perfect! Clay balls. Has minerals for them. Perfectly safe. It can either add stuff to the water or just for them to graze on. Mark's Shrimp Tanks has a vid. Wild type eventually makes the carbon. To this
  12. Fish was splashing all night! 😂 I get just before falling to sleep, Grace the sharks starts up doing laps in the flow. She's adorable, but terrible timing. Spent the next 2 hours listening and wondering who did it.
  13. Once you have the nitrites to 0.... If you have a single SAE. go ahead and add it. Not enough bioload there to cause any harm. Same with shrimp. Oto, pleco. you can add them too if you keep number low. One pleco for instance isn't a big deal in a 75G. Handful of otos, not a big deal.
  14. shhhh don't tell anyone they took away 1 day shipping! My favorite thing is that as a non-prime you see the "you're order is ready to be shipped" and then it takes days for it to just get out the door. Magically, 1 day arrival! I live in a pretty populated area and the "shipping" is always 1 day, 2 at the most. Fun when you order from someone who sells via amazon and they don't do this and magically it's here a week ahead of the amazon estimate. Yeah... I've been non-prime for a long time. I don't need or miss it. Someone I know who does pay for it told me it was for music / books. Yeah, they use spotify now after a long time of encouragement. /rant Anyways.... fishy stuff. It doesn't help much, but I'm pointing at the photo in my mind as I type it out. That plant right there on the left, far left front carpet, I'm guessing it's S.Repens. It's a very nice placement and aesthetic. The little blobs of small anubias I really admire. I have had some little floating bits of anubias I have been trying to recover and it's one bush of nana petite that is finally starting to grow. I plucked them into some crags on the hardscape and it's been a joy every morning to check in on the tank and just admire their progress. As OD had mentioned, dragon tank is awesome. I feel like everyone should have a dragon in their tank at least once! 🙂
  15. Not sure what I got caught up in, but it's just one of those weeks where I didn't manage to get this posted when I had intended! This is from swapping the pump, the impeller, and this noise I am trying to fix. Ultimately I did fix it on one of the HoB but I am still hearing some noise on the unmoded filter. That pump has been replaced, also with a new impeller, so I am unsure what to do next beyond clean things out constantly to see what is hitting where. (assembly error, basically). The One in the package is new, just for comparison sake so I can view the wear on the older impellers. Ultimately, I need to know what is grinding so I can figure out what needs to be lubricated as well as what can wear out over time. The way this impeller works is one of the best designs I've seen and it's one of the reasons why I appreciate this pump. Ultimately, this pump this impeller design goes a long way towards longevity based on one simple design choice. A. Impeller goes into a cavity at the back of the pump to hold the shaft in place, this is similar to how the X07 impellers works as well I believe, but those have a ceramic shaft. The shaft itself is a good diameter for the workload, but most importantly for me, the magnet itself is attached to the shaft. This means that when the shaft wears out, you replace the impeller. This means that the magnet won't damage the shaft, resulting in a longer lifecycle for the impeller (magnet really) and the pump overall. The other end of the shaft lock into the pump with a 1/4-turn attachment. It's extremely easy to get this pump apart. It slides into place and usually just works. So this issue of a weird noise is quite interesting..... Both shafts have some marks on the mounting end, but nothing is permanent wear. This is just simply dirt and scuffs. The diameter of the shaft isn't worn down at all. Based on this feature, both should be working well. The head of the impeller we do see some major wear on one of the pumps. This might be due to misalignment, but I think it's also due to the press fit on the shaft shifting slightly. This moves the impeller slightly closer to the pump housing, causing a bit of noise. One way to test this would be to push on the shaft in the middle while its running to see if the noise goes away. (not recommended and obviously dangerous to do so) When I checked the second impeller I saw the attachment plate (cover) that was stuck in place. I did eventually get it to slide, but maybe I shouldn't have been able to? I think it was just a little bit of dirt on the plastic that just caused it to get stuck in place. As always, clean your pumps! Here is a side by side to hopefully give you a slightly easier view to see the difference in wear on these two. The following summary on why I opted to replace the impellers is because of the difference I saw between the two of these pumps and impellers. I think the magnets got a bit stuck in polarity. the way the motors work is that you have a direction, 4, 6, or 8 poles and the pump rotates the charge on the pump side (electromagnet) which then rotates the impeller magnet. This causes it to spin. These two impellers had a bit less of an intense magnetism resulting in a bit of sloppiness when they would spin. I mentioned it a bit earlier without the photos, but if you have a pump that isn't working as it should and you are absolutely certain the housing and everything is clean. Then I would recommend checking on the impeller shaft and the impeller magnet itself as a new solution.
  16. For this, do you mean dig a hole and let the water fill it? I would think you'd have to fix the drainage stuff to be able to put something in, but I could just be confused about it or what is the best setup for your plans. The dampness on the soil could just be the groundwater level? I don't know... I really love the trees in this photo. Really beautiful. 🙂
  17. Definitely have never heard a pleco make a peep. I have had 5 plecos in a tank, 2 of them clowns, and the filter was the loudest thing. I also have had tanks so quiet I literally kept looking over to make sure it was actually on. (sponge filter, ziss air stone, quiet!). I can also verify a RTBS splashes when she wants to at night. If they aren't chasing sleeping fish, usually quiet as a mouse. That's quite hilarious! What on earth are you feeding that guy!
  18. I wouldn't move them until they have fins and are fully formed. If you can use something like a specimen container and move them that way just be gentle as you can and that should work to move them if you need to. The go to method is usually a turkey baster, depends on size of course. The preference is to keep them in water as opposed to using a net at this stage. On the corydoras I waited until they are a certain size, fully formed, but I understand the situation you're in is slightly different. Mine were in a breeder box and didn't have to be moved to be protected in the tank. I would mull it over and think about how, then decide what you want to do.
  19. This..... For dragon stone you seriously want to soak it. I get the stone home, use a hose, try to spray off any of the major dirt and rinse out the holes. Once you get there you'll start to see the "mud holes" that you can clean out. That mud has been packed in there forever and needs to be rehydrated to be able to clean it out. The stone can crumble on you, but the main thing is that you either get that mud out before or it's going to be released in the tank. It's a fantastic stone, just be patient. Shake it underwater, clean it, rinse it, and try to get that stuff stuck deep inside. When I first got mine all of this was filled in.
  20. Do you mean that you add it during water changes or constantly? I would recommend looking at the various filter mod videos and upgrading your filter to use sponge and ceramic media. This will help with the long term health and stability of the cycle. There's a thread on these forums called "Show of your filter mods", but I am unsure that there is one for that specific filter yet.
  21. It's called topping. Something indefinitely didn't understand when I was working on my stem tank was how to have success with this method. Cut off the healthy sections and replant. You'd want to remove the section you have showing with algae and only plant the healthy tops. Green aqua has a few videos on this. I've also seen a video from it by corvus oscen.
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