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Ariel S

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Everything posted by Ariel S

  1. Wow! thanks for all of the information!!!! I wanted to stick with wood because all of my other stands are wood, but they are just thrown together hot messes honestly. Not pretty, are definitely sturdy. Thanks so much for the input!
  2. Hello, I have a 40 gallon breeder and I want to add a sump underneath. I'm trying to decide the best/ easiest/ and pros and cons of different methods. I don't really have the skill to drill the back panel but I can probably beg someone to do it for me or do it very carefully. I've also watched numerous videos of drilling tanks and plumbing and overflows you can buy and DIY instead of drilling. Any suggestions? tips? I've watched numerous videos on youtube and just cant decide what is best for me. I know that marine depot sells some, but those seem to all be geared towards reef tanks. This is a freshwater tank by the way.
  3. Mostly, I just want a wooden stand that looks more sleek and cleaner than the average 2X4 from home depot. Any other wood suggestion?
  4. Hello All! Has anyone built a fish tank stand using Douglas Fir S4S Mixed Grain Board instead of 2x4's. Is it strong enough to hold a 40 gallon breeder (450 lbs w/ water) and 20 gallon (225 lbs w/ water) sump on the bottom? I've built stands with standard 2x4's but not the Douglas Fir Mixed grain boards.
  5. Not aquarium themed, but because Cory always references his tiny chihuahua gang! 🙂
  6. Hi! Does anyone know if a school (6-8) of red neon blue eyed rainbow fish would be okay in a 20 gal with 8 male endlers and 6 Cory cats? Lightly planted. My endlers are very active. I’m not finding much consistency online. thank you in advance!!
  7. Cory, I picked up some regular Maracyn. Should I follow directions on the back of the box? Or do you have different, more effective instruction? Box instructions say to add 1 packet per 10 gallons 5 days in a row, but doesn’t say anything about water changes? I know I’ve done water changes in the past using antibiotics maybe I’ve been using them wrong? Hence the fin rot issues returning. Didn’t the website used to have your instructions for use? If they differed. back of the box directions: Add the contents of one package per 10 gallons of water and repeat every 24 hours for 5 days. Repeat this 5 day treatment only once if needed.
  8. fin rot help please friends! I have some Fritz Mardel Maracyn II on hand (not the type that’s part of the med trio suggested by the coop- I think that’s regular Maracyn). Anyone have experience with this product curing fin rot? Is it ok to use this instead? If so, should I dose the same as suggested by aquarium coop or follow instructions on the box? My betta is in a 20 gallon community tank. He used to be “fine” (no fin issues) for 3 years but the last 6 months he’s having fin rot issues. I keep the tank clean (regular water changes, always 20ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia or nitrite, temp is 79, lots of plants (stem, floating, and bulb). I have endlers and Cory cats with him. Running a sponge filter. Something is stressing him out I guess? I would suspect the Endlers, but I never see him chasing them or the corys. I have a quarantine tank but have no space for a permanent tank for just him to be moved to. thank you for any advice!!
  9. Hi Stephen, I also live in southeast Louisiana and have personally experienced returning home from a week long evacuation and realizing I had made gumbo in my fish tank. So terrible! I don’t have the $$ for a giant generator, but I was able to snag a smaller one from Home Depot last year. It can only run a few things at once- but definitely enough for my tanks. When my power went out back in July, I was able to just run a chord out of a tiny gap in my window to the generator and my fish all survived. I also have a tiny window a/c that I was able to also connect to the generator to keep the tanks (and myself) under 85 degrees during the day. That’s not really a fix if you were to evacuate, but if you’re staying home during the power outage, this has worked for me.
  10. Hello all! I have an Aqua Culture Double Outlet Aquarium Pump and I’m wondering if any knows a way to close off or disable one of the two outlets. I was using to put air into two tanks at once, but I’m no longer running the 2nd tank. Ive tried just putting two airlines into the tank (20 gallon high) but there was way too much flow and my fish were getting whipped around and avoiding half of the tank. Currently, I just have airline connected to 1 of the outlets and air is just blowing out of the 2nd outlet. I’m feeling like it’s just wasteful. Other than just buying a single outlet air pump, anyone have suggestions on a way to close off the 2nd outlet safely? For anyone on a budget that’s never had one- these air pumps are super cheap and I really love it. It’s literally right next to my bed and I hardly hear it. Hardly any vibration at all. I just don’t need the 2nd outlet anymore. thanks in advance!
  11. I have a 3.0 on my 29 gallon and have carpeting plants. Im not running any CO2 at the moment, but it is definitely a good SOLID investment for a high tech tank set up.
  12. That sounds like a good idea, moving the fish to a quarantine tank, but, I’ll have to make sure they aren’t in the quarantine tank for long bc collectively I have about 25 fish but only a 10 gallon quarantine tank.
  13. Hello Everyone! I’m looking for advice on getting rid of some ramshorn snails from my tank. I was over feeding and letting them breed because I had a puffer tank and I was harvesting them for food, but now I’m giving my puffer to a friend and there are so many now I just don’t want all of the snails in my tank (mostly, they creep me out- remind me of fleas on pets). I have a sera snail catcher and I use it literally every single night for over a week but there are still lots of snails and I’m just looking for a faster solution honestly- plus my Kuhli loaches and endlers keep ending up inside of the trap! Any advice For using this product? will it be safe for my other inhabitants? (Kuhli loaches, apistos, otos, tetras). Any other snail removal ideas other than “just leave them” or get assassin snails. Oh! I also don’t have any space in the tank for any snail eating loaches or a puffer unfortunately. thanks in advance!!! -Ariel
  14. Cory, I’ve been adding 2 root tabs once a week for a few months now. Maybe I’ll need to step it up. Do the swords uptake any nutrients from the liquid easy green ferts? Or only tabs? the java fern is in is only 1 of 2 plants in the tank and I’ve been dosing Easy green weekly. It is right next to my heater because initially when the plant was bigger it was hiding my heater, but has since gotten smaller. Could the heater be the issue? It’s set on 79. Tank thermometer typically shows 77-79. thank you,
  15. Hello all! I’ve been toying with the idea of adding some CO2 source into one of my 29 gallon tanks. I’ve watched numerous video (aquarium co-op and others) about setting up CO2 systems that have tanks, diffusers, regulators and all that. BUT... I don’t really have the space for a CO2 tank and I’m not much of a DIY person. Are there any smaller systems out there that are good and reliable? I’ve seen so many mixed reviews on the Fluval and Tropica kits they sell in the big box stores and online.
  16. Yes, the fish have remained uninterested in the plants unless they decided to start eating them for fun. The amazon sword has an apisto, glass blood fin tetras, kuhli loaches, and some ramshorn snails that snuck in. the java fern has a betta, endlers livebearer, corys, and some more sneaky ramshorns. thank you for your response!
  17. Hello everyone! Looking for some plant advice. 2 tanks with issues. I have holes in some of my plant leaves. Amazon sword in one tank and Java Fern in another. I’ve read that it could be potassium? Or lighting? The java fern leaves are worse. They look like they are being torn apart. I use easy green and root tabs (for the sword) and have Fluval 3.0 lights. Both are 29 gallon aquariums. Neither plant is new. Had them both for about 1 year.
  18. Just a hard life... asleep like this for 2 hours while I worked.
  19. True! I guess a better way to put it would be that I’ve only just started putting fish husbandry into the mix!
  20. Hi! my name is Ariel, I live in New Orleans, Louisiana and I've been keeping fish all of my life.... but.... only have been keeping them correctly for about 2 years!
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