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Fish Folk

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Everything posted by Fish Folk

  1. Decided to do this again. Breeding Betta splendens successfully is on my bucket list. Went to the “box store” and bought a cheap pair. Female has very long fins!
  2. Separate the runners. 'Tis the way of "nature, red in tooth and claw."
  3. I'd suggest that keeping Emerald Rasboras at 68-F would be at their _bottom end_ parameter. Sometimes you can "cheat" and get a few degrees by putting the tank up near the ceiling. The closer to the basement floor, the colder the tank will stay. I definitely keep a LOT of fish with no heaters. North American Native Fish (NANF) come in loads of glorious colors. They'd all _love_ a 68-F tank. Here's a random bunch of photos from NANF species I'm currently keeping. Feel free to ask any questions...
  4. There was another small thread on this awhile back... I don't think you necessarily need to worry about it. There are some fish species that will nibble away at it. Eventually it dissipates. Snails may help cut it back some.
  5. Mission Impossible series, 1966, Pilot episode. Goldfish Aquarium...
  6. Can you say more about this? What’s your temperature? Water parameters? Flow? Filtration? Vision for the whole thing? Livebearers will spawn “passively.” Nonstop. Blue-eyed Rainbowfish are lovely, lively nano species that may spawn in surface plants Check this out…
  7. Yes. You may need to creatively limit options.
  8. @Ben P. I have worked with Nothobranchius rachovii and Nothobranchius guentheri. I haven’t personally found success buying eggs and hatching them. But others have. If you’re in US lower 48, reach out to a US killi breeder. I have some eggs + peat from N. rachovii that will be ready to hatch around Easter. If you’re still looking by then, I’ll sell you them at 1-month of age.
  9. These brothers don’t often pause long enough together in front of the camera. Definitely mature!
  10. A win for FCB at the Anoeta. Last second glory goal from big defender…
  11. If this works, take loads of photos and show the Forum. I'd love to learn your tips for breeding Bettas. I've started down that road, but never finished the journey yet. It's on my breeder's "bucket-list" for sure!
  12. I'm impressed that you've mastered breeding Bettas! My one question: if you're successful, will the fry mix through the central divider, and prove to be confusing to keep distinct? Or are you not worried about that?
  13. Sorry to hear about your Betta. It's never fun to lose a wet pet. I think that the smaller a tank, the more _unstable_ its water chemistry is. I'd assume that the 40 breeder stays more stable, less prone to fluctuation on the whole, than the 5 gal nano tank. I let plants go crazy in my tiny tanks. Indian Swamped, Duckweed, Water Wisteria, Java Moss -- I find that the plants help to balance the whole eco system, absorb any ammonia spikes, etc. You could use Peat moss all over in there -- or in a net suspended someplace. That can lower pH some. Plants really help to lower hardness. You might enjoy keeping a small African Killifish species in there. They don't mind wide parameters. I breed Fundulopanchax Scheeli (Emerald Killifish) in 5.5 gal aquariums. They're gorgeous, but more shy than Bettas...
  14. Welcome aboard! Beautiful tanks. Lots of different interests among folks here. Hope you enjoy the comraderie.
  15. NANF photos from home this evening… Greenhead Shiner Banded Darter Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish Rainbow Shiner Fireyblack Shiner 🔥
  16. Hey all! I apologize for being slow to respond . . . life got busy this past month. I really haven't even been giving the fishroom enough care of late. For November, if everyone is up for it, here is a short (23-min long) free film published by Freshwaters Illustrated titled "The Lost Fish" (ca. 2014) about the Pacific Lamprey. It is definitely a conservation film. I am reminded of programs like CARES Priority List that document fish species suitable for aquariums that are endangered or at risk. Hope ya'll enjoy!
  17. I’m going to keep MISC journals about Livebearers here. I’m growing out Swordtails spawned outdoors last summer… They have some NANF tankmates - Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish (egg layers)… The adult brooders are in a separate aquaponic set up… They also share space with a different NANF species, the Bluefin Killifish (also an egg layer)…. Also enjoying an ongoing breeding group of “Precious Metals” Guppies…
  18. My son got a new rare migration sighting. Ash-Throated Flycatcher: normally a west coast bird. Rather odd for Maryland…
  19. We return them. We do, however, occasionally travel south to collect stock that we keep…
  20. Another local waterways outing today. Nice to visit our miniature aquatic neighbors! Sculpin… Fantail Darter… Rosysided Dace… White Sucker… Stone Roller… Blacknose Dace + Rosysided Dace… The Old Man 😎… The Young Lad 🥳…
  21. I think you do not need to worry, especially given the plans. Apistos generally do fine with little greenery. Some species do like botanicals, leaf litter, and tannins. Best luck to you!
  22. You had me at the Mythosaur 🤘 Yes, that can work. I have Anubias doing that in several tanks successfully.
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