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Everything posted by TankofFish

  1. Well the Angle fish arrived this morning at 11:20am. All in great shape and they are all very very stunning pitch black and about the size of a quater. Im very happy with my order. I thank all for the replies and advice that was given, now let the jounery begin.
  2. a MED TRIO Treatment while trying to cycle a tank, that could be your issue...
  3. One more thing, the aquarium salt will help.
  4. Sounds like your tank is in the middle of cycling still. If your sure your 20 is cycled I would try to get the fish back in that tank till you get the 54 going in the right direction. I'm sure others will be along to give better advice but that is what I would do as of right now.
  5. well right off the bat you need to do a water change, your Nitrite is high and that alone could be an issue and use the prime, go by the directions on the bottle
  6. The ones that I'm getting are captive bred. The wild are little more than I wanted to spend
  7. I read where @Daniel keeps two angel fish at temps in the low 70 degree water but he is not trying to breed them yet. I'm only asking cause if I get to much fighting going on with mine, some may be moved to tanks that the water temp is between 73 to 75 degrees. Hmmmm, might just be a good reason to invest in another 100 gallon tank🤔
  8. I will only be able to keep the 40 tall and one 55 gallon at that temp, the other tanks have fish in them and that temp would be way to high.
  9. what temp are you keeping your tanks at
  10. Nice I hope I can do as well as you are with your Angles.....😍
  11. Its not really what I was shooting for but if I have 2 pair up they will get a 55 gallon just for them. If I'm able to raise the young I have a LFS I can sell to or give too
  12. this is what I read in my research of Angle fish Keep at least 5 or more angelfish together in groups of their own species. Keeping groups of the same species together helps keep the aggression of your angelfish in check and makes for a more peaceful aquarium.
  13. Okay first thing first Fish will be here tomorrow...YES Okay, thanks for the replies, I thought I read that they like to school together, maybe I was asleep when I was reading lol. With that said they are small 3/4 of a inch to 1 inch. They will all go into a 40 gallon tall at first. With the info that yall have given. I will watch them to see how they are doing and as they grow and maybe start to pair up are start being to aggressive to each other I will start moving them. I hope two pair up, if this happens they will go into a 55gallon by them selves. I will make other moves as needed I have room in another 55 gallon and aslo have room in my 150 gallon. My only concern in my other two tanks is temp, I keep them between 73 to 74 degrees because of the type of fish that is in them. Will the lower temps be an issue for the Angle fish? Sorry for the late replie, I work night shif.
  14. thanks for the feed back. I hope all 6 make the trip, I have read they do well in groups
  15. I have 6 Black Angelfish on the way, I have read and resarched a good bit. I would like to know if there is any tips that can be given from y'alls experience of having them (Angelfish). Thanks Oh YEAH, I'm moving towards more of a blackwater tank, well at least have the dark golden tea look.
  16. I really like that last pic. I'm going to order some angles in a few weeks but mine are going in a blackwater tank
  17. Tell him to go at it, buy a big pound filter and enjoy, looks like Fla? I would love to be able to do what he is thinking about. Wish I was close I have a Asian red tail cat fish I would give him that would love his pool
  18. that will work, that is pretty much what I do for a new tank set up.
  19. Columnaris is a killer once it sets in if not hit hard and fast with the right meds. Good luck @eddie462
  20. Colu is pretty much the fish doctor of the forum if I was eddie I would listen to colu. Columnaris is pretty ugly and once it takes hold its a killer. @eddie462 jungle fungus clear is very close to furna-2(If you can't find the furna-2) it will work along with the kanaplex you need that one two punch that colu is talking about. here is a link for more info Identify and Treat Columnaris (Saddle Back Disease) - FishLab
  21. no need to worry they are not going in my tank
  22. check your temp and PH also, both are on the high side for cory's
  23. panda corydoras, not sure they will be able to handle that heat. Hate to say it this way but this tank was over stocked and was a ticking time bomb and on top of it the tank may not have been cycled to handle that big of bio load (young tank)
  24. Just know your tank is not cycled and if you do not follow the right steps you will have more fish die off.
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