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Everything posted by OnlyGenusCaps

  1. What have you done?! That's awesome!!! Reefers chase that sour of outcome. Ooh. Bristle worms are one thing I am not looking forward to in SW. Do you get very my in your cooler tank?
  2. You should be! I have to admit, I have not been following this, because I'm not really into fancy guppies. But, even as someone who typically doesn't appreciate them, I think the male at the top of that 6th photo down is striking! The concentric nature of the pattering on his tail reminds me of some of my favorite zoa polyps. He's very eye catching. Well done, sir!
  3. So, my dirty little secret is that, as much as I love sumps (and I do!), in my breeding area with the bulk of my tanks - I have a liner piston air pump and all the tanks have matten filters. It's so efficient, so nice looking, and I've made some mods that make them far easier to clean. I only have two cautions. The first is to get the real Jetlifter™ tubes, it makes a world of difference. There are many knock-offs, and you will notice the difference. The other caution is that that this system makes it far too easy to justify getting "just one more tank". 🤪
  4. I thought that might be what was coming when you teased your new fish on another thread. Congrats! I look forward to your success!
  5. Oh dude, I am so sorry that happened, @Patrick_G. That is a rough day! Now that's what I call a first class ride!
  6. I love this idea! And I love spreadsheets! I think having a quick table like this, especially for new folks, will help them sort through the possibilities, which can be daunting at first. Nice work! The other thing I love is external/under-tank sumps. I love their versatility, but I'd say their main cost is in comfort with DIY/install in most cases. Even without external sumps, it's a great table!
  7. That is... Not at all what I expected from the thumbnail, or you @Streetwise. I like it, though! Really! Although, my favorite part of the video is the dog who is definitely "over it". Such a good dog! In terms of the music, I'm going to check her stuff out. Thanks!
  8. I do not currently. But let's see what can be done... Well, already you have a winner there! You could sell offspring for $50 a pop with that guarantee! 😉
  9. Sorry they are proving to be less straightforward than hoped. Still - that photo of them in the dish - they are really striking looking. Perhaps worth the extra effort and heartache? I hope so.
  10. Whoa! Crazy! So, the bumps don't look guppy snails. But I honestly didn't know piano snails were in the States. I've not seen them in person. It could be that they are, but the fading banding seems odd for them. Perhaps time to call in a snail taxonomist? I mean, it's been various possibilities within the same section of the same family of snails. But I suspect a true ID would be nice. If nothing else, so you know what to expect.
  11. That. Tank. Looks. Awesome!!! Sorry you lost a couple fish, but yes, lids are good. Glad to hear the gobies and loaches are playing nicely with each other. A low boy would be cool... Just say'n.
  12. Good man. Rigorous work ethic with that meter. Nicely done, sir!
  13. That's a nice looking beardy! It does look like you need some mammal remover in a few of those photos though. Don't be embarrassed, those things seem to get into all sorts of homes.
  14. Agreed. I think we've all been there in some for or another and can commiserate. Good luck!
  15. I have but have never built acrylic tanks. If you are looking for practical advice on building acrylic tanks, @eatyourpeas is your gal. She built the tank for her Puget Sound Biotope tank. Your looks like a cool project and I hope to get to see it successfully come together here.
  16. Awesome vid, and tanks @dasaltemelosguy!!! That oscar must be fun when you are cleaning the tank. He knows whose home that is. 😅 The clarity on that water is impressive! I always do "the bucket test" where I take the replacement water on a water change and set it next to the water that I took out (not when gravel vac'ing obviously though) and see if I can detect a color difference. I look for slightly yellowed water coming out. I'll bet your tanks pass that with flying colors! Or no color at all really. 🤪 Those fish look like they are suspended in air! Surreal in that way.
  17. If I had a dollar for every time someone said that about me throughout my life thus far... 💰💰💰
  18. Good luck, indeed! And happy travels! Also, thanks for the v-sump update! You know at least one sucker will always love those. This guy *points thumbs at self*
  19. Glad to see the update! I must admit my firs thought when I saw your first line was "Snails. Slow. You don't say. 🤨" Sorry. 🤣 I do get what you are saying though. Here's hoping you get some offspring from them.
  20. I can't recall where @PineSong is located, but here in MN, we can get down to -25C to -30C. It'd be quite a heater. 🤪 Actually, I do keep a birdbath heated in the winter, so maybe I am just not thinking about the right approach.
  21. Nice to see other folks combining terrestrial and aquatic critters! So many neat critters in the world, and it's fun to get to care for a diversity of them.
  22. Mine haven't eaten anything I've had in the years I've owned them. But, I've not put them with java fern, so there is that...
  23. Good question, and list! I might follow a modified subset of this as appropriate for my case. It is my first summer tub as well. Because I am only dealing with one plant (a dwarf lotus - Nelumbo) and some WCMM, my storage plan is pretty easy in my idealized world. Pull the lotus, let things settle. Net fish as possible. Pump water (my fountain is made by an internal power filter with a sponge on the intake) out to drop a few inches, net more fish, repeat as necessary. Then the lotus tuber(s) will be stored damp in a cool room in the basement, as will be true with the WCCM in their own 10 gal tank with the well seasoned filter from the summer. If production of WCMM exceeds the capacity of the tank, then BAP, give to LFS are the plan. I anticipate it will go about 20% as smoothly as I envision. I look forward to hearing how it all goes for you as I expect higher success for you.
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