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Everything posted by Rudles

  1. Are African Dwarf Frogs known for jumping out of the water? Out of 5 I only see one in my aquarium, a SeaClear 29 gallon show tank with a rim all the way around the top. I have looked all around the aquarium itself and behind the cabinet and haven't seen any signs of the other 4.
  2. Would this be a good place to trim my Scarlet Temple? It's 9" tall from the surface of the substrate. My substrate is about 6" deep. 2" of organic soil with a perimeter of Eco-Complete followed by 2" of sand and capped with 2" of gravel.
  3. 900 miles ..... think I have you all beat. I rely on Amazon, Aquarium Co-op, Aqua Huna and the USPS.
  4. I have been running my light 10-12 hours a day and I have been adding Easy Green and Easy Iron about 3 times a week. I'm starting to run my light on low and will cut back to once a week with Easy Green and Easy Iron.
  5. What would cause green water? Not cloudy, fairly clear but still having a green tint. This is a deep substrate, dirted tank.
  6. I watched one eating green spot algae on the front glass. I could see a visible trail of clean glass (acrylic) as it moved along.
  7. Lovin' that my Bladder snails are starting to multiply. I had at least one come in on my plants. I don't get overly concerned. I welcome them as part of my cleanup crew. It's surprising how fast they move compared to the Ramshorn snails in my 20 gallon tank. Do you keep them or try to eradicate them?
  8. Acurel F works great for cloudiness but does anyone know if it pulls nutrients out of the water?
  9. I'm pretty sure I will be firing up my second 20 high and tearing down the existing one. I really don't have room or equipment to be running two 20s. I'm considering getting one of my 10s up and running and putting my Angelfish in it since he doesn't play well with others. Is a 10 gallon too small for a solitary Angelfish?
  10. My Angelfish, after eating 13 Neon Tetras was moved back into my 20 high. I am wondering what would be a suitable tank mate for him/her. Would a Betta work or would they be prone to fighting?
  11. That will take a bit to digest. I just received my API Gh/Kh test kit from Amazon yesterday. My Tidal 55 has a built in surface skimmer.. Been working 12 hour shifts so I'm winding down today.
  12. Yes, I turn my co2 off at night.
  13. I noticed that my Cardinal Tetras are all hanging out at the surface possibly gasping for air. I turned off my co2 immediately. This was going on for possibly an hour at most. Will they be alright? Update. I put an airstone in the tank immediately. Looks like everything is alright. They have moved back down in the water column and seem to be acting normally.
  14. Piggy backing on this, I use Easy Carbon to help control algae. Is this safe for ADFs?
  15. What is the safest method to remove GSA from inside of an acrylic tank?
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