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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. Wow, they really colored up! That male looks stunning😍
  2. I’ve heard Kribensis can be absolute turds when they’re breeding, so keep an eye on them in a community type tank. But like @AtomicSunfish a colony type tank they would probably thrive in! Seems like a fun size tank, excited to see what you do with it 🙂
  3. If you guys think you can handle it then you got it😂but reach out if you need a third opinion on anything
  4. My personal favorite pleco varieties are the Lemon Blue Eye bristlenose (which you may have kept) and L-201 (snowball pleco). I feel like you won’t see them much but if that’s what you enjoy, go for it 🙂 Some fun schooling fish you might consider would be cherry barbs. I think they’re awesome. Or maybe something that stays right at the top like clown killis or a Pencilfish variety. Maybe you’d have fun with some sort of centerpiece fish. It might give your eye sometbing to draw to and add more personality to the tank! Some sort of Gourami or Gourami group, a few Bolivian Rams or something would be cool. If your bottom of the tank is empty, why not a big group of Cory’s? You might have fun with those. Although I bet you’ve already kept them and there’s a reason they’re not in this tank 🙂 I get the impression you’ve kept a lot more fish than me so take everything I say with a grain of salt😂
  5. I have a nerite as well but it sounds like you’ve got it handled. Lmk if you need any extra info and I’ll do my best to help 🙂
  6. I’m glad to hear this! Been wanting to try them but I am a little scared… there’s a 7g rimless tank on FB I’ve been eyeing just for this… thanks for sharing @GoofyGarra!
  7. That’s the goal😅that’s why I had to treat for the BGA because it was taking over and hindering plant growth🫡 But now that the cyano is dead plants seem to be perking up. The one plant that was completely unaffected by the BGA outbreak was my dwarf Lily! So PSA to pick one up if you’ve never tried them because this thing was invincible! I swear this leaf grew from nothing to thr size of my hand in two days. I didn’t want to trim it but it was completely blocking my rotala😂
  8. Good thinking. I honestly haven’t heard of a single person who’s had a single chili death from Dans. They’re definitely your best bet.
  9. I second this ^ Tons of colors to choose from!
  10. Well, I made a dummy move🙈 I was on my second round of Slime Out and had a crazy long two days so ended up not having time to change water until 4 days after dosing… the package tells you to do a 25% water change after two days. So I went to change water and test today and my nitrites were nearing 5ppm👀 Thankfully no ammonia but still gave me a heart attack. Did a 50% water change and will probably continue to do that for the next couple days. However I’m worried because I leave for 4 days on Wednesday morning so I’m hoping I can water change this thing under control and not have my nitrites skyrocket while I’m gone! I should have known when @Guppysnail warmed me that cyano releases ammonia like crazy when it dies. Sigh. Thoughts for getting nitrites under control quick? Water changing is likely the only way? Hoping this didn’t completely crash my cycle or something, but I’m hopeful since there isn’t any ammonia showing.🤞
  11. Heres a guide someone on Reddit made, I believe. Might help 🙂
  12. Definitely chilis with the stripe and I’m guessing dwarf rasbora with the black dot. But those could also be phoenix Rasboras too.
  13. Aquabid and the Fish Swap topic on this forum are other good options. The Fish Swap will appear on your page as soon as you make 50 meaningful posts 🙂 But I guess it depends on how many fish you are trying to sell. The Fish Swap is probably not meant for people to be selling a crap ton of fish but Aquabid I think you can get away with having a sort of little “company” going.
  14. Or Fritz Slime Out works as well. It's basically the same as Maracyn except it doesn't release as many phosphates and it's intended purpose is to kill Cyano 🙂 I used it just barely and it worked like a charm!
  15. The gourami will be fine. It's not ideal for the pandas but I don't think you need to return them. As long as they seem fat and happy I wouldn't worry too much.
  16. I wouldn’t put Panda Cory’s in anything under a 20 unfortunately. If you want Cory’s, you could definitely do a little school of Pygmy Corydoras! They do tend to school midwater so just keep that in mind. As for schooling fish, I think you could easily fit a little school of small fish in there. Anything that tops out around an inch would be ideal. Ember Tetras, Chili Rasboras, CPD’s, Clown Killifish (which stay up top), and Green Neon Tetras are all great options. And I do agree your Gourami is definitely a thick lipped, not a Honey. 🙂
  17. Beautiful betta! Mine changed quite a lot too, but not exactly in the stunning way that yours did! Mine was a butterfly so I knew he would eventually lose all his white but it happened faster than I thought lol. Then now ^ (the fin tear has since healed).
  18. I just barely had a chance to read through this journal. I can totally see the amount of effort you put into this - it shows! Those killis look insanely cool! Everything about the tank is awesome. I know you’ve been complimented 100 times but it truly is incredible!
  19. Looks awesome! Nice scape and the plants look super healthy!
  20. I really like Pogo Octopus, Brazilian Pennywort, any Crypt variety (but wendtii has been the easiest in my experience), Val, water sprite (floating), and dwarf aquarium Lily (I recently got one and it is BOOMING!!)
  21. I have a tiny little notepad that I use whenever I water change. Basically I just test the water and write down all the results, plus how much I fertilized, if I’m dosing any meds and how much/what kind of algae is going on. I used to be pretty consistent but I kinda let it slip for the past couple weeks……..😂 That app sounds super cool!
  22. I’m team Cory too! Depending on your pleco variety, they may either get huge or you’ll pretty much never see them😂 And Kuhli loaches are awesome little noodles but they also can be very shy. Corys are always out and about in the town and I think they just add a lot of activity to the bottom of the tank! I vote Pandas or Julliis but it really comes down to personal preference.
  23. If you like the look of the Val folded over, there’s no problem keeping it in there. You can also trim it every so often to make sure it doesn’t block the light from the over plants!
  24. A 20g gives you plenty of options for tankmates. I don't foresee the Rosy Loaches causing any problems! You can have those as a bottom dweller crew, pick a midwater schooling fish for the middle of the tank, and the betta for the centerpiece. Kudos for thinking ahead about having a backup plan for your betta. You can increase your chances of it working out by adding the betta very last. And if possible and if you'll be buying it locally, you can try to hold the betta up to your stores other tanks to see how they react (if they flare like crazy, probably not the best choice lol). Also, bettas are pretty dang forgiving when it comes to water parameters. My pH is around 8.2-8.4 and my betta does quite well, so don't worry about your pH 🙂 The biofilm on the wood is a good sign. And plus, shrimp and snails love to eat that stuff. I don't see any problem not running a heater, too! Lucky you for having such nice water temperature all the time! Best of luck
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