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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Oi! I took the photo! Here: he’s in the back.
  2. Sorry, completely off topic here, but what (apart from patience🙃) do you use to take fish pictures?
  3. Currently working out my future fish room. Also can’t stand it when the LFS employees know nothing and get a bit in-your-face.
  4. Drat. I got rid of my last sword just before the 1 year mark🤦‍♂️! I was moving, but still…
  5. I’ve recently noticed that a lot of members have beautiful scapes in their tanks. Wondered if anyone would be willing to share their favorites? Here’s my best scape: Have fun!
  6. The organisers of the aquarium event have moved it forward a month🤦‍♂️. Unless all my fish spawn within the next week, I have no chance of getting any sellable stock to a decent size😢. I’ll try better next year. BN pleco babe below
  7. Indeed, if not it could work as a Terrarium.
  8. Any flake food which the fish ❤️works for me. Bonus: They sing for their supper😏
  9. Love the look of those dwarf emerald rasboras… seeing as I work at my LFS I’ll check and see if they’re easy to breed and put them on the ordering list! Thanks for starting this topic @Fish Folk! It’s quite fun! Here’s a little shrimp that was hiding in a plant I bought today.
  10. Someone should do an L-number poster so that we can all identify them correctly…another project for me!
  11. You’re also English, so you’ll understand this: It’s all L-number to me! —William Sharkspeare. Saw some of my latest BN pleco fry today🥰
  12. Get some Easy Green and order some plants from Aquarium Co-Op. Start with something easy and fun like a tiger lotus or Scarlet Temple. Sorry to hear about your LFS😞
  13. Random question which doesn’t belong on this thread but anyway…: are hermit crabs breedable?
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