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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Atitagain well I guess we know who's going to win the Coop sticker bingo game.
  2. Nearly paid 450 for a Purple Frilly Frondosa. I was so very tempted. (actual fish not pictured)
  3. Oh and one thing I should mention is the females lay eggs. What's nice about Nerites is they won't reproduce- but some fishkeepers get irritated by females leaving eggs all over the tank- which are admittedly hard to clean off surfaces- they are hard and white. I only ended up with one female and I love her. She leaves what I've started to refer to twinkle lights, tinsel, decorations, etc. I embrace it and leave them, they tend to fade/disappear over time (takes a long while). Some fish stores will trade out the females if you don't want them (ask before buying).
  4. I have to concur, Nerite snails are the most effective algae cleaners (IME). I have them in alll of my tanks. My 20 gallon with 3 horned Nerites is squeaky clean, that includes leaves of plants not just glass/hardscape. They aren't the brightest colors but they are an incredible part of the aquarium eco system.
  5. @Fonske Ratties are the BEEESSSSTTTTTT (sorry fishies but they are).
  6. @Torrey is Watson a Nerite too? Hard for me to tell in the dark recesses of cup cave. Snailburnation (lol) sounds right for cold water. I wonder if there are other triggers. The tank my buddy BFG is in is unheated but runs 78-82 naturally. Maybe like me he wants to nap when it's warm and comfy.
  7. @Ken let alone spaying and neutering! All I think @BlueLineAquaticsSC was getting to is if anybody had any experience and if this was bad- and if it is they wouldn't do it. Seems the consensus is don't.
  8. @Guppysnail Yeah. I think I'm heavy on the boys. Hopefully the 2 unknowns are girls. I'll have to observe again tomorrow if I have time.
  9. @Guppysnail I guess mine have been sitting at the warehouse for a bit then! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the tips on sexing. I figured the biggest was a boy. I hope I got a good mix of boys/girls to keep the peace, they look so pretty together and are very active little things.
  10. So our friends at Aquahuna shipped my new tiny friends Monday, I got them safely here in CA Wednesday early evening, they were acclimating according to their instructions and in their new tank after that process was done. As expected they all came pretty darn pale and I was a bit worried for them during the acclimation process because all their little gills looked inflamed (I tested the ammonia in the acclimation water it was likely over 1.0ppm even after adding the new tank water- that green is hard to read). They were clearly stressed and very "darty". We all made it through. A few hours after they were added they already started to look better. There's definitely a larger dominant one already- he (I believe it's a he due to coloring) is the biggest of them all. They do little head to tail circle dances and he chases around ALL the other CPDs. I've not witnessed any violence or nipping- maybe they're just sorting out a pecking order for now. My Flex9 is willing to take on 2 or 3 of them if need be. Not an ideal situation since then they'd be in a small number but they'd have Embers to keep them company. I've attached a few pics- not at all great as they are super fast little buggers. The biggest one is front/center of the measuring cup pic and the one that's pictured solo (for coloring example)
  11. @Guppysnail That's hilarious and very possibly true! In my case I think BFG is just a little lazy the tank he's in is a bit out of control. Though I know snails can take long naps from time to time I had no idea where he was hiding for a week without my seeing him- glad he's still around though. His new friends have been making up for lost time and I've caught him hanging around with them so maybe he was depressed. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. @Guppysnail Some of them are genuinely prolific eaters so that doesn't surprise me. I honestly hadn't seen BFG in more than a week- I thought maybe he'd passed away in there so I went to get a couple of Nerites and a day later he shows up!! They've got plenty to do to clean the tank- but if I ran out of food I supplement with snail snacks or other food as I'm sure you do. My horned Nerites love cucumber- nobody else seems interested. I've got some picky-$$$ snails. 3 Nerites is a lot for what is essentially a 7 gallon tank but I could move one if needed. They always seem to find something though.
  13. @Guppysnail reminded me of woodgrain hence a door, hence the name Knock ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. I got 2 new Nerites for my Flex9 (my solo Nerite, BFG needs help house cleaning) Introducing Knock & Talk!
  15. Welcome to the team, there's nothing but nice and/or helpful people here. I'm sure you have plenty to contribute having kept a gold fish for that long at time! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Update: Today I've discovered little Verti swimming correctly and no longer struggling constantly swimming vertically. I was so excited/happy to see this. Since it's easiest for them I continue to feed bloodworms- up to 6 or 7 in a day since before it seemed they were expending an awful lot of energy swimming vertically. Today Verti eagerly ate. My hope is they make a full recovery and can either rejoin former mates- or if singled out, live in one of my other tanks.
  17. Ha! Yeah, Mystery snails are a joy to have in the tank, but they're (IMO) adorable little food snobs. Nerites are indeed little Roombas and I've used that exact term when I've mentioned them before. They have just as much personality but are so much smaller than their Mystery snail counterparts it's like playing Where's Waldo with them every day.
  18. Hi @Beccs410. Mine like the Hikari algae wafers, seem to enjoy the Xtreme cat scraper wafers. Shrimp foods are good for them because they're usually high in calcium. I've bought homemade foods from online sellers (Etsy) that have been successful (including snello but mine don't touch the stuff). Try any veggie you can- I've learned they can be pretty picky- in fact my Mystery snails don't really eat any of them- though they will nibble at English Cucumbers every now and then. They're individuals- so what one likes- others don't. There are lots of snail keepers here I'm sure you'll get more answers! I think contrary to popular belief they aren't really great algae eaters. My tanks were a lot cleaner after I added Nerites so I only keep Mystery snails in one of my 5 tanks and have Nerites in the others! ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. I happen to really enjoy this aspect of fish keeping, and I don't tend to chase any numbers- it's just interesting to see the changes if any. My aquarium app does all the timings for me and I get to see charts that show the changes and comparisions from when I started all the way to now. It's fascinating! (I track temps too and not running heaters this is interesting- these numbers go into my weekly tests)
  20. Hi @Stef I have 5 tanks and test them all on the same day. I rotate which tank I start with first and the tubes being a little wet does NOT seem to skew the results. I rinse them and tap them out on a clean towel which gets them pretty dry- not perfect. Plus when you've been doing this a while and buy more master kits you'll naturally accumulate more tubes. I wouldn't worry about it. ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. @Brandon p I think there's a few people on here who have successfully bred them. I accidently did- picked them specifically BECAUSE they were impossible to breed but..... if you're interested, this is the thread. It was my first post on the forum because I was seeking help! ๐Ÿ™‚ Accidental Breeding of Otocinclus! https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/9141-accidental-breeding-of-otocinclus/
  22. Personally I think having a quiet roommate is ideal- home should be your safe place where you can do your homework without interruption, not have an annoying person yapping off your ear. They'll probably be quiet when you're trying to catch a nap between classes and won't bring a ton of people into the room. The friends you're looking for- they're out there. You'll meet them in class and out and about- don't worry. ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. My Mama Oto laid on the undersides of a small Amazon Sword, they're kind of laid individually sometimes in groups of 2 or 3, translucent. I actually never saw them darken, the babies are nearly see through. The first time I saw one it was on the glass along the top of the tank- looked like a bug to me at first.
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