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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. I'm so sorry you lost Ponyo. We've all made mistakes when first starting out, and even old veterans in the hobby can screw up too. But we're here to help you along your fish keeping journey. Don't give up! ❤️
  2. The one in that video is definitely a coopers hawk. Sharp shinned hawks have really skinny little stick legs compared to them. Sharp Shinned: Coopers:
  3. Hot rodding a filter is when you fill it full of sponge or other media to optimize it's capacity. Here's a video the Co-Op did where Cory hot rods a Marineland portrait tank. Not the same kind of tank as you have, but it has the same kind of compartment to it.
  4. That looks very much like a cooper's hawk to me. We have one in our wooded yard I see now and then (it was sitting on a bench outside the back door the other day and I scared it when I opened the door). Very cool you were able to photograph it! We also have a mated pair of great horned owls I hear in the evenings. I have yet to get a sighting of them, but a few nights ago one was on the roof and I could hear its hooting through the chimney - it was so loud! There's also a cell tower behind our house that is a perch for a group of turkey vultures. Sometimes they roost in the trees around the house at night. Always so neat to see the local wildlife!
  5. If there's a local botanical garden in your area, they often have koi ponds. You could see if they can take it in.
  6. Looks like we found the root of the problem - your tank is not cycled. At all times, in a cycled tank, Ammonia and Nitrite should be measuring 0. All fish produce waste, which is poisonous and degrades the water quality, leading them to become sick. A cycled tank will have a bacteria colony within it that will eat up the toxins and keep the water safe for the fish to live in. These bacteria colonies live within your filter media, and so if you completely change out your filter, you will completely lose your bacteria colony. Let me find you a Co-Op video explaining the nitrogen cycle. I'm so sorry to hear Ponyo is not doing well! It sounds like his swim bladder might be getting affected. Please let us know what the water params are in the hospital tank and we'll go from there.
  7. I have a 29 gal under my 40 breeder using that stand. The tank isn't actually resting on the bottom rack, though, it's resting on a thick piece of wood on the floor (you can see it behind my tortoise).
  8. I'm sorry its stressing you out, that would stress me out too, but that pic is so adorable.
  9. Wow that store looks amazing! I would definitely be happier paying a bit more for such a nice place to shop at locally.
  10. I'm a little concerned that there's no presence of nitrates in your water when you do not have any live plants in the tank (a planted tank will consume nitrates, whereas an unplanted tank needs water changes to lower nitrates). This could mean your tank isn't cycled. Do you ever see any nitrates before you do a water change? An uncyled tank definitely could cause fin rot.
  11. Welcome to the forum! That is a gorgeous tank, and I can't wait to see what you do with the 300. And kudos to you for wanting to provide the best for your water buddies!
  12. I definitely am not an expert on java ferns, but I do know that they can take a while to establish. Since it's just been 2 weeks, it might be still acclimating and old leaves are dying off. Easy Green SHOULD be providing all that they need. Maybe wait and see if new growth shows up in another month? This at least has been my experience with the windelov variety.
  13. It's my favorite house plant! We have some growing all over the brick wall over our fire place and I love it. And it just looks so good growing out of aquariums.
  14. If they go from a dark room to suddenly bright from the light, or vice versa, that definitely could spook them.
  15. Do you have any floating plants? I've heard they can help with jumping as they provide a "ceiling." Something like frog bit. But I agree, a lid would be the best solution. Even just using saran wrap would work.
  16. I've only ever had my one, and he's kept solo. So I can't comment on keeping them in a community.
  17. The shrimp would most likely end up being pea puffer snacks, I'm afraid.
  18. Worked for me! Also had to jump on that plant discount the Co-Op has going on.
  19. I wish I had thought of that when I was working on dimming the lighting in my catfish's tank! I do have the cheaper lights; Nicrew. But I went ahead and just bought a dimmer.
  20. I'm lazy and don't clean out my sponge filters often, but I cleaned the one in the 40 today and it made the blackest poop coffee ever. No pics, sorry. 😉 I also dug out Pooka's (my featherfin catfish) cave, because she's gotten so big she had to squeeze into it.
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