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Everything posted by Tre

  1. I know I should just stick to reddit or someplace like HERE but I like helping new folks or just browsing. Sometimes you hit great stuff. I’m trying to ignore the bettas in 0.5 gallons and the girl upset her fish died after a 100 water change (which she does each week) but.... peroxide. I’m a chemist. It’s great for cleaning glass, bleaching hair and spot treating things..... Am I the only human who has shrimp and does not literally pour peroxide into my tank???? I hadn’t heard of doing this. I would only put peroxide in a “working” tank with the filter off and through a syringe to spot treat while keeping inhabitants away. An admin for a group literally said they dose their tank with peroxide weekly.... yes it turns to water and oxygen but not before it oxidizes organic material it contacts. I felt like maybe some folks were not speaking up....I advised the person that was worried they may have crashed their cycle but seemed the only one not saying “oh I pour (insert 1-3 ml) per gallon into my tank for (insert algae, disease or other strange reason)” I’m sorry if anyone doses their tank with peroxide but I must have missed this train. I would be more likely to remove an item, spot treat, wait, replace.... am I wrong???
  2. 😅I'm not getting rid of my husband that easy! I would have to really start getting more tanks.... hmmmm "But the child neeeeeds a puffer! I don't want to watch Murphy again!" (Tries to justify budget)
  3. Sweet! I always used a fish bowl or critter keeper to grow to adults. Love this post.
  4. Yeah definitely not too much division. I'm too used to the issue of having an insane amount of topics and subtopics. I think a Tech/Equipment and a Livestock sub would be nice. I don't want to miss reviews, new stuff or those small things people mention that you can find at the dollar store and safe you an hour of screaming....
  5. Oh bonus thought for whomever is controlling these decisions. Diseases.... might want to make that Issues? or Tank issues? So the is this fish ok? What is this? and those things make it there. I think folks with problems are not posting there because the are not sure it's a Disease... Maybe "Dots, Spots, Diseases, and disasters" ?
  6. Cuttlebone is white. I would say Indian Almond leaf from the first pic but the second pic is more confusing.... Where did you order it? What was the package of items labeled as?
  7. Omg @Cory reusable clings! You can put them on tanks but they come off if you need! Car windows and kids can use them! I realize my house will be covered in Murphys....but.... I need these. (Hands Credit Card over)
  8. Omg! I want a window decal like that to freak out people in other cars.... or our mailman. ><
  9. Hope everyone is enjoying some tank time!


  10. I wandered on to look at things and realized how quick some pages are filling up. i was wondering if you wanted to break ground into new discussions. Equipment? Reviews, questions, suggestions Plants, Livestock, Tanks (new setups, reviews, questions, suggestions) I would keep general discussion but I was just thinking us tech nerds and those looking for new/good stuff could easily find it. Also a sub to discuss Plants specifically would be hot.... the other, livestock would be cool.... Those seem to be the biggest areas that pop up and I’m not an expert but not on constantly so I might miss a great topic. Oh and please pin aquarium memes. Lol
  11. I saw this post and thought... “I gotta get one of those.” Finally ordered because when the hurricane rolled through and power was out about 24 hours, I thought we would be fine. I have a back I could plug in if needed. Lost at least 3 shrimp...not a big deal but realize you never know.
  12. Shrimp are great additions if you have other tanks. I think I might be a shrimp fairy.... (sprinkles little neocaridina to all the tanks)
  13. Nice the fish school kit has a small weighted half a field for football/soccer or American football. Hoops, rings, poles.... and his kid is a humorous side kick in the videos. My kid loves it. Of course he has the betta trained to come to the aquarium door for food but he's working on anything more.
  14. @Streetwise is it terrible I got the training school for my kid and his betta. He sucks with the wand with his tiny hands but maybe someday that fish will do something other then eat, ride on snails and sleep.
