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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Hello all, Spiders can’t drown, though they don’t swim either. I just got a photo of one of my slings drinking water while walking on water. Enjoy!
  2. If removing a body part is the only way you could have a crayfish, then I’d say don’t get a crayfish. Or get rid of your fish and then the crayfish can have a nice home. You could easily house a crayfish in a 20 gallon (maybe even 10), so why not just set up a species only tank? Either way, I’d say do one or the other, but definitely don’t modify it for your liking.
  3. Personally, I prefer the first photo, however that could change by day or by mood. They’re all really nice looking. However, if I were in your shoes, I’d only purchase and breed what I loved looking at everyday. I have attempted at purchasing and breeding “popular” strains before that I wasn’t crazy about and they never last very long. They usually ended up getting traded for something that I actually liked.
  4. I’d say with quite certainty that this is a bacterial bloom. It has nothing to do with the gravel.
  5. @Atitagain I understand the ambition. I always have to slow myself down to take myself through every step. Sometimes I journal what I’m doing, so I can make corrections as I go.
  6. Those could work, though I have no experience with either. If you have small fish or fry, just be sure to plug the intake with sponge or something similar to block them from getting sucked up. Good luck
  7. Personally, I think you’d be ok, however if possible, I’d set up a smaller tank with some burlap in it so you can run water tests to know for sure.
  8. @ARMYVET I don’t remember the exact quote, but it was something like 2 of them for $1200/shipped. Way too rich for my blood.
  9. I’ve purchased slate from a local landscaping yard for fairly cheap. You get a large quantity, though cleanup is a bit more work. And like @gardenman stated, you can customize the shapes with some sandpaper or a Dremel.
  10. @ARMYVET Those are the ones I was looking to get because they are square. However once I got to the price with shipping, it became unattainable for me. Most cheaper ones from most places come round which means they take up much more room. Guess I’ll have to keep dreaming.
  11. Be very careful when dealing with any tubs over 30 gallons. You’ll see the bowing immediately, unless you double them up. At that point, you may as well purchase a thicker plastic.
  12. I don’t know much on the topic, but polyester is a plastic, so it can be molded into any basic shape.
  13. Hello all, Here are 2 of my tarantulas. 1st photo is a Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens sling (baby spider). 2nd photo is the same Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens as an older juvenile. These are its final colors. 3rd photo is a Hapalopus spp. Large, Colombian Pumpkin Patch juvenile.
  14. Moving aquariums always give me anxiety. You never know what can and will give. It could be the silicone or it could something not as catastrophic, like scratching the glass up. Personally I’d never set up an aquarium where I’m guaranteed to move it once per year. Seems like an eventual recipe for disaster.
  15. I would carefully attempt with a razor. A putty knife will also do. Whenever I purchase aquariums at the $1 per gallon sale, I always seem to end up with an aquarium with loose silicone all over it. Although, for the price I’m not complaining.
  16. You could always build your own so that you can customize it to your needs. I’ve never used a purchased rack for aquariums, but I do use a “monster rack” for my tarantulas. It’s clearly overkill for my T’s because it can hold a load of 1000lb per shelf. I’m sure you could use a similar rack for smaller aquariums.
  17. I’ve always loved repashy, I just hate making it. It’s very simple and straightforward, I just don’t prefer making the stuff. I can never get it exactly how I want and it’s quite expensive to experiment with. I am aware that it’s probably one of the best fish foods out there.
  18. I’m definitely no snail expert, but they most similarly look like Malaysian Trumpet snails. They burrow in the substrate so it would make sense that they were introduced via a scoop of substrate. They look like they may be a different variant/sp.
  19. You’ll be totally fine. Personally, I’d run an experiment. I’d run it with no heater and considering you’d be raising it about 2-4 degrees depending on lights and power equipment, I think you’d be ok. It would save you some money and the stress of figuring out what to do when they eventually break. Good luck!
  20. @Colby mif FIN Years ago, I housed Larry a 9” Zen Zhou/Red Dragon with an 8” Endlicheri Bichir in a 75 gallon until the bichir got moved into a mixed bichir setup elsewhere. Personally, I would give the bichir hiding spots (Malaysian Driftwood) on both sides of the aquarium. Place the bichir in first. Let it get accustomed to its new home, for about 30 days or so (the longer, the better) then add the FH. Do you have a way to target feed the bichirs? It’s not easy getting anything past a FH. Also worst case scenario, you could always divide the aquarium using egg crate. Cut out 3-4 holes just large enough for the bichir to fit, but not the FH. This will give the bichir am escape plan, in case Godzilla decides to act like Godzilla. In all reality, it’s going to come down to the personality of the FH. I’ve owned a few and their personalities vary. I’ve owned a highly territorial male and I’ve owned a very gregarious male. Good luck and hope this helps.
  21. I was raised by immigrant Italian parents so a few things come to mind. However, IMO, nothing beats an espresso and a cannoli.
  22. Hello all, My taste varies from Deicide to David Allen Coe to John Coltrane to Odd Future to CCR. I lean mostly towards death metal, but podcasts take up a huge amount of my listening time. This always cheers me up, enjoy!
  23. IME, all the fun is in watching them bulldoze the substrate into their desired little world. It’s pretty fascinating, and I’d find it less than ideal to have them in a bare bottom tank. I’m sure it can be done, but it removes a cool part of their appeal.
  24. @Streetwise I nominate a “I’m just here for the badges” badge 😎 just busting chops dude, you’re excellent.
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