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Everything posted by Rudles

  1. Would Amano shrimp be safe in a tank with Cardinal Tetras and Siamese algae eaters?
  2. After the initial diatom bloom my Scarlet Temple was hit especially hard. They are making a comeback though. A lot of leaves still look sickly. Should I trim them or will they naturally be replaced?
  3. 🤔 lesson learned. My Angelfish isn't such an angel. He's eaten 13 of 14 Neon Tetras :( If I do get some more I'll set up a 10 gallon tank as a grow out tank and raise them until they're big enough to go in with him. He hasn't bothered the Cardinal Tetras at all. They're roughly twice the size as the Neons were.
  4. I'm having the same problem with my Angelfish. He's eaten 13 of 14 Neon Tetras. So far he hasn't bothered my Cardinal Tetras. The next time I'm going to set up my 10 gallon tank as a grow out tank for my Neon Tetras.
  5. Not really. This happened over the last 48 hours though. There's no floaters and none lying on the bottom though so he must have thinned the herd.
  6. I recently received 14 Neon Tetras and 10 Cardinal Tetras. All of my Cardinals are accounted for but 10 of my Neons are missing. I only have two fish that are large enough to eat them. An Angelfish and a Bronze Corydora. Is it possible that one or both helped themselves to some "fast food"? I'm definitely seeing the value of a growout tank.
  7. Awesome! That's what I'm hoping for. I'm going to plant some and float some. P.S. what does NERM stand for?
  8. Perfect. I'm wanting my Scarlet Temple to color up.
  9. Oooooops, I got it mixed up with Easy Iron. Just got off of three twelves. I forgot that I ordered both. Easy Iron for my new 29 gallon show tank and Easy Carbon for the startup of my 20 gallon high. I'm going to do a complete tear down and restart using fresh soil and if I can get it, pool filter sand. If not I'll have to use play sand.
  10. What are the effects of dosing Easy Carbon? Is it primarily for algae control or will it help color up my Scarlet Temple plants? What are the effects on fish?
  11. I have heard that I can float Water Wisteria. I searched YouTube but was unable to find anything about floating it. Has anyone here done this? If so, any tips? Due to my work schedule I'll have to wait until Saturday morning to do anything with them.
  12. Wanted to order some Nerite snails 🐌 but Aqua Huna is sold out. I have 10 Cardinal Tetras and 14 Neon Tetras on the way. I want to be careful not to overstock. I have 3 of my 7 SAEs in my 29 leaving 4 in my 20. Everybody's going to be in my 29 soon and I'll tear down the 20 and get it going again. Once it's cycled I want to get a Betta and start a community around it. I have a spare 20 high that I'm going to keep just for a hospital tank.
  13. Thank you :) I may have to order a couple. I don't have a LFS and have to order everything online. I have been considering Nerite snails so I think I'll go ahead and make an order.
  14. My 29 finally cycled and now has inhabitants. My Bronze Corydora and two Siamese algae eaters. I'm having a bit of trouble with brown dust algae, some sort of string algae and overall my plants are struggling. I put a UV sterilizer online and I run it about eight hours a day. I have my light on about eight hours a day but I dropped it down to the low setting. I also brought my diy co2 system online and I run it about eight hours a day at about two bubbles per second. My Bacopa Caroliniana is the first so far to show any new growth. Should I discontinue Easy Green for a couple of weeks?
  15. Wow! Definitely not going to try that. My 29 is my largest tank. Thank you.
  16. Can I keep a single Clown Loach in a 29 gallon tank?
  17. Do you try to control them? I definitely had way too many Ramshorn snails in my 20 high.
  18. I'm hoping that it does reproduce. I'm sure they'll be a great addition to the cleanup crew.
  19. Awesome, thank you. I've only seen one so probably no chance of multiplying. Pretty cool though. I can't believe how fast it is!
  20. I had a new snail come in in one of my plant order from Aquarium Co-Op. It has kind of a greenish tint with bright bronze spots and a conical shell. I couldn't get a really good picture because this critter SCOOTS and I have an algae bloom going on! Just wondering what kind of snail it is.
  21. Rudles


    Awesome, thank you :)
  22. I am unable to find the QTrio that was mentioned. Since I live on an island in Southeast Alaska and there is no LFS here I would like to have some medications on hand just in case.
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