  15. This is my plan. (Drugs husband)
  16. I would much rather have such a prestigious aquatic title as puffer. Dan wins! @Cory go ahead and make cute titles. 😉. Ya know....because you have extreme amount of free time.
  17. So the shrimp that are in quarantine....I had 2 berries. One was not for 2 days and now the other is bare. I’ve had them about 2 weeks....while I know the plethora of happy little critters that inhabit our waters..... am I seeing newly hatched baby shrimp here? Using phone....trying macro lens but just up and right of center is a white critter with a “v” tail.
  18. I’m an 80s kid you did walk to school and had box filters as a kid. It always amazed me how you could customize those buggers. I think they are especially good for uses like this where you’re dealing with specific needs and don’t want an HOB. shrimp would be delighted. I’m still amazed at some of the stuff now. I’m in love with LED lights!
  19. @Dean’s Fishroom has issues with guppy grass? Also owns no snails? But what do your oversized carnivores eat for crunchy late night snacks?!? honestly to each his own. I’m just surprised!
  20. Ppm in a 10 gallon? Ummmm that doesn’t sound kosher. I get ppm of the bottle but I was saying after dosing a tank, what is the resulting change in Nitrates? In the tank. Not the dosing bottle. I find this answer....awesome either way. 🙂
  21. So I’ve got my Easy Green, Easy Iron, and East Carbon. I’ve used others....still have some. I’m curious if anyone has tested the number. So I test my Nitrates especially as my plants are growing....and my algae currently. I have not started before and after tests because I feel there are too many variables in a tank but.... A dose/squirt of easy green would be how much nitrate in ppm in the suggested 10 gallons of water? I may test before and after. I’m one of those folks that fiddles too much. Thank heaven I have my kid’s tank to keep me from inadvertently killing mine.
  22. @Nataku oh yeah! Pond folks. I would say a nice sleek Koi. I’m a cichlids fan and wasn’t trying to lump my sentiments into it. So many beautiful colors and cool variety. Khuli loaches are awesome but definitely back burner with a loach already in the mix. Clown loach though. My only clown loach was a monster. Loved him some snail. I really need to get the rest. ><
  23. Moving plants I try to hand wipe them depending on the type. Run your hands from “the water line” where it was down to the tip a few times to get things loose. Do this above water obviously. To avoid detritus you could do over a bucket of pond water. I do this with a combo of rough swishing in the water. Good luck. Maybe you should sell em. Although it could be more hassle then it’s worth.
  24. Like all good things in life, we want more. I love aquarium coop decals. I have to buy duplicates for my son... I'm missing 3 but I remember Cory mentioning the decals and which fish represent aspects of the hobby. While we all want our favorites in a coop decal form....what do you think the future decals should/could be.... (This is not a post by a coop member but someone wondering the thoughts and wishes of others.) So we have Betta, angelfish, tetra, discus, loach and ray lovers covered for sure.... I think cichlids are covered too. Shrimp lovers.... I think a cherry shrimp or caridina shrimp would be a great add..... shrimp lovers unite.... I would scream Amano but it might be drab and the others are more common. Guppy/Endler .... I do not believe I have seen a guppy/endler sticker. If there isn't one....this is obviously a cruel oversight. More Murphy Poses. My kid wants em and I need em. Plants..... How am I supposed to let me kid make cool aquascapes without stickers of decor? really? I think a few plants would really help.... Anubias would be a nice start....some driftwood.... Snails.... obviously this sticker was created and lost. There is no way coop forgot snails....right???? I think Ramshorn or Mystery.....but I could see Cory wanting his Malaysian Trumpet snail that survived the apocolypse. While I would love to see varieties of wild betta stickers, I realize that's crazy and we can only ask for so much..... Beside fish chibi versions of the crew would be awesome.... Who doesn't want a Dean, Jimmy, Cory or other large headed coop staff there to feed the fish decals. ><
  25. Yes. Even photos with a short description of how things are going along. Then here we can discourse like mad scientists.
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