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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Back when I bred bettas the curved piece of styro from cup worked everytime.
  2. You would surprised how little has changed since this book was published.
  3. One of the guidelines is that aquarium related companies are not discussed positively or negatively.
  4. This was really helpful!
  5. In the morning when I eat breakfast in the dining room, my discus are hungry too. They come over and beg for food, and of course I feed them. They have me trained.
  6. That is it, but it would not be usable on a mobile phone.
  7. Exactly, see how the plant that might be Alternanthera is growing in deeper water and the other stuff is right at the edge? That alone kinda lets you know which is the true aquatic. The stuff that isn't Frogbit does grow better in a few inches of water than it does right at the edge, so that does give you something to think about. Maybe there is hope for it.
  8. My lights go on and off according to a program that tracks changing day length. So every day they come on a 30 - 60 seconds later and they go off 30 - 60 earlier than the day before. By late December they will reach their shortest time period and stall and then reverse the trend until June of 2021 when they will repeat the cycle again.
  9. I am not a FaceBook person. Your enthusiasm is amazing! It was fun looking at what you had found.
  10. This looks you could have something interesting. Plant it and let's see what happens.
  11. Get a picture of the plants next time before you collect them so I can see the whole area. This is Bacopa caroliniana growing in a ditch. Here is the ditch.
  12. But that 'frogbit' looking one might grow partially submerged and be a cool plant that grows out the top of your aquarium.
  13. I don't know what the 'frogbit' looking plant is yet. Doesn't look like a keeper though.
  14. What happens to mosses (like the one in the picture above) from creeks and ponds is they cannot take the heat in our aquariums and die.
  15. This one could be Alternanthera, which might grow submerged, not sure yet. And yeah, just because it grows underwater, doesn't mean it will grow in your aquarium. Did the are look like the water was high? See how that plant is 'jointed'. That means it is a grass. The old botany saying is "Sedges have edges, and rushes are round, and grasses have joints (when cops aren't around)". So not a Val.
  16. Put the one I asked about back in some water while I am working on it. Don't worry about the grasses, or any of the ones below, they are not aquatic.
  17. I leave 32 gallon Rubbermaid Brute trashcans outside during the winter with water in them and they hold up pretty well. They are made of a high density polyethylene.
  18. Chloramines are my current prime suspect in the 'Mystery of the water changes' mystery.
  19. Until you posted in the 'How do you fund your hobby' thread, I had always assumed you were an Actuary. But your thoroughness is refreshing, I know it gets me thinking! 🙂
  20. If someone tells me I 'cannot' do it, then instantly that is the thing I want to do. I say 'darn the torpedoes' (excuse my French) and do what you want. No matter what it will be a learning experience.
  21. So happy you caught it. This is a story you hear so many times on the forum, everyone in the aquarium going down hill, often soon after a water change. I always doubt it was a substance on the hands or some toxic cleaner that made it into the aquarium. And yet... a water change with the same source water that I am betting was the 'source' of the problem fixed the problem by dilution. Paradoxical to say the least. Unless of course my assumptions are wrong.🙂
  22. The learning curve is steep but Autodesk's Fusion 360 is free to students and for personal use and you can use it to create STL files for 3-D printing. I use it to design observation hives for honey bees and for all of my other woodworking projects. The panes of glass in the observation could just as easily be the glass of an aquarium. 🙂
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