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Taylor Blake

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  1. I Just figured I should give a little update this build I did end up having to brake down the tank for a few reasons. Reason number one is I did a water change on the tank and ended up having a crash killing about 90% of the live stock due to what I believe was a unusual amount of chlorine in the water and me not having enough non expired prime on hand. And reason number two is one of the seams was leaking and had progressively gotten worse over time to a point where I had a clamp holding the tank together towards the end. a few things for anyone interested in a similar project for themselves. 1 I think a 125 is probably a more realistic size for the top end of this build. 2 I would have also limited the number of species I was going for the darters really only ever ate live food which was challenging. The gobies did fight with each other for space and the many types of schooling fish made it hard to get them food to the bottom as well.I probably would have kept with the hill stream loaches and one or two large schools as well as one species of goby or kuli loach but not both. 3 I enjoyed the flow but honestly more was needed as well as a proper clean out for it and the pumps I found the muck would clog up everything on that left side of the tank with the pumps. also the topper was awesome but after a while the plants needed so much trimming so light would get to the water and one of the lights died from the humidity in the topper if I was to try to build a new one again I would consider going with a 33long or two modified by conjoining the short end to make one 8 by 1 by 1 foot tank.as for flow a few fx6 or large canisters would be much simpler to get a similar effect. As for stocking I would pick one of each species and focus on their individual needs properly sticking to CPDs with hillstream and kuli loaches if anyone has questions feel free to ask I’ll be happy to answer anything I can
  2. @Vanish lol I lose track of what I have in there all the time it's a big enough tank that if something dies it will rot away into nothing and be broken down by the plants. I often will find myself sitting watching the tank and I will see a fish that I forgot was in there because I haven't seen it sense it was added. My guess is I have about 100 or so fish in there. @Beardedbillygoat1975 The flow is fine however over time the pumps are slowing and I think it is because I can't get in there to clean them. If I was to do that differently I would do an external pump or two and I would have done more flow probably double. If I remember it's a it's almost 9,000 GPH. So if I was to do this style tank on like a 33 long I would run an FX6 and a 1000-2000 GPH pump. As far as people dealing with a tank this size. I don't have a tank runing that is less then a 90 and I have an 800 gallon gar indoor pond. I also work at a public aquarium. This tank is almost perfect for me size wise. I'm not a small person so this tank feels live a aquarium that is large. What I mean is I have a 125 next to it and that tank feels the same as my 90 gallon. I have had 55s and those feel like a toy not a real home for fish. It is hard to do anything on the bottom of the tank but that is because of the topper I have on there with the plants
  3. Ok it's been a while for all the new people please read and ask as many questions as you feel the need to. Here are a few updates. I was able to get the log to stay down it kept floating even with a few rocks but at least the rocks look better and the plants are starting to grow in. I still feel I need to add some more light for the centeR and the edges of the tank. If anyone has a good light they would recommend that is tough ,water resistant ,very strong and not and arm and a leg. I was thinking of holding out for the co-op light. Please if anyone has any questions or comments about the tank or anything they want to see more of let me know.
  4. Ok so this is something that I believe is known elsewhere but I feel most aquarists don't know. So according I was listening to the podcast of a live stream Cory was doing where he was talking about rope/reed fish. He was talking about how some batches are more difficult to keep alive and healthy. I've learned that many fish are collected using cyanide in the water. It is often used for reef fish but also in Africa and Asia in places that are difficult to get nets in or difficult to collect large numbers. Reed fish are often harvested this way and can die due to the cyanide that builds up in their system. One of the few treatments for this to my understanding is methylene blue. I don't fully know how all the chemistry works but to my understanding the cyanide and methylene blue will bond into a non toxic form that the body can expel. If anyone has more info they would like to share please feel free. Thank you all for reading my Nerm nonsense.
  5. This is going to be my sunfish tank. I'm trying to get the Lilly pads to grow in before I add any big fish that will make a mess of the tank. it has been up and running for about 4 months with no big changes in that timeouts feeding and a few top offs. @Cory I think this is a pretty good example of what seasoned tank time is.
  6. This is in my 125 aquarium growing on the wood. things that live in there right now are tinfoil barbs two female guppies and a tadpole madtom catfish and snails. It looks like a sponge or bacteria colony
  7. I made some friends today at the lake. a mom and a fresh baby painted turtles
  8. No please stay I am enjoying fallowing along and when I get mine going I will try to add what I'm doing to the mix
  9. in this order are my favorite types of videos 1 wild fish collecting such as the Peru and Florida videos 2 Farm/ fish room tours such as "1000 gallon aquarium" and the goliad farms or "The best fish farm in the world.( no clickbait)" 3 your travel videos and what you see that in the world of fish keeping 4 your tours of your store and home fish room and what is exciting to you 5 outdoor tubbing
  10. Who all on here has done a fish collecting trip? I used to collect sunfish and other natives back when I was legally aloud to do so but now I can't do it alone because of local laws. How many of you have your own collection story's and pictures. I also want to here about if you have gotten fish from out of the country like a Amazon or Africa trip. Again I would love pictures and for you to talk about your experience. Here is a photo of some of my natives that I had to buy
  11. Ok so I have been quiet for a little bit so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask I feel like I miss things if no one asks. So if you have questions feel free to ask. Ok so update time I did some stuff. Here is a few pictures of things I got some more rainbow shiners I also got some new darters and a few other new things (I have kinda lost track of all that is in there) so here are some pictures. I lost my big stone rollers so I fed them to my big turtle in the room dose anyone else feed the lost fish to other things? I have always had things that would eat any cull fish or anything that passes away I just want to know if that's weird
  12. I have a 300 gallon that I have posted about on this forum where the biggest fish is under 6 inches and I have a few cpd in there. It's a super fun tank I would say the average size fish in there is about 2-3 inches most of them are US natives. I really need to update that post lol here is a sneak peak at the tank
  13. I would do Neocaridina shrimp and put some CPDs out there as well for winter. But at your high temps for the summer you could put it in full shade that will help with the swings for the species listed above or if you did half sun you could probably breed a Cory or pleco species
  14. I have a soft spot for the big guys so I would have to say a wels or a Jau I also like the look and name of the goonch here are two photos that I pulled off the internet
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