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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Nah, QT tanks can be easy if you want the glass kind, a lot of people use storage bins but I personally don't like you can't see into them well. People like storage bins because they feel like they will turn the glass tank into a permanent tank hehe. You can put wood in there if you want but if you treat anybody you might want to consider boiling it inbetween patients to sanitize. Any light would work because fish don't need them only we do to observe- stressed fish often do best without them and most QT tanks you're not going to keep plants in. The only other things you might consider is a net used exclusively for the tank, maybe a water changer- but you can get a turkey baster cheap to clean out the bottom of debris and scoop out water with a bowl in the meantime. That's what I do.
  2. Aqueon tank 10-20 dollars (I see petco has them on sale for 9.99- buy online/pick up in store). Lid $12-14. Sponge filter 3-10 Lights? Don't really need one but you can buy a clip on at petstores (or a desk lamp) 10-30 Heater Aqueon 100w $15. but there are others you can get crazy here. Go bare bottom. Might want a place for sick fish to hide/hang out but you might have stuff on hand for that. If you can place it close but not TOO close to your main tank if you already run air you can split airlines to run a pump. Tetra Whispers are 10 bucks usually at Petco if you have to keep them in separate places entirely. About $63 plus or minus if you don't need much more and going low level.
  3. Hi Jorden. Welcome to the forum. You won't see too many axolotl keepers here but we should be able to help with that. How long has the tank been running? What are all your water parameters? Do you use any chemicals? Are you able to get more plants?
  4. I personally cannot speak to that as I do not use fertilizer, hopefully someone can speak to that..... I've never done the med trio but I believe others have said they are safe for plants (whereas I'm used to the meds I use not being great for most plants or inverts). I have found most manufacturers responsive to emails about conflicts of meds and other tank supplements, if you shoot them emails.
  5. White fish. I mean c'mon white always glowed in a blacklight. You could try black fish if they have lint or pet hair on them it will show for sure. 😉
  6. Good, yep, I'd change water and medicate ASAP. If you don't have the meds and have Aquarium Salt you could at least start there.
  7. Do you know your water parameters? And yes changing water now can be fine especially if there's a water parameter issue. Sick fish need the cleanest water possible. Sometimes this requires daily water changes.
  8. Nice tanks! Nice to have a hobby that has so many rewards isn't it? 🙂
  9. Mine did that too when I first got them but I also ran an HOB at the time. Now they just have sponge filters and they just sit there. I'm a mean fish parent apparently.
  10. @Helan I believe that's your Betta's slime coat deteriorating due to ammonia exposure, it may not be fungus. If you do an internet search on why the lose slime coat, ammonia is one of those things. You MUST keep his water clean and treated, most of us prefer Seachem Prime. I would probably use Aquarium Salt too, just remember that salt does not deteriorate in water. Just follow the instructions on the package to treat the tank. Then only use as much salt after that as what you took out. For example you take out a gallon, you only put in salt for that gallon.
  11. I'm very sorry. Dropsy is a hard one and in my experience more often than not sadly fatal. If you can post pictures and if you have your water parameters those too so we can better help you. This thread below @Colu one of our resident medical advisors *wink* aka just really good at the dosing thing- gives some advice on how to treat a betta with dropsy, it would be similar with your guppy. Guppies get a lot of other things though too, so it's best to try and be sure with additionall information. Dropsy... help!
  12. @binkysmom it is a nice little tank. Like you I think "easy" care medium/low light plants work best in them but the plants that I have in there do seem to grow nicely (Bacopa, Java, Anubias). Just keep an eye on that pump and keep it clean of debris.
  13. Oooo very interesting. I'm still on the side of this is harmless. I would guess it's not algae if they are hard spots. Could be some form of build up from water maybe? Hopefully others will see this and have a stab at it.
  14. @GraveCompany yep, water changes pretty much every day until the levels you see are safe for your fishies.
  15. I have similar issues with snails and Black Neons. I haven't entirely resolved it. What I have done so far is found out where the Otos hang out most of the time. I put the food as near to them as I can- thankfully it's kind of sheltered. You can also try veggies the Platies won't eat. Mine like english cucumber- the snails like it but they can't eat enough of it before the Otos get a chance and the Neons don't bother that. I've also noticed Otos are more active at night for me so putting the food out late or in the dark might help.
  16. Yep, that's not a very old tank so you want to make sure you take anything you do from this point very, very slowly. You might want to get an extra sponge filter and start running it in this tank so you can properly QUARANTINE any new fish with that filter after it's run in your parent tank for a while.
  17. @Beardedbillygoat1975 there is no doubt- ADF are so cool. Every time I go to my Mum's house I can't stop watching the 2 that I got for her. They are such clowns- it's kind of amazing to think they even survive in the wild since they can't get anywhere they SEEM to be headed- and yes, their eating is clumsy to say the least which is why I had her start with target feeding (to make sure they were getting food) and I think that's the only way she feeds them now- which TBH has kept that tank considerably cleaner than if they just ate on their own- I can't even imagine. The Flex does seem rather fragile- it certainly isn't a tank you can just move on a whim that's for sure. I think it is a happy accident it occured to yours- as yes, I think the ADF prefer the shortest route to the top. Glad they've been some source of joy.
  18. @Beardedbillygoat1975 actually of all the diseases I'm actually comfortable treating Ich now, sad to say- but I've had success. I did lose some of my Ember population with the treatment in this tank and an Oto which is unfortunate but since I changed the pump (and check it every day) and have been running the Hygger sponge in the back chamber all has been a lot better. For whatever reason this particular tank seems to jam up the pump a lot more often than any other tank I've had like it. Did you ever find out why your tank cracked? I was reading about your losses on your other pages- such a shame. ADFs bring a lot of joy though so that's probably a great tank for them especially since the water line is lower.
  19. Well to partially answer your question my 20 gallon has 10 Harlequins and about 14 or so Otocinclus, 3 Mystery snails (larger bio load), 2 Nerites. My water tests 0 on the bad stuff (regularly 40 Nitrate, no idea why, fish don't seem to mind) pH hovers well at 7.6. I run 2 air driven filters. My tank has been running for over a year, I could potentially add a small set of schoolers if I got really ambitious and they'd likely do fine. (no plans to do that though). Your plants look fairly immature. How old is the tank? When was the last time you added fish or other occupants?
  20. Hi @Stephanie K I'm not sure there's anything there to be concerned about just on first glance.You also didn't mention anything else of concern to me. Do they move (meaning are they animal or plant)? If you took your finger and swiped at them do they go away? My first thought is it might be some type of algae and answer each of those questions. If they didn't move and I was easily able to manually remove the spots with my finger it's probably algae and I'd give the glass a good cleaning. They could be more near the top because access to light is better. If they move and act more like an insect/animal/parasite others might have experience with them. A lot of living things you find in your tank can be very harmless but always nice to know what it is, right? 🙂
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